The reason for that is that I can’t find any such real information.Religion contains real information, but you do not consider it so.
What option does the Church have there. If it claims that science is wrong then it lays itself open to a re-run of the Galileo scenario. So the question is:- “How does the Church Justify that claim?”.It is the position of the Catholic Church that science and faith are complementary.
You seem to reject evolutionary science as do some others here. So some levels of compatibility with science seem vastly superior to others and some go against the official position of the Church.
I do wish to consider that information but, as I said I can’t find any that isn’t either: confirmed by science, of no direct bearing to the big questions, more than just tradition or unsubstantiated belief, or wrong. I thought that this might be a good place to look because this kind of communications ability didn’t exist when I was a Catholic.What you define as truth is limited. This is not meant as a criticism of your position from a factual standpoint. It is meant to point out that the Church has valid information. If you do not wish to consider this information, that is your choice.
I seek the truth and I see a lot of truth and integrity is science. If I lack vital information then I seek that also. Where can I find it?However, as some complain that religious believers are annoying due to their prostelytizing the faith, you are attempting to use this forum for a similar purpose. Your constant insistence that your facts makes some of our beliefs untrue is an incomplete argument because, from the Catholic perspective, it lacks vital information.
How can they know ( rather than just believe that they know) what science cannot know?Catholics will not be making decisions based on your factual assertions since we have aditional, complementary information.
I can’t see that the evolutionary explanation detracts from human dignity. It surely enhances it? That was also Darwin’s view. He saw “exaltations” and “Grandeur” in it all:So it is not a case of ignoring any facts, but as Pope John Paul II brought up, the facts do not ground the dignity of man. The fact of the matter is that this dignity comes from God and purely mechanistic ideas do not include it.
Charles Darwin:
It also means that because we are now the only species who understands the origin of life we have a profound duty and responsibility for this planet and all it contains. We are “in charge here”.Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows. There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.
Duty, Responsibility and Dominion over all are surely the correlates of dignity are they not?