The unforgivable sin

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I’ve struggled w/this for much of my adult life, being a sex addict has only added to the guilt and hopelessness. I have seen God’s hand reach out to me still, so I am seeking God, both in the Church and at my 12-step meetings/program. I have no other options, I’ve looked into other religions/philosophies and I simply can not embrace them, once you see truth, you can’t unsee it. I remember reading a story in the bible about two leppers who said if we stay here we die, if we go back we die, let us go up to Jerusalem and die! God had mercy on them, it is my hope He will have mercy on us as well.
“Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come” - Matthew 12:31-32

I’m wondering just what exactly is this unpardonable sin? I have heard it is to say / think / claim that Jesus is of Satan. Is this true?

It’s weighing on my mind lately because I think I have committed it - I do not trust Jesus, I don’t want anything to do with him and I have resolved that as long as I live I will have nothing to do with him and the misery he offers. My experience of Jesus, Mary and the saints is that I honestly feel that they are mob who see nothing but evil in me and eternally condemn me. I feel and believe that the only path ever open to me is the gates of hell … why are they always open and heaven is always barred by Jesus? I told Jesus many months ago that he is evil and I see no difference between him and the evil one, both always plotting and scheming my eventual destruction.

sigh Is that belief the unpardonable sin? if it is then does that mean that regardless if I repent or convert in my lifetime, I am eternally damned because I won’t ever be forgiven.

Thankyou in advance for any advice and clarification of this issue 😦
I have no formal credentials so take what I say for what it’s worth. I can’t answer your question either but I’ll offer this.

Your honesty is incredible and it in it’s self is evidence of a spark - a glowing ember of faith in God. The holy spirit is in you and calling you in a very fundamental gut way.

I think that you are on your way. Someone who was totally turned from God would not post a such a message on a public forum. You are headed in the right direction.

I predict that your curiosity will continue and you will continue to seek.

God = faith, hope, love, peace, charity, wholeness, healing, goodness.

Evil = confusion, envy, lust, selfishness, pride, envy, destruction
I have no formal credentials so take what I say for what it’s worth. I can’t answer your question either but I’ll offer this.

Your honesty is incredible and it in it’s self is evidence of a spark - a glowing ember of faith in God. The holy spirit is in you and calling you in a very fundamental gut way.

I think that you are on your way. Someone who was totally turned from God would not post a such a message on a public forum. You are headed in the right direction.

I predict that your curiosity will continue and you will continue to seek.

God = faith, hope, love, peace, charity, wholeness, healing, goodness.

Evil = confusion, envy, lust, selfishness, pride, envy, destruction
Well Put:thumbsup:

Gentlemen, the unpardonable sin, is to believe your sin is so great that not even God;s infinite love and divine mercy is not strong enough to forgive that sin. This is akin to the sin of pride. You did something so horrible, that not even God could not forgive you. Yet, the worst sin in human history, the crucifixion of Jesus, the Son of God, the Second person of the Blessed Trinity was forgiven by Jesus himself, when he said, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Nothing you or I do can be as great as this sin, yet even that too was forgiven. If you are not sorry for your sins, they will not be forgiven, sorrow and repentance is necessary.
Deacon Ed B
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