The unforgivable sin

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“Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come” - Matthew 12:31-32

I’m wondering just what exactly is this unpardonable sin? I have heard it is to say / think / claim that Jesus is of Satan. Is this true?

It’s weighing on my mind lately because I think I have committed it - I do not trust Jesus, I don’t want anything to do with him and I have resolved that as long as I live I will have nothing to do with him and the misery he offers. My experience of Jesus, Mary and the saints is that I honestly feel that they are mob who see nothing but evil in me and eternally condemn me. I feel and believe that the only path ever open to me is the gates of hell … why are they always open and heaven is always barred by Jesus? I told Jesus many months ago that he is evil and I see no difference between him and the evil one, both always plotting and scheming my eventual destruction.

sigh Is that belief the unpardonable sin? if it is then does that mean that regardless if I repent or convert in my lifetime, I am eternally damned because I won’t ever be forgiven.

Thankyou in advance for any advice and clarification of this issue 😦
“Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come” - Matthew 12:31-32

I’m wondering just what exactly is this unpardonable sin? I have heard it is to say / think / claim that Jesus is of Satan. Is this true?

It’s weighing on my mind lately because I think I have committed it - I do not trust Jesus, I don’t want anything to do with him and I have resolved that as long as I live I will have nothing to do with him and the misery he offers. My experience of Jesus, Mary and the saints is that I honestly feel that they are mob who see nothing but evil in me and eternally condemn me. I feel and believe that the only path ever open to me is the gates of hell … why are they always open and heaven is always barred by Jesus? I told Jesus many months ago that he is evil and I see no difference between him and the evil one, both always plotting and scheming my eventual destruction.

sigh Is that belief the unpardonable sin? if it is then does that mean that regardless if I repent or convert in my lifetime, I am eternally damned because I won’t ever be forgiven.

Thankyou in advance for any advice and clarification of this issue 😦
Not quite. Should you continue to reject Christ until you die, THEN you have committed the “unforgivable sin.” No one living at this moment has committed this sin because they still breathe and therefore have time to accept the Salvation Christ offers us. It is only when we deny Christ unto death we cannot be forgiven.

On a side note, I am sorry that you are going through this rough time. I’ll keep you in my prayers. God bless you.
The Apostles and disciples of Jesus’ own time, not to mention the Catholic Church’s thousands of saints, would have among them literally committed every sin possible during their lifetimes. All, without exception, were forgiven when they repented of them.

Quite probably St Paul would have committed the very sin you mention as a zealous young Pharisee persecuting Christians - he too was forgiven.
First know that I am praying for you.Mt.12:31,32.Blasphemy=attributing Jesus’ works to Satan.Jesus said you can be forgiven (ALL manner of Sin and Blasphemy Will be forgiven),except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.Jesus does not offer us misery but offers us Life.He does not block the door to Heaven,He Is the door to Heaven.People have the freedom to decide for themselves where they spend eternity…Peace
ALthough Jesus was flesh and God he was still flesh while on earth. There is no sin against the flesh that cannot be forgiven. (Jesus to the thief on the cross).
However, the unforgivable sin is one that is wontomly spoken against the Holy Spirit. (Peter to the husband and wife).

The husband and wife said that they would sell all they had and then give the money to the church, they sold the house and thought differently holding some of the money back. The husband was asked if he had sold all he said yes, and had he given all, the husband said yes, (to peter) and he dropped dead.

The wife came back and when asked, she said the same as the husband, and Peter said she lied to the Holy Spirit as had her husband, and her life was taken from her on the spot.

The Holy Spirit spoke to Lot and his family, that they were to leave Sodom straight away, the Spirit told them not to turn back, Lots wife defied the Holy Spirit and turned to a pillar of sault.

The prophet who was told my the spirit of God to go to a town and tell them God’s word. A lieing person came along with a lieing spirit in him and told him to do otherwise and latter the prophet listened and when he left the next day, from the lieing persons home, he was killed by the lion. because he had heard the spirit of God tell him what to do, but was foolish enough to listen to a person say they were a prophet, but it was a lieing spirit in him telling the prophet other than the spirit of God.
There are many relationships in the old and new testement where people have lied to the Spirit of God and have died.

But to lie to Jesus as Peter did at the last supper is different. Peter lied to Jesus (as man), but Peter was forgiven. All is governed by the MERCY of God. NOTHING goes past the mercy of God, God’s mercy is like God’s gift of discernment He gives to us.
It is when a person wontomly lies to the Holy Spirit of God meaningfully that the sin cannot be forgiven. That I believe is the most mortal of mortal sins.

