the Word

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Sure it’s not. Of course God doesn’t have to tell us “His secrets”. God and all concerning God, will for all eternities remain a never understood rality. But we do know, that God loves us. God had no reason at all other than love, to reveal Himself to us. But He did. Out of love He did. He finally did in the Person of Jesus Christ to the widest thinkable extend. Why by all means, should Jesus Christ, who called Himself our brethren, conceal something, which would be to us as to Christ himself of such tremindous scope as another salvation. NEVER!
On the matter of animals and children you have a good point in that baby animals are similarly limited in their ability to communicate. But they can surely communicate. Right?
Even Plants communicate.
How much more so animals. We can communicate not really with plants, but easily with animals, as far as they are used to us. Signals though, are no language, much less so intellect. Least “The Word”.
What did you make of the Balaams donkey question?
A simple answer I gave. A response that’s ever so obvious to a illiterate guy like me, who simply takes the obvious things, but never studied them, for God’s reality is obvious to children. And if we don’t turn and become like these Children, we won’t enter God’s Kingdom. Mt 18,3.

Now, Numeri 22 never means that any animal ever speaks nor spoke. But to God all is possible (Luke 18:27). Clearly Numbers 22:22 tells; that because God’s anger was kindled as Balaam went after all, the Lord placed an armed Angel in the road to oppose this renitent guy. The donkey he rode, saw the armed Angel standing, so the donkey turned aside. Balaam beat the donkey, but she never moved in that path with walls on either side. She even pressed herself into the wall, and crushed Balaam’s foot against the wall. So he beat her again, which rose the anger of the Angel. The donkey saw the Angel of the Lord, and knelt down under Balaam, but he, blind of anger beat his donkey again.

Now we get to the point: The Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she spoke.

Funny here, that Balaam didn’t have a shock hearing that donkey speak. He in his rage instead even answered the donkey! Finally now God opened Balaam’s eyes, and he saw the armed Angel and he threw himself down with his face to the ground.
Now the Angel cleared the situation; that the donkey saw him before Balaam did and she had turned away, so that Balaam wouldn’t be killed by the Angel. And now go on with the princes of Balak the Angel said - but you may only speak The Word that I will say to you.

Therefore; - to say animals got The Word, backed by that wonder of God, would be without any basis. As I said: I bet you, this donkey later never again spoke a single word to anyone. We’ll see in heaven, and you owe me a great German beer then, when I was right.

Now, the story of the speaking donkey in the Old Testament, as well as many others in the Bible, are absolutely real and have happened just that way. Even if some of them are hard to comprehend, and others are more or less metaphor or parable. Jesus told his disciples, that He often speaks in (true) metaphors. Christ explains to his disciples why so, in Mark 4,10: The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those outside, everything is in parables, so that although they look they may look but not see, and although they hear they may hear but not understand, so they may not repent and be forgiven.

Hence, you and I and everyone of us, must strive and struggle to develop “ears that hear” in order to learn how to apply the parables of Jesus. Jesus emphasizes in Matthew 13:9: The one who has ears, had better listen!

Bruno 🙂
Sorry - it’s me again - but I’ll be off in a second:

I must emphasize, that I never claim that my point of view would be absolutely right! It is simply my faith experience, especially as our absolutely believing parents passed on belief and gave it with God’s help us children, well 70 years ago. Thos who believe, often are amazed which new insights and capabilities Belief activates.
But it is not just that. For whoever reads the Bible with his heart and not merely his eyes; not just reads and anylizes the wording, but internalizes God’s word, will quickly realize the absolute logic in it, the absolute unique truth of the Bible’s New Testament. He then will feel at home there among these divine words which ain’t just WORDS but God’s breath - will feel cosily embedded in God’s truth, and such will never be alone again, but protected in God’s love. He then is enrolled in der Book of Life, and Hell will never overcome him.

Dad told us kids: If you have God on your side, you might even walk right across the Hell; even spit on the head of Satan, and he can’t even touch you, but will be as helpless as a puppy!

