Theology of the Body and Christopher West

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Anyone out there studied Theology of the Body (TOB) by Pope John Paul II or hear Chirstopher West speak? If not you should really look into it. The TOB offers an explination of the sexual teaching of the church and reveals God’s saving plan through our sexuality. What are peoples thoughts on this, TOB, Christopher West human sexuality and so forth? Peace!
Tyler Smedley:
Anyone out there studied Theology of the Body (TOB) by Pope John Paul II or hear Chirstopher West speak? If not you should really look into it. The TOB offers an explination of the sexual teaching of the church and reveals God’s saving plan through our sexuality. What are peoples thoughts on this, TOB, Christopher West human sexuality and so forth? Peace!
I have not read it but have heard good things about it. I believe there is a discussion group on the web about it that I came across recently. It certainly sounds good to me from what little I know about it.
Of course I realize AFTER I already made a post about questions about TOTB a couple days ago…if only I’d looked back in the archives farther…didn’t I read in something else you had been to a Christopher West conference?
I’ve been to a one day talk by Christopher. He was excellent.

I’ve also listened to his weekend conference (this one was in Chicago) on tape during a very long drive. I believe these are available at


That’s awesome! Besides Christopher West, I think I’d also like to hear a lecture by Scott Hahn. My friend goes to Stuebenville…maybe I should go out there for a visit sometime 🙂
Yeah he does…or so far what I’ve been able to read by him he does. Too bad I haven’t gotten to see him give a talk yet.
The Theology of the Body is AWESOME. I cannot recommend it highly enough. It addresses SO many of the problems in our seculr, indifferent society, not just sex but corporal problems like not caring for older parents, materialism, immodesty, etc etc. It’s wonderful, deep, powerful teaching that will make you really glad you are a Catholic.
The book overall is okay. However, some points need to be made: catholic sexual ethics has always been based on the argument of something being either natural or unnatural. The Church’s moral theology and the person’s sexuality always had great (name removed by moderator)ut from Aristotelian metaetchics, which is something the Pope’s book lacks. Rather his arguments at times seem Kantian. The weirdest thing is the title. To say theology of the body would imply that there is a specific branch of theology dedicated to the body. There is not. the topic of sexuality, etc, falls under the branch of MORAL THEOLOGY, and it was from that context that great saints such as Saint Alphonsus Ligori, and Saint Thomas Aquinas formed their methods of talking about sexuality etc.,
Just a thought. By the way: the Patron Saint of Moral Theologians is saint Alphonsus Ligori. Though I personally like Saint Thomas Aquinas' Moral Theology.
To say theology of the body would imply that there is a specific branch of theology dedicated to the body. .
Could not the pope if he wanted to make a branch of theology called the Theology of the Body?
When I first heard Christopher West speak on the Theology of the Body several years ago, I thought…This is it!! The missing link…this is what I have prayed for for the last 15 years! Finally an explaination of **why?!! **Since then I have heard Christopher speak in person, I attended a Theology of the Body seminar that our church was having, I have listened to countless tapes on the subject…I can’t get enough of it! I think it is starting to hit a nerve with the secular society too…did anyone see Time’s interview with Christopher West a couple of weeks ago?? Very interesting…

God Bless!!
Paula Schrader:
did anyone see Time’s interview with Christopher West a couple of weeks ago?? Very interesting…

God Bless!!
I didn’t know that Time interviewed Christopher West. What issue was it? What was the interview about?
The Theology of the Body is AWESOME. I cannot recommend it highly enough. It addresses SO many of the problems in our seculr, indifferent society, not just sex but corporal problems like not caring for older parents, materialism, immodesty, etc etc. It’s wonderful, deep, powerful teaching that will make you really glad you are a Catholic.
I agree with your comments - this beautiful teaching addresses so much of what is wrong in our world - it lovingly explains as Christopher West says “the meaning of life” - and why LIFE should be respected.

There are so many life issues and family issues that are plauging our nation! and the world!

Christopher West is coming to the Chicago area in August (Marytown) and I am delighted. for more dates and places.
At our parish, we just had our first class about the Theology of the Body. The book: The Theology of the Body for Beginners is a very good book. It is easy to read and has scripture references. In the class there is a video presentation for each lesson. Our Pastor told us their will be 7 classes in all.

Christopher West will be appearing on ETWN Tomorrow on LIFE ON THE ROCK @ 8PM

go with God!
Tyler Smedley:
Anyone out there studied Theology of the Body (TOB) by Pope John Paul II or hear Chirstopher West speak? If not you should really look into it. The TOB offers an explination of the sexual teaching of the church and reveals God’s saving plan through our sexuality. What are peoples thoughts on this, TOB, Christopher West human sexuality and so forth? Peace!
I just finished reading “The Good News About Sex and Marriage” by Christopher West.


It has totally changed my perspective on sex and life.

I haven’t read anything by Christopher West yet but I have just started reading the Pope’s *Theology of the Body. *I am so looking forward to getting into it deeply, as it is beautifully written. I actually wanted to read the Pope’s own words before I read anything by West.
I just started reading West’s Theology of the Body for Beginners and I am already delighted by what I am reading.

I highly recommend this book!

Take care,
I haven’t read anything by Christopher West yet but I have just started reading the Pope’s *Theology of the Body. *I am so looking forward to getting into it deeply, as it is beautifully written. I actually wanted to read the Pope’s own words before I read anything by West.
West’s book describes and explains the Pontiff’s writings. The book by West would ba an excellent compliment while reading John Paul II’s words.

go with God!
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