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The Inquisition, Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, is a part of the Catholic Church whose aim is to combat heresy. It started in the 12th century.It does not matter, because Kepler did. 7 years before the first injunction(!).
Again: the court did not bother to investigate observational evidenceWhy should we care?
Heresy is the teaching of something contrary to the teaching of the Church and was a capital offense.
The trinity is not a scientific fact but it is a Christian belief and people, including Michael Servetus, were given the ultimate punishment for teaching against it.
So a heresy has nothing to do with the science of a belief and the purpose of the inquisition is not to discover scientific facts.
Catholic biblical exegesis was consistent with the Ptolemaic and the Tychonic models. Galileo held and taught the Copernican model. Believing in the Copernican model could led people to heretical belief, so the Church told Galileo to stop teaching Copernicus as a fact until he could prove it was a fact.
In 1609, there were four models on the table; Ptolemaic, Coperican, Tychonic, and Kerplerian.
By the time Galileo wrote his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, in 1632, the Church knew that the Ptolemaic model was not a fact because of the observed phases of Venus, and it knew the Tychonic model was more accurate than the Copernican model. Galileo was teaching the Copernican model and mocking the Church for believing the Ptolemaic model. So basically Galileo was beating the Church with a straw man.
One way in which the Tychonic model was superior to the Copernican Model was the accuracy in which it predicted the location of Mars. Every 32 years for a few weeks, Mars was way off where it was expected to be, using Ptolemy and Copernicus. Tycho proved his theory in his observation of Mars in 1593. Kepler, using Tyco’s data, developed a model of elliptic movement of the planets around the sun. In 1625, he observed the location of Mars and found his model to be more accurate than Tycho in predicting the location of Mars, in the 32 year cycle. Because Tyco and Kepler used very special instruments to make their measurements, most people didn’t see any real difference between the Typhonic model and the Keplerian model except for this 32 year event. The next chance scientists would have to verify Kepler would be 1657; 25 years after the trial.Exact prediction of Mars orbit, which is impossible under any other model.
By the 1660’s, the Tychonic model had lost most of its support.