Point somewhat taken - you have to draw the line somewhere to respond to what is relevant. But I think your false understanding of history certainly is relevant. Faith is an historical phenomenon. Was your original intent here really to point out that the patently unreasonable faith of simpletons isn’t reasonable? Is your purpose in starting a thread like this really to talk about something so obvious, so far removed from what could be considered a topic of intelligent conversation? I’m confused.In principle I agree with you. But not as the post you quoted, that is why I left it unanswered.
I started this tread to point out that not all types of “faiths” should be considered equal in merit, and his post dealt with something else, while accepting that truth is not decided by majority vote.
Pretty irrelevant to the topic, don’t you agree?
In any case, Edwin’s posted responded directly to something you said. If you think that someone’s post is irrelevant to your topic, it would be nice of you to say so. It could just be the limitations of your viewpoint that make you think that certain posts are irrelevant to the topic of a thread (as I am quite certain was the case for my posts in your ‘human or not?’ thread). I just ask that you try to give your interlocutor a chance to explain their relevance (i.e., by letting them know when you think a point is irrelevant) before you dismiss them. Thanks.
(And I think you should certainly respond when someone asks you a direct question seeking clarification of what you have written as I did - it’s a matter of being accountable for your own claims, which I look at as a sine qua non of constructive dialogue. This prevents people from shooting off at the mouth about things which they don’t really know, nor care to know, anything about.)