What you don’t seem to realize is that all of these WORDS that you’re so fond of, are just noise. No different than those championed by Muslim Imams. It’s not the words themselves that are important, but rather it’s the character exemplified by your interpretation of those words that’s important. Men have the ability to twist words, and to twist truths, to their own end. So it’s not the words that one must judge, but rather the heart of the one wielding them. The bible is as much a window into your heart, as it is a window into God’s.

It’s not so much what it says that’s important, but rather how you choose to personify and convey what it says. I can’t judge the veracity of the Bible’s words, but I can judge the character of the one presenting them. You think that in your preaching of the word, I might come to know God, and this may or may not be true, but what I’ll certainly come to know is you. And this is true whether you’re preaching from the Bible or from the Koran. Words are just words, it’s the manner in which you exemplify and present them that matters.
What you don’t seem to realize is that all of these WORDS that you’re so fond of, are just noise. No different than those championed by Muslim Imams.
Yours probably are. Others are not - neither are mine, even when I joke they aren’t.
Do you think when John 1:1 states, that the Word was God - God was just noise?
Yes, a fool’s word is nothing but noise. Wise people though use the God-given word (soul) other. Do you name that „just noise“? In 1Cor 13,11 St. Paul wrote: When I was a child, I talked like a child…. You find many a sample in the Bible, where the Word is misused. But the word itself, which is part of God, as God is the Word, never is just a noise, but it’s us ourselves - the very “I” - our soul. He who misuses this, is named a fool, like the biblical word: „…his name means Fool, and folly goes with him“.
In the Bible you find from Genesis to Revelation, the real meaning of THE WORD - e.g. in Ex 34,17: “Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.” Or „The Word Became Flesh“. Here you see again, that as St. John wrote, The Word is God. In Revelation 1:9 you read, that John was on the Isle of Patmos because of The Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus the Christ.
……So it’s not the words that one must judge, but rather the heart of the one wielding them.
You are right in saying - your Word is your Thought, for we got to watch our thoughts, as they become words, and words become actions - which again become our habits that form our character - and the latter finally determines our destiny. Do you still say The Word is just noise?!

Even when you or I in smalltalk tell a silly yoke, it’s not at all just noise, but we are free to use The Word accompanying all our life fitting all situations - as long The Word is not damaging our soul. Sure Christ too in situations like the Wedding of Cana, said this or that jokingly without deeper sense, and even then it wasn’t “just noise”. We are even allowed to laugh together with God, which is especially refreshing.
It’s not so much what it says that’s important, but rather how you choose to personify and convey what it says.
Here we are! It’s never THE WORD itself which is of divine origin and part od God and God-given human soul, but it’s the Word we own as God’s breath, and the way we use or misuse it. So never say words are just noise. They in fact make us to God-wanted humans who got a soul which is The Word.
I can’t judge the veracity of the Bible’s words
Oh - you really ought to watch what you say, for this sentence “I can’t judge the veracity of the Bible’s words” indeed is the word of a fool, you quickly ought to retract!
but I can judge the character of the one presenting them. You think that in your preaching of the word, I might come to know God, and this may or may not be true, but what I’ll certainly come to know is you. And this is true whether you’re preaching from the Bible or from the Koran. Words are just words, it’s the manner in which you exemplify and present them that matters.
You presently get entangled in some distracted thoughts. What good is it, if you know the character of all the biblical Prophets, Disciples, or even today’s Clerics and Popes, but “can’t judge the veracity of their words” nor that of the Bible.
Try to check if you are presently off the track. We all are once in a while ;-D

ooops - I forgot to answer the part of demon’s language in Lion IRC’s question: "can you please consider the words used by demons.“

Words of demons are not The Word, but The Lie!
They were originally Angels, created by God - such got The Word; the Breath of Life - God’s Odem.
Here we are again: The Word is not at all as many think just talk, the sound it makes, the noise - but it’s God’s Spirit, for no other creature received it - but Angels and we.
The Angels where same as we, free to dedicate and use their soul - word, thought and spirit, for or against the Lord God.
The Angels around Lucifer used The Word - their self - against God. Such they themselves, their word, their being, became the lie itself. Jesus Christ Himself names Satan in John 8,44 and other, the Father of the Lie.

