Let me once again try to make myself understood in the terribly important Theme THE WORD.
All our modern world insists in evolution of mankind too. Even strongly believing Christians tend to fall for EVOLUTION - EVOLUTION only, like water - oxygen - algae - microbes - fish - reptiles - birds - mammals - apes - humans.
Now this eventually excludes God completely, still is the official science of the secular world. It infects more and more people - even believing Christians.
Of course there is and always was evolution, but only with the created animals and plants - not with humans!
That’s why Pope John-Paul II said: „God wrote two books - that of evolution and that of creation“
Which Christian could ever imagine, that God Himself wasn’t abel to create „in one go“ a human in His likeness, as we are revealed in Genesis 1:27. God - who created aeons before us the Angels in His likeness too. Who on earth would ever think the Angels developed „evoluted“ from heavely apes?! How blasphemous! :-(((
The more one gets deeper in all Evolution theories in connection with humans, the more one must realize the ridicule of Evolution in connection with human beings in God’s likeness - with us.
Definitely an Evolution exists, but that in adjustment to changes in the earth’ surface; the changes of climate, water, air etc. This evolution does NOT apply to Humans. Hominoids where absolutely not Humans! They where deleted before creation of Humans - which „the missing link“ proves. That „missing link doesn’t exist, as God doesn’t need a pattern.
Now this is no simple pious indulging in wishful thinking, but very hard fact! Even very decisive for all our thinking. It provides us with great arguments versus the silly „Evolution of mankind“.
Now why is THE WORD so decisive in refuting this THEORY of „Evolution of mankind“ instead of creation?
Very simple: We are revealed the answer in John 1,1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
We here are clearly told, that we created (not „evoluted“) humans only, had language and got it up to this day. No hominoid could speak. No animal ever could speak - and even then, when they had a ever so complicated brain, and where millions of years here before us. Ain’t that fact prove enough?
What is language, what is THE WORD in St. Johns statement; The Word was God. Last statement in this world moving sentence!
We use words to pray, and we use words to blaspheme. Satan did alike and was banned.
It’s all to terribly easy, but humans try to be better than God, know better than God, be like God :-(((
Satan made same mistake. Let’s not do alike, for the Word is not with Satan, but with Satan is the lie, as he is the father of the lie.
John 1 is as decisive as can be and as informative as can be. It ridicules the Evolution of Mankind in ever so clear language. The language Angels possessed and we got together with God’s Creation of us IN HIS LIKENESS. Would anyone think Hominoids are in God’s likeness? Of course not. Such they were no Humans!
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It’s THE WORD only, that makes us Humans in God’s likeness
All our modern world insists in evolution of mankind too. Even strongly believing Christians tend to fall for EVOLUTION - EVOLUTION only, like water - oxygen - algae - microbes - fish - reptiles - birds - mammals - apes - humans.
Now this eventually excludes God completely, still is the official science of the secular world. It infects more and more people - even believing Christians.
Of course there is and always was evolution, but only with the created animals and plants - not with humans!
That’s why Pope John-Paul II said: „God wrote two books - that of evolution and that of creation“
Which Christian could ever imagine, that God Himself wasn’t abel to create „in one go“ a human in His likeness, as we are revealed in Genesis 1:27. God - who created aeons before us the Angels in His likeness too. Who on earth would ever think the Angels developed „evoluted“ from heavely apes?! How blasphemous! :-(((
The more one gets deeper in all Evolution theories in connection with humans, the more one must realize the ridicule of Evolution in connection with human beings in God’s likeness - with us.
Definitely an Evolution exists, but that in adjustment to changes in the earth’ surface; the changes of climate, water, air etc. This evolution does NOT apply to Humans. Hominoids where absolutely not Humans! They where deleted before creation of Humans - which „the missing link“ proves. That „missing link doesn’t exist, as God doesn’t need a pattern.
Now this is no simple pious indulging in wishful thinking, but very hard fact! Even very decisive for all our thinking. It provides us with great arguments versus the silly „Evolution of mankind“.
Now why is THE WORD so decisive in refuting this THEORY of „Evolution of mankind“ instead of creation?
Very simple: We are revealed the answer in John 1,1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
We here are clearly told, that we created (not „evoluted“) humans only, had language and got it up to this day. No hominoid could speak. No animal ever could speak - and even then, when they had a ever so complicated brain, and where millions of years here before us. Ain’t that fact prove enough?
What is language, what is THE WORD in St. Johns statement; The Word was God. Last statement in this world moving sentence!
We use words to pray, and we use words to blaspheme. Satan did alike and was banned.
It’s all to terribly easy, but humans try to be better than God, know better than God, be like God :-(((
Satan made same mistake. Let’s not do alike, for the Word is not with Satan, but with Satan is the lie, as he is the father of the lie.
John 1 is as decisive as can be and as informative as can be. It ridicules the Evolution of Mankind in ever so clear language. The language Angels possessed and we got together with God’s Creation of us IN HIS LIKENESS. Would anyone think Hominoids are in God’s likeness? Of course not. Such they were no Humans!
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It’s THE WORD only, that makes us Humans in God’s likeness