Yes, remember all the discussion on whether Peter is jurisdictionally above all others, being a divisive issue from early on, and as held by Orthodox and Protestants? …that elephant that you dogmatically dismiss?
Gotta remember,
Jesus Himself settled this.
What does poimaino
ἡγούμενος in Greek mean? Just open the link
shepherd, tend, rule, govern.
ἡγούμενος is The same Greek word used in both Lk 22:26, and Jn 21:16 and that pertains directly to the authority of Peter.
Peter then, in his capacity as THE leader
over all ,
the position/office/chair established by Jesus, says the following to those now being made leaders
there really is no debate… except in the minds of some.
Jesus wants
PERFECT ONENESS with His plan, not just a squishy understanding of unity
We see in scripture, disastrous consequences for people who, after being shown the truth, still, deliberately and/or obstinately divide and/or remain divided from His Church. As Jesus said and Paul wrote, such as these , THEY won’t inherit the kingdom of God.
While some will / do argue about this till their dying breath, in reality, what good is it for THEM?
Jesus doesn’t force anyone to follow Jesus
Again preachin to choir…nor does He force saints to go against their convictions and conscience and follow any leaven coming from Peter’s chair, such as his declared jurisdictional supremacy . Indeed do what is right from any chair, even Peter’s but beware of any bad doctrine (leaven) such as supremacy.
For clarification,
As I’ve shown multiple times, in quotes, So you know it’s NOT from me but from scripture and the Church,
After one receiving knowledge of the truth, and doesn’t remain in union with the Catholic Church and the chair of Peter, or refuses to unite , then, they can’t be saved. IOW they are not going to heaven.