God bless
First know that I am praying for you.Mt.12:31,32.Blasphemy=attributing Jesus’ works to Satan.Jesus said you can be forgiven (ALL manner of Sin and Blasphemy Will be forgiven),except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.Jesus does not offer us misery but offers us Life.He does not block the door to Heaven,He Is the door to Heaven.People have the freedom to decide for themselves where they spend eternity…Peace
I think you might have to look up who goes to heaven and who doesn’t for what ever reason.
Jesus tells us that ONLY those whose name is in the book of “life” will go to heaven.
Please don’t let this detract from the real thread as I don’t want to.

thankyou for your replies, they have helped alot in defining just what this sin is.

could I just ask what does ***It is when a person wontomly lies to the Holy Spirit of God meaningfully that the sin cannot be forgiven *** mean?


What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

If someone could explain this via the use of an example of an action a person may commit during their life I would very much appreciate it.

"sigh Is that belief the unpardonable sin? if it is then does that mean that regardless if I repent or convert in my lifetime, I am eternally damned because I won’t ever be forgiven.

Thankyou in advance for any advice and clarification of this issue 😦
wrong, the only unforgivable sin is NOT to repent and ask forgiveness. you were forgiven the moment you committed whatever sin you think you have that is so evil you are the worst sinner in the history of the planet. All that remains is for you to confess your sins and accept Christ’s mercy, which is all he offers, never misery. The misery is of our own making and comes from our sins.

and will you please change that screenname, that is not who you are, please go with beautifulgal
In the context of the scripture you quote,(Mt.12:31,32)attributing to Satan what is the work of the Holy Spirit.One example of the work of the Holy Spirit(The Catechism of the Catholic Church#688)In the charisms and ministries by which the Chirch is built up.We need to be careful what we attribute “as the work of Satan”.Sin is the work of Satan,Fear is the work of Satan etc.In the context of the Scripture you quoted,Satan cannot cast out Satan.Hope this helps.
May God’s peace, love, mercy and healing be with you!

God is Love and is Infinitely Merciful. There is nothing in this world that you can commit that Our Good Lord Jesus Christ cannot forgive. Even if you add your sins to my sins and the sins of the entire human race for all time, God continues to forgives us until our last breath of life provided that we ask for forgiveness, are repentant and are truly sorry for having offended God.

Our Good God once revealed to St. Catherine of Siena that the greatest sin that we could ever commit in this world is to think hat our sins are so great that God can never forgive us. It saddens God and is greatly offended by that sin of despair because it defames His Mercy which is Infinite/ Endless. So, we should never doubt but instead trust in the infinite mercy of God.

There is an Infinite difference between Jesus and Satan. Jesus is God and satan is His creature. Jesus is Love and is utmost purity and holiness while satan is devoid of love and has anger, hatred, envy, pride etc. Our Good Lord Jesus, out of great love for us became man to die for us, for our sins in order to redeem us so that we may have eternal life. Even if you are the only human being that needs to be redeemed for all time, Our Good Lord Jesus would still choose to suffer the same suffering, the same crucifixion, the same death just to save you and you alone. Satan on the other hand does anything and everything to tempt you so you will freely choose to offend God, lose you soul and be damned eternally in hell where He is destined for all eternity. Since he can never be in heaven, he wants everyone else to have the same fate as he does.

God loves you with an endless love. You are very special to Him for He has created you in His very own image and likeness. He is waiting for you and is always ready to welcome you with open arms. Open your heart to Jesus and from the bottom of your heart ask Him to help you know Him, His truth, His Love, His Mercy and make His presence known to you. Ask forgiveness for all the sins that you have committed in your entire life. Amend your life and resolve only to do good. If you are a Catholic, go and make a good confession. Attend Holy Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation (weekdays if you are able to) and receive Our Good Lord Jesus’ Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in holy communion. Pray the rosary daily for it is a great weapon against evil. Do daily spiritual reading of Sacred Scriptures and the lives of the saints. These will fill our souls with goodness and helps us to draw closer to Our Good God.

I entrust you to Our Blessed Mother Mary. Always invoke her maternal help and protection. She will never fail you. The evil spirits fear her greatly. Also ask for the help and protection of St. Michael the Archangel, our guardian angel, all the angels, saints and the holy souls in Purgatory.

If by any chance you were involved in occult practices, you will also have to reject those and dispose those items properly. You can ask the priest on how to do it or you can go to the forums at St. Pio center for deliverance counseling website for further info.

God bless!

Praying for you and for all!

Blesses be Jesus and Mary!
and will you please change that screenname, that is not who you are, please go with beautifulgal
DITTO!! You are a beloved child of God – beautiful and created in His image. :yup: 😃
May God’s peace, love, mercy and healing be with you!