He who thinks the word is just noise, will hear the noise, but will never really relate to what Christ was saying, and will react as heard even here: “I can’t judge the veracity of the Bible’s words”.
Christ emphasized often: "You are unable to hear what I say.“ Here we see, that the problem is inherent. It often is, that as if The Word is in one language, and we hear in another, so that what is said or written remains totally incomprehensible or mistranslated.

But back to the question.
Lucifer (Carrier of the Morning-light), the later Satan, had received The Word; life out of God by God’s Spirit; God’s Odem, the Breath of Life, - The Word God gave to Angels and to us. Satan misuses it for his lies - such became the Father of Lies by „we will be like God - you will be like God“.
Of course all demons - and they always are legions, (Mark 5.9: Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many”) talk lies as the are The Lie itself, which can bei created by The Word only. But they do so with THE WORD (their life, their soul, their being) they had received by God. They misuse THE WORD, which is anything but just words. It remains their as our soul - which they as we too remain to be, even if we misuse The Word as Satan always does, but with demons, their word (soul - being) is irretrievable condemned, whilst we still got the choice.

Now, since Satan and all demons (nor anyone of us) is unable to delete THE WORD - their soul - their life, because it belongs to God. Demons would love God to extinguish their life and being, for they got no worth living future. Impossible. The misuse of The Word (soul - live - being) bears ineradicable, inextinguishable consequences!

In short: The demon’s word too is not simply a noise - it’s mere, but ever so dangerous lie, and the greatest danger of our World, for many fall for them. However - the demon’s word remains as gift God gave to Angels and us only. Never they as they finally misused it in the face of God, but we, are free to use it (our soal - God’s breath) either way.

Bruno 🙂
BrunoMaria, for all of your words, all that I hear is a Muslim Imam, each of you preaching the exact same thing, that your book’s words are the only chosen words. But to an impartial listener, there’s no difference. You and he are the same. Yes, the words that each of you defend so vigorously are different, but the demeanor and attitude with which you do it, is the same. There might be a hundred different men with a hundred different books, each of them preaching the same thing…that their book is the only true book. But where it really matters…in the attitude of the one defending those words, they’re all the same. They’re self-righteous, sanctimonious, and arrogant. They think that they’re different, that they’re unique, that they’re enlightened, but they’re not.

To an impartial listener, the difference between men isn’t the words that they defend, but rather the character that they display in defending them. So to me you’re a Muslim Imam. I listen to you, and I listen to him, and I hear the exact same thing.

