Peace be with you!
Some of them, it seems, were taught by the Apostles themselves…
But in many cases, they don’t agree about passages in the Scripture…
And suddenly, when they meet in a council, they agree…
As if there is not ONE tradition received from the Apostles to tell all of those Fathers what is right and what is wrong… Therefore, they don’t have any unique rule to follow in their interpretation of the Scripture, other than the Scripture itself…
That’s why they write many contradicting things…
In Love,
Every Father was taught by another Father before him…The father’s individually are falliable, but when they are together at a council and declare dogmas and doctrines, they are infalliable, you really don’t understand the Catholic Church. Each agree that the Eucharist is the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus.
Some of them, it seems, were taught by the Apostles themselves…
But in many cases, they don’t agree about passages in the Scripture…
And suddenly, when they meet in a council, they agree…
As if there is not ONE tradition received from the Apostles to tell all of those Fathers what is right and what is wrong… Therefore, they don’t have any unique rule to follow in their interpretation of the Scripture, other than the Scripture itself…
That’s why they write many contradicting things…
In Love,