Pax Vobis Cvm!
A person is born with physical life, a person is born spritually in baptism. Grace enters the soul at baptism, didn’t you read my previous posts?Thank you. This is more than clear. So a person is born with God’s Life in him, right?
No he wasn’t, didn’t you listen to me before? Soil provides life to a tree, if the tree had no nutrients it would die. The Eucharist provides spritual nutrients to our soul (grace) and so it gives us life. If a tree did not feed off of the nutrients of the soil, then it would have no life in it, and would eventually die. Grace enters at baptism, but grace is strengthend each time the Eucharist is recieved. Grace does not stop at baptism, it builds and gets stronger each time the Eucharist is received and when a person does good works in faith of Christ. Grace is also infused through the sacraments of: confirmation, annointing of the sick, matrimony, and holy orders. Grace is restored through the sacrament of reconcilliation.And so Jesus Christ was talking in vain about eating His flesh and drinking His blood so that we may have Life…