The will of wicked refuse for eternity?

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I still think it is unfair that God would not give that grace of perfect contrition to everyone, God is a bit like the manager of a company who only chooses people to work for him who have gone to an expensive school, when asked why he did not pick an employee who went to a public school he does not give a reason and says that it was his choice who he wanted to work for his company
Not everybody would accept that perfect contrition
You said manager. God isn’t the manager, but the owner. I would say the owner has absolute authority over his business, so it may - seem- unfair, but , he built that place.
You said owner which is accurate but why would the owner just do what they like? a parent owns their child so to speak but any reasonable parent would forgive their child when they do wrong. Any reasonable business owner would let someone work for them provided they tell them they want to be a good employee and ask them for forgiveness regarding past work failures.
Not necessarily. People lose there jobs all the time because they “don’t follow the rules” it’s almost like it’s a natural response…
Depends where they work, my friend stole alcohol from a company and he was suspended but wrote a letter of apology and is working for them again.
I’m not trying to argue with you. In my twenties, I went through this kind of anger/ confusion about God when I started reading the old testament. I couldn’t believe a loving God would just kill whole cities of people. Then i realized, that simply shows us the wages of sin. Back then it happened in the literal they literally physically died. It still happens literally, but spiritually. It helped me .

Your original post about the priest, leads me to believe he wasn’t well formed. As much as people this day and age want to believe that “sex just happens”, it doesn’t. So this priest was playing with fire, and he knew it.
Depends where they work, my friend stole alcohol from a company and he was suspended but wrote a letter of apology and is working for them again.
I wonder how many times he could do that and still have a job…
He was caught but had done it about 15 times on previous occasions, I was with him on some of them and took advantage and drank the beer. Basically he worked as a bartender at sporting and music events, he befriended some of the staff and went and drank for free when he was off duty, obviously it was not as serious as other types of theft but it still costed the company something like $30 every time he did it.
What makes you think the priest was not well formed? he was just an ordinary man who found it easy to sin, if a very attractive young woman asked me to come to her house and have sex I would find it hard to say no, if I did commit the sin I would hope that God would forgive me afterwards.
You can’t I agree with you on that but the current view held by the church makes me anxious and feeling that God is indifferent as to whether I choose Heaven or Hell. Even saints Augustine and Aquinas said that gods ways and judgements are inscrutable and there is no reason why an otherwise good man was allowed to die in sin other than Gods firm will and justice.
I go through times when I “freak out” about this too. I’m pretty sure that is God’s grace. It makes you want to be better.
Without passing judgment on anybody, nobody actually knows who “good people” are. Lots of people are shocked when they find out that an upstanding man in the community is a wife beater. If we’ve learned anything this last year in the church, it’s that not everybody is who they seem to be. Meaning, only God knows your heart. He knows if you are living for him, and honestly, so do you.
Peace brother, i’ll pray for your peace of mind. But if you don’t find that, i’ll pray that you accept the grace to accept the grace to truly, knowingly, live for him. God Bless
Whence then comes obstinacy in evil? It is caused, initially by the changeable apprehension of such and such an end, during the time when the soul is still united to the body. It is caused definitively by the unchangeable apprehension of the soul from that moment on when it is separated from the body
More the latter part of the quote - obstinacy in evil (fixed will, ergo moral stasis) being an unavoidable outcome due to the impossibility of change once the soul and the body are separated.

"Entrance into the state of separation from the body fixes forever the freely determined choice before death, just as in winter frost fixes moisture on the window in varied figures. But the best image is that of Scripture: “If a tree fall to the south or to the north, in what place soever it shall fall, there it shall be.”

G-L does seem to place reliance on Luke 16:26, where the rich man in hell is told that there is no hope of relief “between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us”.
I think it is unfair because it is like God is refusing to give the sinner another chance and that God has made his mind up and says “I give up, you have sinned enough so off to Hell you go, forget having any more chances to confess you are going to die today in your sins” God is like the football referee who refuses the game to go into extra time because he can not see a chance of any goal being scored and a win happening.
The explanations I have come across which make the most sense (though not complete) centre not on God’s refusal, but man’s: the idea being that after death, once the soul is separate from the body, it is no longer possible for a re-orientation of the will to occur. Therefore the souls of sinners who died unrepentant do not desire forgiveness or goodness or Heaven or God.
I have heard those too but why would God allow this to happen? why would he not give the soul another chance, refuse to separate it from it’s body and send that soul and body to a different planet where it can live a better life and die in a state of grace, a bit like extra time in a football game where extra time is granted to give a team a chance to win.
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This is a good question, probably, after all graces and all things of God, after all logoi behind the creature and cosmos and after all rationality of thing was revealed, soul also say no, it is impossible to think this, but is verry possible to happen.
Yeah, Aquinas was perfectly Augustinian in his views on Hell, and G-L is merely going to follow St Thomas on this.

Even if I were to grant the supposition that humans must have brains in order to have mental activities, it would still be the case that at the resurrection (when everyone gets back their own body), brains are reintroduced to the disembodied spirits. So, moving of the mind becomes possible again at that point. So, the question for G-L would then be, why is the will still frozen in Hell even when the body is reintroduced? With the resurrected body conjoined once again to its soul, the person can remember, introspect and reason, right? If not, why not?
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