You’re a Muslim Imam.
But to an impartial listener, there’s no difference.
You are not impartial - you are judgmental. The Word and those who proclaim it are confident. You seem to mistake confidence for arrogance.
Yes, the words that each of you defend so vigorously are different, but the demeanor and attitude with which you do it, is the same.
Listen to yourself! You are killing the messenger rather than probing the words!
They’re self-righteous, sanctimonious, and arrogant.
Could it be that you are describing yourself?
They think that they’re different, that they’re unique, that they’re enlightened, but they’re not.
So, who “enlightens” your words? Pure buzzkill.
To an impartial listener,
You keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I see nothing in your words that builds up. Rather, you tear down. Invest some effort. Test the words and the fruits of those who have spoken them over the centuries. One builds up. One destroys. Until and unless you test those words and their fruits, you risk blindness and falling into a pit.
You are not impartial - you are judgmental.
I may not be impartial, but I’m not biased in favor of one set of words over another set either. I’m merely pointing out that the adherents of one faith behave exactly the same as the adherents of the other. So for all intents and purposes, they’re the same. One being no better than the other. One producing no greater virtues than the other. The canons of their beliefs may differ, but the effects don’t. And as the bible says, you will know them by their fruits.
The Word and those who proclaim it are confident. You seem to mistake confidence for arrogance.
Confidence is believing that my faith has value, arrogance is believing that the other person’s doesn’t. If you believe that the Muslim’s faith is just as righteous as your faith, then you have confidence. If you don’t, then you have arrogance.
Listen to yourself! You are killing the messenger rather than probing the words!
The whole point is that the words themselves are irrelevant. People believe what they choose to believe. And in the end the words that they preach are far less revealing than the actions that they take. If the Christian and the Muslim act the same, then they are the same, regardless of the words that they use to justify those actions.
Could it be that you are describing yourself?
I’ll gladly accept the mantle of self-righteousness, if you’ll accept the premise that your beliefs are no better than mine, or the Muslim’s.
So, who “enlightens” your words?
My words aren’t “enlightened”, they’re just honest. When I look at you, I see a Muslim, only the words are different.
I see nothing in your words that builds up. Rather, you tear down. Invest some effort. Test the words and the fruits of those who have spoken them over the centuries. One builds up. One destroys. Until and unless you test those words and their fruits, you risk blindness and falling into a pit.
I expect nothing, and I seek to gain nothing, except to be at peace with myself. Not with you, and not with God, but with myself. For others to find peace with me is up to them. As always, you get to choose.
this way you will never find peace. You even excluded peace with yourself, as you explicitly don’t seek peace with God - but with yourself. You, as po18guy emphasized: Rather, you tear down. Tear down the soul God gave you.
If you had remained silent, you would have remained a philosopher.
this way you will never find peace. You even excluded peace with yourself, as you explicitly don’t seek peace with God - but with yourself
See, there you go with arrogance again, believing that there’s something that you can do, that I never can, because I don’t believe what you believe. Because your interpretation of a set of words tells you that unless I believe exactly as you believe, I can never find peace. You’ve taken your interpretation, of your set of words, and used them to judge my soul. But this is something that isn’t unique to Catholicism or Christianity, there are many Muslims who do the same thing. So once again, you look like a Muslim to me. You may vehemently argue that you’re nothing like a Muslim, but you look and act like one.

So disregarding the words by which you justify your beliefs, and judging solely by your actions, you’re a Muslim. When people act the same…when their fruits are the same…they’re the same.
You, as po18guy emphasized: Rather, you tear down. Tear down the soul God gave you.
I’m not the one who believes that there’s something that I can do that you can’t do. There’s nothing that I can do that you can’t, or that the Muslim can’t, or that anyone can’t. I don’t have a creed or a canon that makes me better than them. I have a very simple doctrine…people believe what they choose to believe…and they simply use the words in a book to justify those choices. There are people who use the very same book that you use, to justify very different choices. So it’s not the book that makes the difference, it’s the person. If you use your bible in the same way that a Muslim uses the Koran then the similarities don’t lie in the books, they lie in the people. It’s the people that choose, and they simply use the book to justify that choice.

Therefore, since you make the same choices, you and the Muslim are the same.
…people believe what they choose to believe…and they simply use the words in a book to justify those choices.
Boy you’re really missing the point of the Op.

We are talking about Logos - the Living Word - not fonts and ink and paper and punctuation marks. Try telling Jonah or Job or Moses that… people simply use the words in a book to justify their beliefs.

The words themselves exist independent of the book. Jesus’ Words transcend and pre-date the printed version of those Words. Even if you take away all the books, the eternal Logos (mind?) of God still remains. And His Truth doesn’t rely on typewriters.

BrunoMaria’s more interesting theological claim is about the difference between animals and man with respect to the faculty of logos/words. 🤷
Precisely that’s what I thought and “was at” - but couldn’t really tell, as “I don’t speak” English" 😃
Thanks ol’ chum for translating me 👍

However: He who wants to understand, does understand - he who won’t, might let it.
In this thread THE WORD is connected John 1:1 in direct relation to Genesis 2,7 (breath of life) as rejection of the mere evolution idea.

