Let’s start with a simple scenario. You go to a store which sells lottery tickets, and ask the clerk: “What are my chances to hit the jackpot?”. He answers: “Well, it is 50%-50%. You either win it, or you don’t”. Obviously, the answer is incorrect. It is true that you either win it or not, but from that it does not follow that the chance of winning is 50%.
Now let’s consider the word “faith”. It means the belief in something without having concrete evidence or proof for it. When believers are “accused” of relying on faith only, many times they point out that the skeptic also accepts many things without concrete evidence for it, so he should not find fault at the process of relying on faith.
At first glance this is a reasonable stance. However it neglects the differences of having little evidence, lots of evidence or no evidence at all. In other words it commits the “jackpot fallcy”, by disregarding the difference between having overwhelming evidence for something and having very little or no evidence at all.
To assert that the acceptance of the concept of an “immortal soul” (for example) is somehow on par with the acceptance of the fidelity of a spouse - and call both of them “based on faith” is incorrect. The overlooking the world of difference is what I call the “jackpot fallacy”.
Now let’s consider the word “faith”. It means the belief in something without having concrete evidence or proof for it. When believers are “accused” of relying on faith only, many times they point out that the skeptic also accepts many things without concrete evidence for it, so he should not find fault at the process of relying on faith.
At first glance this is a reasonable stance. However it neglects the differences of having little evidence, lots of evidence or no evidence at all. In other words it commits the “jackpot fallcy”, by disregarding the difference between having overwhelming evidence for something and having very little or no evidence at all.
To assert that the acceptance of the concept of an “immortal soul” (for example) is somehow on par with the acceptance of the fidelity of a spouse - and call both of them “based on faith” is incorrect. The overlooking the world of difference is what I call the “jackpot fallacy”.