God is Love and is Infinitely Merciful. There is nothing in this world that you can commit that Our Good Lord Jesus Christ cannot forgive. Even if you add your sins to my sins and the sins of the entire human race for all time, God continues to forgives us until our last breath of life provided that we ask for forgiveness, are repentant and are truly sorry for having offended God.

Our Good God once revealed to St. Catherine of Siena that the greatest sin that we could ever commit in this world is to think hat our sins are so great that God can never forgive us. It saddens God and is greatly offended by that sin of despair because it defames His Mercy which is Infinite/ Endless. So, we should never doubt but instead trust in the infinite mercy of God.

There is an Infinite difference between Jesus and Satan. Jesus is God and satan is His creature. Jesus is Love and is utmost purity and holiness while satan is devoid of love and has anger, hatred, envy, pride etc. Our Good Lord Jesus, out of great love for us became man to die for us, for our sins in order to redeem us so that we may have eternal life. Even if you are the only human being that needs to be redeemed for all time, Our Good Lord Jesus would still choose to suffer the same suffering, the same crucifixion, the same death just to save you and you alone. Satan on the other hand does anything and everything to tempt you so you will freely choose to offend God, lose you soul and be damned eternally in hell where He is destined for all eternity. Since he can never be in heaven, he wants everyone else to have the same fate as he does.

God loves you with an endless love. You are very special to Him for He has created you in His very own image and likeness. He is waiting for you and is always ready to welcome you with open arms. Open your heart to Jesus and from the bottom of your heart ask Him to help you know Him, His truth, His Love, His Mercy and make His presence known to you. Ask forgiveness for all the sins that you have committed in your entire life. Amend your life and resolve only to do good. If you are a Catholic, go and make a good confession. Attend Holy Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation (weekdays if you are able to) and receive Our Good Lord Jesus’ Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in holy communion. Pray the rosary daily for it is a great weapon against evil. Do daily spiritual reading of Sacred Scriptures and the lives of the saints. These will fill our souls with goodness and helps us to draw closer to Our Good God.

I entrust you to Our Blessed Mother Mary. Always invoke her maternal help and protection. She will never fail you. The evil spirits fear her greatly. Also ask for the help and protection of St. Michael the Archangel, our guardian angel, all the angels, saints and the holy souls in Purgatory.

If by any chance you were involved in occult practices, you will also have to reject those and dispose those items properly. You can ask the priest on how to do it or you can go to the forums at St. Pio center for deliverance counseling website for further info.

God bless!

Praying for you and for all!

Blesses be Jesus and Mary!
Excellent post, I give another big DITTO!

To the OP: I’m praying for you right now. I urge you to read the Diary of St. Faustina (see my signature below for a link). I’ve seen your posts here and there, and it is obvious you are searching and need some help. Keep praying, keep posting, but please, find a priest and talk to him. He’ll be able to help in ways we here can’t (confession, counsel, etc.) In the meantime, I’m sure everyone here will keep you in their prayers. :crossrc: :hug1:
Thankyou for your help, I assume from the general answer given, the unforgivable sin is failing to repent … is that right?

I’m sorry abut the username but I can’t change it, or at least I don’t know how to (and if I do start calling myself beautiful girl then I’ll get accused of pride and vanity :rolleyes: )
There is an Infinite difference between Jesus and Satan. Jesus is God and satan is His creature. Jesus is Love and is utmost purity and holiness while satan is devoid of love and has anger, hatred, envy, pride etc. Our Good Lord Jesus, out of great love for us became man to die for us, for our sins in order to redeem us so that we may have eternal life. Even if you are the only human being that needs to be redeemed for all time, Our Good Lord Jesus would still choose to suffer the same suffering, the same crucifixion, the same death just to save you and you alone. Satan on the other hand does anything and everything to tempt you so you will freely choose to offend God, lose you soul and be damned eternally in hell where He is destined for all eternity. Since he can never be in heaven, he wants everyone else to have the same fate as he does.
God loves you with an endless love. You are very special to Him for He has created you in His very own image and likeness. He is waiting for you and is always ready to welcome you with open arms. Open your heart to Jesus and from the bottom of your heart ask Him to help you know Him, His truth, His Love, His Mercy and make His presence known to you. Ask forgiveness for all the sins that you have committed in your entire life. Amend your life and resolve only to do good. If you are a Catholic, go and make a good confession. Attend Holy Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation (weekdays if you are able to) and receive Our Good Lord Jesus’ Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in holy communion. Pray the rosary daily for it is a great weapon against evil. Do daily spiritual reading of Sacred Scriptures and the lives of the saints. These will fill our souls with goodness and helps us to draw closer to Our Good God.
I entrust you to Our Blessed Mother Mary. Always invoke her maternal help and protection. She will never fail you. The evil spirits fear her greatly. Also ask for the help and protection of St. Michael the Archangel, our guardian angel, all the angels, saints and the holy souls in Purgatory.
I appreciate these words, they are very nice but I can’t accept them for many reasons. I can only imagine that your own experience of Jesus shines through these words and I am glad you see him in such a noble light.

