I’m not absolutely sure what would be the best Moral or Practical alternative to Capitalism. I’m not saying that all competition is wrong, i am just saying that it should not determine whether or not you live in poverty. Given that principle i think we should think of alternatives. Lets attempt to conceive of what a Christian utopia would be like in economic terms. What system would best represent a Christian worldview?
I think a Christian economic system first and foremost ought to recognize that God is the owner of all things and that we are custodians of natural resources only in relation to God’s authority. God created natural resources for all of us and thus the common good in any economic system cannot be ignored. In other words profit, ownership, or competition really shouldn’t ever outweigh the common good. It is not negotiable.
Thus i have been thinking about what a Christian economic system ought to look like.
I have one idea at the moment. And you can tell me what you think.
Wealth Cap.
This means you can only earn a certain amount of wealth (i have no suggestions for how much that would be). Anything beyond that automatically goes to the common good, which means the creation of government funded jobs for those who fail to compete in the market. Also, universal health care. and other functions that contribute to the infrastructure of society.
A Wealth Cap Approach would function as a middle ground between Capitalism and Socialism. Taking the best of both, but being neither at the same time. The common good is upheld and a limited right to property is upheld also.
I think a Christian economic system first and foremost ought to recognize that God is the owner of all things and that we are custodians of natural resources only in relation to God’s authority. God created natural resources for all of us and thus the common good in any economic system cannot be ignored. In other words profit, ownership, or competition really shouldn’t ever outweigh the common good. It is not negotiable.
Thus i have been thinking about what a Christian economic system ought to look like.
I have one idea at the moment. And you can tell me what you think.
Wealth Cap.
This means you can only earn a certain amount of wealth (i have no suggestions for how much that would be). Anything beyond that automatically goes to the common good, which means the creation of government funded jobs for those who fail to compete in the market. Also, universal health care. and other functions that contribute to the infrastructure of society.
A Wealth Cap Approach would function as a middle ground between Capitalism and Socialism. Taking the best of both, but being neither at the same time. The common good is upheld and a limited right to property is upheld also.
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