Copied of
The Hebrew word נְשָׁמָה (nÿshamah, “breath”) is used for God and for the life imparted to humans, not animals (see T. C. Mitchell, “The Old Testament Usage of Nÿshama,”

Of course it takes our will to understand. If we try to, then understanding is given to us. But it takes God’s grace to be able and allowed to understand. From Genesis to Revelation we read again and again: “If anyone has an ear, he had better listen!” - Followed by: “he who doesn’t want to hear, might let it”. It’s openly said by God to all, when He spoke to Noah: He who wants to hear might hear, he who doesn’t might let it; repeated in several more biblical verses such as Mt 19,11/12 “Not everyone can accept this statement, except those to whom it has been given. He that can take it, let him take it - others might let it. Match Mk 4,23, Mt 13,9, Mk 4,23 etc.
St. Paul adds in 1Cor 2:14: The unbeliever does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him. And he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Many who read these and similar verses might think, that to God it doesn’t matter if we believe or not. It does! Else heavens wouldn’t be more hilariously happy about the one who returns, than the 99 who stay anyhow.

This doesn’t invite to the thought; “I’m young enough - got bags of time to decide later if to believe or not and take all that trouble.
Don’t be mistaken It’s no trouble at all, but he who believes in Christ, is never alone. A treasure disbelievers never know. And besides: You never know when your time has come to see Jesus Christ. Match Luke 12,19 …I got plenty of goods stored up for many years; relax, eat, drink, celebrate! But God said; ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded back from you!

Hence it’s our own choice to (Mt 7:13) enter through that narrow gate, or condemn ourselves ’cos we refused to hear THE WORD which is God, who shared THE WORD of all creatures with us only.

Here the sculptor Bernini created a most impressive marble-expression that’s valid forever: A deceased, when he sees God’s reality; but in his probation-time on earth, did not believe The Word Jesus Christ told us.
Boy you’re really missing the point of the Op.

We are talking about Logos - the Living Word - not fonts and ink and paper and punctuation marks. Try telling Jonah or Job or Moses that… people simply use the words in a book to justify their beliefs.

The words themselves exist independent of the book. Jesus’ Words transcend and pre-date the printed version of those Words. Even if you take away all the books, the eternal Logos (mind?) of God still remains. And His Truth doesn’t rely on typewriters.
It’s entirely possible that I’ve misunderstood the intent of the OP, but in like manner I think that you’ve misunderstood my intent as well. Such are the shortcomings of human language. My point was simply that the spirit with which one proclaims one’s beliefs are more revealing than the words that one uses to justify them. It’s the spirit that matters, not the words. I don’t care about the fonts, or the punctuation marks, or the paper…I don’t even care about whether you’re quoting from this Holy Book, or that Holy Book, I care about the spirit exemplified in the person espousing those beliefs, not the words that they use to justify them.

And so a person quoting from the bible can be the same in spirit as the person quoting from the Koran. Because men can twist words to justify all manner of beliefs, but the spirit behind the words will always bear witness to the true nature of the one advocating them. As the saying goes, “Preach the gospel at all times…if necessary, use words”. Oftentimes the Catholic and the Muslim are unknowingly preaching the same gospel, not in word, but in spirit.

It’s then that one becomes a clanging gong, and the words become nothing more than a veil.

You think that I’ve confused “the words” with “The Logos”, but I haven’t. In fact, that’s exactly what I’ve been saying…that people pay too much attention to the former, and not enough to the latter.

