Obviously there is a difference in belief between our two churches. My understanding is that we are not here to try to convert you; we are simply here to correct misconceptions.
However, when looking at another religion, one must be objective. If you look at it through the eyes of what you believe, of course it will not match up - it’s not your church/belief! Some of the concepts might appear different or odd; that is to be expected. I know to me (and probably to a lot of my fellow LDS members) that anyone could believe in the Catholic church is just amazing, especially that they would convert from LDS to Catholicism. It appears that wrong to me. That is why I am a Latter-Day Saint. I would not go so far as to say that Catholics are not “Christians”, simply because they profess to believe in Christ and follow him (which is the definition of Christian), and they are basically doing the best they know how, which is all that any of us can do.
I agree that of all the Christian churches, as far as authority and Truth goes, it has to be either Catholicism or us. Logic, to me, shows that it is us. For an unchanging God who had prophets and revelation in former days to stop having prophets does not make sense. That changes in doctrine can occur over time makes sense as we receive further light and knowledge from Heavenly Father. He gives to us “line upon line, precept upon precept.” In the beginning Christ did not immediately tell the people that it was okay to eat any sort of meat, that the law of Moses regarding this had been fulfilled. He revealed it to His prophet, Peter, at a later date. I’d much rather have things revealed a little at a time, so that I have a better chance of being able to do and comprehend them all.
As for the sustaining process, it is part of our church belief. We do not “blindly” follow the prophet, and there are instances in the past history of the church when someone has NOT been sustained by a majority. However, we do believe that the prophet is entitled to revelation for the church, and we support that, which is really all that the sustaining signifies. If the Prophet and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles establish something as doctrine, then it is doctrine.
The thing is that we believe that the Prophet is a prophet and a man. When he is teaching something that is revealed from God, then he is teaching us doctrine. If he is teaching us something he thinks is true, from his own thinking, then it isn’t necessarily doctrine. It could be true; it could be not true. I do know that answers to peripheral questions such as whether God was a Man or has always been exactly as He is are not essential to my salvation, and I don’t need to understand them. I have what I consider my own knowledge concerning this, but I don’t see it as important to dwell on. The important thing to me as a member of Christ’s Church is that I communicate with Him, study the scriptures, and try to follow His example, repenting as I fall short. This is all that really matters and to get hung up on theological peripherals can be distracting from what our true purpose is. As the 9th Article of Faith states: We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. We don’t know everything; it hasn’t all been revealed. To say that Mary conceived through sexual relations with the Father or through some other means that He has that we are unaware of is just not right because it HAS NOT BEEN REVEALED. It really does make sense, if you try to look at it from our angle…
However, when looking at another religion, one must be objective. If you look at it through the eyes of what you believe, of course it will not match up - it’s not your church/belief! Some of the concepts might appear different or odd; that is to be expected. I know to me (and probably to a lot of my fellow LDS members) that anyone could believe in the Catholic church is just amazing, especially that they would convert from LDS to Catholicism. It appears that wrong to me. That is why I am a Latter-Day Saint. I would not go so far as to say that Catholics are not “Christians”, simply because they profess to believe in Christ and follow him (which is the definition of Christian), and they are basically doing the best they know how, which is all that any of us can do.
I agree that of all the Christian churches, as far as authority and Truth goes, it has to be either Catholicism or us. Logic, to me, shows that it is us. For an unchanging God who had prophets and revelation in former days to stop having prophets does not make sense. That changes in doctrine can occur over time makes sense as we receive further light and knowledge from Heavenly Father. He gives to us “line upon line, precept upon precept.” In the beginning Christ did not immediately tell the people that it was okay to eat any sort of meat, that the law of Moses regarding this had been fulfilled. He revealed it to His prophet, Peter, at a later date. I’d much rather have things revealed a little at a time, so that I have a better chance of being able to do and comprehend them all.
As for the sustaining process, it is part of our church belief. We do not “blindly” follow the prophet, and there are instances in the past history of the church when someone has NOT been sustained by a majority. However, we do believe that the prophet is entitled to revelation for the church, and we support that, which is really all that the sustaining signifies. If the Prophet and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles establish something as doctrine, then it is doctrine.
The thing is that we believe that the Prophet is a prophet and a man. When he is teaching something that is revealed from God, then he is teaching us doctrine. If he is teaching us something he thinks is true, from his own thinking, then it isn’t necessarily doctrine. It could be true; it could be not true. I do know that answers to peripheral questions such as whether God was a Man or has always been exactly as He is are not essential to my salvation, and I don’t need to understand them. I have what I consider my own knowledge concerning this, but I don’t see it as important to dwell on. The important thing to me as a member of Christ’s Church is that I communicate with Him, study the scriptures, and try to follow His example, repenting as I fall short. This is all that really matters and to get hung up on theological peripherals can be distracting from what our true purpose is. As the 9th Article of Faith states: We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. We don’t know everything; it hasn’t all been revealed. To say that Mary conceived through sexual relations with the Father or through some other means that He has that we are unaware of is just not right because it HAS NOT BEEN REVEALED. It really does make sense, if you try to look at it from our angle…