If this is a metaphorical statement, and understood to be a metaphorical statement, THEN why did His disciples not only say Jesus statement is a hard statement to listen to, but they left Jesus never to follow Him again over His teaching.
Because they didn’t understand that he was speaking metaphorically and he clarified it to them in verse 63. Those that left are the disciples that didn’t believe that Christ alludes to in verse 64. The disciples that believed in Christ are the ones that stayed.
61 …“Do you take offense at this? …
63 It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail;
the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
Are you suggesting Jesus just back peddled on what He just taught them? His flesh that He just said they must consume is of no avail? REALLY? He’s just talking metaphorically?
When Jesus said
Spirit and life THAT covers every reality there is. The spiritual and physical realities, the seen and unseen. Sacraments have a seen reality and an unseen reality. There are no other realities. Jesus did NOT just cancel out what He just finished saying. I won’t however, deny heresies and heretics didn’t cancel out what He said, and established,.
Thus Jesus said
64 But there are some of you that do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the first who those were that did not believe, and who it was that should betray him.
Jesus knows everything before it happens. He knew what THEY were thinking and what THEY would do, before the foundation of the world.
He gave it to them anyway, so no one later (them or anyone) could accuse Jesus of NOT giving THEM a chance. He sandbags no one in advance, without their free will being involved.
All I know is that in the year 850 I could hold a spiritual/symbolic belief in the Eucharist and be made a Bishop or Archbishop. In 1200 I would have risked being declared a heretic and excommunicated or even killed. This begs the question, why the change? Why could, in the first 900 years of Christianity you hold a symbolic/spiritual/memorial belief in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist but 200 years later you could not? Did the teachings of Christ and the Apostles change in that 200 year time span? Or did the church change?
Don’t grab hold of what heretics believe(d) and think that’s OK
Heretics have always been around.And until the end, we’ll have to endure heretics till the end.