We really don’t have a specific date when the Church was established in Rome. Just that it was established. The quotes that show Peter was (the or a) founder of the Church of Rome don’t give exact dates.well your one wierd catholic since tradition says that peter founded the curch of rome.

YepPeter established the church at Rome . or some others that say peter and paul founded the curch of rome
Irenaeus writes that.

Peter was the first bishop of Rome. And the Church is officially a Church when there is a bishop.so like i said who is rigth here? catholic tradition or historical analysis that contradict said tradition?
can one change tradition when new evidence contradicts the old tradition?

Peter was long dead by 70 a.d.yeah ill quoted "the argument is that babylon was used for the rome only after the destruction of the second temple wich is true in alot of jewish comunites and therefore and do to other things like writting style it was writen after 70 AD , some push it to emperor Dometian but the concus of now moved to 70s
for the later date
Re: Babylon
By the time the Parthian Empire ruled the region in 141 BCE Babylon was deserted and forgotten. The city steadily fell into ruin and, even during a brief revival under the Sassanid Persians, never approached its former greatness… for context -----> ancient history
Re: Babylon being a code name for Rome HERE
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