Vern, if all you can do is parrot me in an attempt to mock, you’re not worth arguing with. Come up with your own words and please, make them make sense – not only is that last one patently nonsensical, the idea you seem to have had behind it is far less true than you believe.
How do you know that I myself haven’t experienced the kind of life you presume I know nothing about? How do you know that sexual exploitation, rape and adoption hasn’t been experienced in my family? You are ridiculous.
I can’t know – but I can guess, and generally I’m pretty good at that. Nobody has responded to this thread in a way that shows compassion through true sympathy and commiseration; instead, they gaze down at the afflicted from their moral high horses and toss pity, condescension, and two-faced offers of help-if-you-accept-our-religion like Mardi Gras beads. Spare
But you presume to scare me and other women experiencing this kind of trauma by telling me all sorts of terrible things will happen to my life if I dare bring my baby to term while withholding imformation that gives me other options? Some choice.
Just as you feel it essential to shout what kinds of horrible things will go wrong if one aborts, I feel it necessary to provide information –
gently – about what can go wrong in other situations. I’ve never hidden the truth that things
can go wrong in abortions; they do. But they also go even more horribly wrong in childbirth, a fact that you seem to prefer to keep quiet.
But this is part and parcel with liberals these days. Don’t tell me the truth, just tells me what makes YOU feel good, what makes YOU feel righteous, what DOESN’T make YOU feel helpless.
The crueler aspects of biology don’t make anyone feel good or righteous; we are all helpless before them. Do you imagine the spider enjoys being eaten by his mate, or thinks ‘at last, to heaven!’? Or that prey facing down a predator feels courage and confidence, or looks forward to martyrdom?
We are not so different from these animals – except we can speak and build and try to be better than we are. Yet physically, we’re still just animals, prey in the forest – and there, but for the grace of God or a high tax bracket, go we all.
Good luck to you. You’ve really struck a nerve with your judgemental and self-righteous attitude, but I guess I should have known. Every liberal I’ve ever known plays the same games. Yes, I know what I’m speaking about, I was a pro-choice, environmental activist/political organizer. And I thought just like you. Thank God I’m different now. I’m looking at myself in the mirror had God not touched my heart.
Judgmental? I offer
one point of view in this thread and I am called Hitler, I am told I make people sick, I’m told I’m heartless, soulless, and repulsive. You call me self-righteous and ridiculous. Who’s judging here? And when, according to your faith, did that become
your job and not God’s? If such a being exists, I will one day stand before him on my own, and no matter the outcome, that day I will give thanks it is that being sitting in judgment upon me and not you.
Throughout this thread, I’ve repeatedly advocated
not holding every woman and every pregnancy to the same standard, judging them without a thought for their uniqueness, applying an unworkable general standard. When is your judging going to stop?