Thankyou again to everyone who answered my question, they have given me food for thought

Thankyou for your help, I assume from the general answer given, the unforgivable sin is failing to repent … is that right?
Absolutely. Final impenitence in blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
I appreciate these words, they are very nice but I can’t accept them for many reasons.
4LoveofJesus has given you great advice and encouragment? Why can’t you accept his/her advice?

I would appeal to you to overcome your revulsion to things holy and pray to Jesus for Faith, Hope and Charity regardless of how difficult you find this. It’s sounds like you are in self-destruct mode and you need to pull out of this nose-dive. May God give you strength to do this.

I would suggest 2 prayers:

Blessed Michael the Archangel, defend us in the hour of battle.
Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
And may God restrain him we humbly pray
And do though O prince of the Heavenly Host
By the power of God
Thrust Satan into Hell and with him all the other evil spirit
Who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy!
Our life, our sweetness, and our hope!
To thee do we cry, poor banished
children of Eve, to thee do we send
up our sighs, mourning and weeping
in this valley, of tears.
Turn, then, most gracious advocate,
thine eyes of mercy toward us; and
after this our exile show unto us the
blessed fruit of thy womb Jesus;
O clement, O loving, O sweet virgin Mary.

Pray for us, O holy Mother of God
That we may be made worthy of the
promises of Christ.


God bless you!
4LoveofJesus has given you great advice and encouragment? Why can’t you accept his/her advice?
The reasons are long and complicated, perhaps I could pm or discuss them with someone, if anyone would have the patience to go through them 🤷
The words are very nice and they speak of a very good relationship this person has experienced with their God, I wish they were mine as well, but they aren’t.

I am very grateful for the advice and encouragement people have given me.
I’m also grateful that my question has been answered

Sure PM me or anyone else you feel comfortable with.

God bless,
Sure PM me or anyone else you feel comfortable with.

God bless,
I will second this.
I have sojorned from the Church and returned, so if I can be of service don’t hesitate to PM me.

It is obvious that you are concerned, but cannot get past certain issues. I may be necessary for you to step back and rebuild a faith from it’s very basic beginnings. Since I have gone through a similar journey myself I would be happy to help if I can.

May god Bless
May the peace of Christ that surpasses all human understanding be with you and to all!

Please do not hesitate to PM me anytime. You are always welcome to do so. Just remember, no matter what, you are never alone in your spiritual journey. We as members of the Body of Christ, His Church, in union with His Passion and Death on the Cross, offer unceasing prayers to God for you and for all. We are all here for each other, to guide each other, to help each other find our way back to God when we are lost, to lift each other up when the other one is down, to be a light in this world of darkness.

God bless!

Blessed be Jesus and Mary!
thankyou for your replies, they have helped alot in defining just what this sin is.

could I just ask what does ***It is when a person wontomly lies to the Holy Spirit of God meaningfully that the sin cannot be forgiven *** mean?
*If I were to say that I want all of God I give all to God holdiing nothing back, giving all to the church telling God to do wiht me what He wants etc etc,. Then I think again and decide that I don’t want this at all because I wan’t the worldly things ( maybe sex druggs & rock n role so as to speak, and Not God then I have lied to God. However we as humans cannot say that these are enough to pull us into hell. only God knows our heart and soul. These are enough to pull us into hell but whether they do or not depends soully on God’s mercy *

What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
If I were to say words statiing that the Holy Spirit is not God, or the Holy Spirit is trash or you know what I mean, four lettered words etc, then this is blaspheming the Holy Spirirt of God.

If someone could explain this via the use of an example of an action a person may commit during their life I would very much appreciate it.

The Catechism defines the unforgiveable sin:

CCC 1864 “Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.” There are no limits to the mercy of God, but anyone who deliberately refuses to accept his mercy by repenting, rejects the forgiveness of his sins and the salvation offered by the Holy Spirit. Such hardness of heart can lead to final impenitence and eternal loss.
In Theology, I have been taught that the unforgivable sin is believing that your sin is so great that not even God can forgive it. This goes back to a sin of pride, as in saying see what an exceptional person I am. Pride goes before the fall. What sin could have been greater than crucifying Jesus on the cross, yet one of the first things he said was, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
Deacon Ed B
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