Listen” to the Catholic and the Muslim…and you’ll often hear the same thing.
It’s entirely possible that I’ve misunderstood the intent of the OP
Oh, you really did. But in the meantime you got it. So, where is your comment to the real substance, which is the coherence of John 1:1 with Genesis 2:7.
but in like manner I think that you’ve misunderstood my intent as well
No - that’s very clear, but kept being 1. contra whatever we said, and 2. Sadly enough not referring to the core of the intent or theme.
Such are the shortcomings of human language
Well, it takes love and desire to understand. Too often we meet with deliberate misunderstanding. All wars humanity ever went through, based on deliberate misunderstanding.
My point was simply, that the spirit with which one proclaims one’s beliefs are more revealing than the words that one uses to justify them. It’s the spirit that matters, not the words
Ooops, you didn’t get the point after all, for we speak here all the time about the Spirit - not the Words. But still. When you think, just think in your own spirit, you think in words. You pray in words too. So you see, that your or anyone’s spirit is expressed in words, disregarding if spoke or just thought. Hence; your soul is “The Word” as it’s God-given and part of God.
I don’t care about the fonts, or the punctuation marks,
Right! Neither when you just think - which you do in words - you’d care about spelling etc.
…I don’t even care about whether you’re quoting from this Holy Book, or that Holy Book
There is but one Holy Book - the Holy Scripture - the Gospel - The Word and doctrine of Jesus Christ.
I care about the spirit exemplified in the person espousing those beliefs, not the words that they use to justify them
You really didn’t get it yet. For you only then are in the state to “care” (analyze) that spirit, if you are a studied psychologist. Even if you were a studied psychologist, you could hardly tell if this e.g. moslem person who there preaches “Allah is great and Muhammad is his prophet” is a true believer, or an IS-activist; a good person or a murderer.
But this is firstly not a psychological and a language-problem, and secondly way off and far away of our Theme here, which is neither language, nor exposing individual believes or convictions and not at all justification. You really didn’t get the facts, and are really missing the point badly.

The point is far more so - here in short again:
The fact that you can put your life into words, speak, think, pray, cuss, admire - which no other creature is able to - all in imagined, spoken or written words. Disregarding at the moment if in good or bad words, but solely to be able to use >The Word< to control your life, shape and devote it in one way or another, any direction and content. It is this fact (that we got the word) only, that proves the divine spark in you - obvious to all who want to understand, in John 1:1 together with Genesis 2:7.
It is also THE WORD, which refutes the thesis “Evolution alone”. At the same time The Word is a striking proof of the being of God and of God’s Creation of all there is.
I hope I coul mk myself clear. But you really too must try and struggle to understand and comprehend. Learn to hear with your heart instead just the letter.
Has it?
And so a person quoting from the bible can be the same in spirit as the person quoting from the Koran. ……… Oftentimes the Catholic and the Muslim are unknowingly preaching the same gospel, not in word, but in spirit
Definitely NO - NOT AT ALL. Gospel/Evangel btw. means the letters of the Evangelists John, Matthew, Luke and Mark. All consisting of love only. Whilst the Koran consists widely of hate, with many calls for Christian persecution. Match Koran 2,189 - 5,73 - 47,34-35 - 4,57 - 8,13 - 8,56 - 14,17 - 17,98 - 18,30 - 22,20.
All of them perverse manuals how to punish Christians and how they will be punished in hell. Nothing comparable with the Gospel, which calls to “Love your enemies”

continued in next post:
But his opinion shows clearly, that you got little to no comprehension of The Gospel nor Christ’s Doctrine.
All believes that do not found on Jesus Christ are wrong. He who doesn’t see this, has not the slightest idea about God - but he too will see Jesus Christ after his death. WHAT THEN???
You think that I’ve confused “the words” with “The Logos”, but I haven’t. In fact, that’s exactly what I’ve been saying…that people pay too much attention to the former, and not enough to the latter.
Even here you sadly enough mix up things.
You mix up the word of simply small talk or babble or description of what so ever, like in an encyclopedia. Here we got the simple expression.
But if you’d try to get acquainted with John 1:1 - which can’t be done by simply reading it over; then you got words and THE WORD. For if you understand them simply just as words put together to make a logical and grammatical right sentence, you know in the end nothing.

