Thank you, thank you, Dr. Colossus, Grolsch, Kurt G,+veritas+, jmm08. My heart is full from all you gathered for so rich a feast.
That would be a very wise choice indeed!Oh my goodness…I must leave the church right away!
I hope you are just kidding.God BlessOh my goodness…I must leave the church right away!
quite true, also what we have extant of the Didache is a fragment, so we don’t know the content of the whole thingThe Didache was not inspired…therefore could err
Yes, I’m kidding. I’m not sure how to make a post drip with sarcasm. Perhaps there should be a syrupy smilie?I hope you are just kidding.God Bless
God Bless“Eucharistic teaching, it should be understood at the outset, was in general unquestioningly realist, i.e., the consecrated bread and wine were taken to be, and were treated and designated as, the Savior’s body and blood” (Early Christian Doctrines, 440).
This is obvious from the fact that Paul writes to churches all over the mediterranean, his main admonition is:What’s more likely is that the church fathers disagreed with each other so much because they belonged to churches that were governmentally independent of one another, and they interpreted the scriptures for themselves.
What does Salute mean?“ALL the churches of Christ salute you” (the Roman Church)
Oh my. I wonder what that could mean.Then, again, how can they say that the flesh, which is nourished with the body of the Lord and with His blood, goes to corruption, and does not partake of life? Let them, therefore, either alter their opinion, or cease from offering the things just mentioned. But our opinion is in accordance with the Eucharist, and the Eucharist in turn establishes our opinion. For we offer to Him His own, announcing consistently the fellowship and union of the flesh and Spirit. For as the bread, which is produced from the earth, when it receives the invocation of God, is no longer common bread, but the Eucharist, consisting of two realities, earthly and heavenly; so also our bodies, when they receive the Eucharist, are no longer corruptible, having the hope of the resurrection to eternity.
Adversus Haeresus Book IV Chap 18
So then, if the mixed cup and the manufactured bread receive the Word of God and become the Eucharist, that is to say, the Blood and Body of Christ, which fortify and build up the substance of our flesh, how can these people claim that the flesh is incapable of receiving God’s gift of eternal life, when it is nourished by Christ’s Blood and Body and is His member? As the blessed apostle says in his letter to the Ephesians, ‘For we are members of His Body, of His flesh and of His bones’ (Eph. 5:30). He is not talking about some kind of ‘spiritual’ and ‘invisible’ man, ‘for a spirit does not have flesh an bones’ (Lk. 24:39). No, he is talking of the organism possessed by a real human being, composed of flesh and nerves and bones. It is this which is nourished by the cup which is His Blood, and is fortified by the bread which is His Body. The stem of the vine takes root in the earth and eventually bears fruit, and ‘the grain of wheat falls into the earth’ (Jn. 12:24), dissolves, rises again, multiplied by the all-containing Spirit of God, and finally after skilled processing, is put to human use. **These two then receive the Word of God and become the Eucharist, which is the Body and Blood of Christ." **
Clement of Alexandria is more tricky for the layman because of his use of neo-platonic philosophical rhetoric which was the fashion in Alexandria at the time. But nonetheless his position was also clear:-“Five Books on the Unmasking and Refutation of the FalselyNamed Gnosis”. Book 5:2, 2-3, circa 180 A.D.
“The Blood of the Lord, indeed, is twofold. There is His corporeal Blood, by which we are redeemed from corruption; and His spiritual Blood, that with which we are anointed. That is to say, to drink the Blood of Jesus is to share in His immortality. The strength of the Word is the Spirit just as the blood is the strength of the body. Similarly, as wine is blended with water, so is the Spirit with man. The one, the Watered Wine, nourishes in faith, while the other, the Spirit, leads us on to immortality. The union of both, however, - of the drink and of the Word, - is called the Eucharist, a praiseworthy and excellent gift. Those who partake of it in faith are sanctified in body and in soul. By the will of the Father, the divine mixture, man, is mystically united to the Spirit and to the Word.”,
-“The Instructor of the Children”. [2,2,19,4] ante 202 A.D.,
Hope this helps!We can reasonably arrive at a number of different views of the eucharist, but the Catholic view isn’t one of them.
Well, “exrc”, if your bible really stops in John 6 with verse 35, you should ask for your money back. Actually Jesus tells us exactly what he is referring to a little later on in that chapter:…And John 6:35 identifies what the eating and drinking are. The passage is not about the eucharist…
You may not have meant it, but you did just what you said EXRC should not do.EXRC,
“This is my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all for the forgiveness of sins.” What an utter blasphemy! I pray that you don’t change the very meaning of our Lord’s words. For if you change the meaning, you just bluntly say that it was a lie that the Lord spoke.