As to “Word” and “Logos”:

The word expresses in all of the many languages we got, what we mean. The logos however, is the reason, that makes and constructs sense (a house) of the bricks called word, by putting these words together in a reasonable way. If you leave to any non-human creatures a heap of bricks (words) it remains a heap of bricks forever. Will never become a Logos - a house (a sense).
In the Gospel of St. John, he translates the word Logos by Wisdom. In John 1:1-18 all three; word-logos-wisdom are put together in one word; that is God. In many Bible-translations, John 1:1 is not translated by THE Word, but by LOGOS.
To be able to put all meanings of THE WORD in John 1:1 together, one must evidently own the ability to think in divine terms. Divine terms are given to us in Genesis 2,7 by God’s Odem (breath). Without, one sees just the word the brick or module for something he can’t see. But as John puts it very rightly and ever so logically to believers. ….and the word was God; everything is clear. Clear to those who love God. Not to those who see God as an option instead of alive reality. To those it’s just noise and as clear as mud, and might mean anything, but the LOGOS is missed.

For easier understanding, let’s simply look at John 1,14: And the Word became flesh and took up residence among us. The tangible incarnation of THE WORD= Logos. And even today, just in our time when so many take God’s Word just an as option, we are doing well to rediscover Jesus Christ as the Logos, the Word of God, the living God, and live accordingly to this one and only real truth in the world.
For all and everything you need evidence. False evidence though, the false word, can even make the lie to become „true“. People beliefe in the lie more than in the truth. Even our law protects any thug, even if one witnessed his evil deed, which’s got to be proved and evidenced - else he comes free and hasn’t done it! 😦
Therefore lies rule the world. Hadn’t we all had bad times when attacked by lies that by lies were made to believe and made seem „true"?!

Since Satan is the Father of the lie, he knows how to make lies look obviously true, and truth look as lie. It’s him tho makes atheists laugh about the Gospel.

A Protestant TV preacher spoke of Holy Mary and The Word, referring to the Annunciation.

The Announciation though (Luke 1,28) is not THE WORD, but the decision of God to start our Salvation NOW - the time God knew was right. Announciation is the order of God, to Arch-Angel Gabriel to Announce the Holy Virgin God’s decision. The Word itself however, originates in God and was aeons before the first humans were. The Word is divine, as God ist the word as John proclaimed in John 1:1and God gave us in Gen 2,7 to use it for the truth - or by free will even for the lie.
John also underlines the Divinity of Jesus Christ and that Jesus is God in God, in John 1,14: And The Word became flesh and took up residence among us.

It were Angels first who got this Divine Odem of God - the Word, aeons before us. The Word - God Himself. The Announciation was not „The Word“ itself, but the Arch-Angel Gabriel was send to bring The Word and God’s loving Holy Will to the most Holy Virgin Mary, and She received by the Holy Will of God; The Holy Spirit of God, she received Jesus Christ, who was long before Abraham was.
Jesus Christ had agreed to God’s Will for our Salvation, and He became The Word of The Father, and dwelled among us - giving us the Truth - which is God - God’s Word which is God Himself John 1,1.

See also

All this is of course far beyond the ability to comprehend to all doubters, gnostics and atheists. The Word and it’s Logos, verstehen or recognition, is not given to anyone alike - as anyone if free to use the word their own good or bad way. Same as in Mt 5:45 so that you may be like your Father in heaven, since He causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. But in the end The Word is decisive and speak the final sentence for eternity.

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I dare to wonder, how many of those who answered or just read and wondered about the deeper sense of „THE WORD", actually got the meaning of this topic.

It has very little to do with today’s sloppy way of talking, and nothing at all with Grammar.

Only aim was, to give you a convincing argument at hand, as to how ridiculous the claim is, that we originate of apes and evolution.

Evolution and the origin of man are the main Anti-God-Arguments ever since Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”. Joh 1,1 with Genesis 2,7 are in direct relation, and provide the hitting counter-arguments versus hell’s „No God needed“ Theory. Such THE WORD becomes a fundamental meaning, far off any "shortcomings of human language“.

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