Theology of the Body and Christopher West

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West’s book describes and explains the Pontiff’s writings. The book by West would ba an excellent compliment while reading John Paul II’s words.

go with God!
Thank you for the recommendation, Edwin–I’ll check out the book by West! God bless!
Thank you for the recommendation, Edwin–I’ll check out the book by West! God bless!
The book THE THEOLOGY OF THE BODY FOR BEGINNERS has 149 pages and there is a resource section for additional reading.

go with God!
The book overall is okay. However, some points need to be made: catholic sexual ethics has always been based on the argument of something being either natural or unnatural. The Church’s moral theology and the person’s sexuality always had great (name removed by moderator)ut from Aristotelian metaetchics, which is something the Pope’s book lacks. Rather his arguments at times seem Kantian. The weirdest thing is the title. To say theology of the body would imply that there is a specific branch of theology dedicated to the body. There is not. the topic of sexuality, etc, falls under the branch of MORAL THEOLOGY, and it was from that context that great saints such as Saint Alphonsus Ligori, and Saint Thomas Aquinas formed their methods of talking about sexuality etc.,
 Just a thought.   By the way: the Patron Saint of Moral Theologians is saint Alphonsus Ligori.  Though I personally like Saint Thomas Aquinas' Moral Theology.
There are different ways in which one can legitimately approach things theologically, getting at unique aspects which are worthwhile and offer distinct insight while remaining wholly within the realm of orthodoxy. A Thomist might take one approach, then, while a follower of Bonaventure would take another. Perhaps a Newmanite could make observations which are from an angle yet new.

It has been well suggested that there have been two great synthesises of the faith. The first was when Augestine “baptized” (so to speak) Platonic philosophy. The second when Thomas brought Aristotlean philosophy into the realm of faith as a basis, shifting from the Augustinian focus which had long been standard. Perhaps a third great synthesis is presently underway, having been signifignatly promoted by the likes of Pope John Paul II, namely one which takes up and completes that which is of value in a phenomenological approach. It is under this latter banner that a “theology of the body” makes sense.
After viewing EWTN’s program tonight, Christopher West’s web page was given.

go with God!
Did anyone listen to the CA Live program today with Christopher West?

The program was VERY lively and done in the style that makes Christopher West the messenger of JPII’s great revolutionalry work!
Take a listen:

I’m goning to download it into my hard drive.

God IS with Us!
Wow, I just had one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life. Yesterday I heard Christopher West give a 6 hour talk on the Theology of the Body. He spoke at our parish. I have heard many great speakers (including Fr. Corapi) but no one even comes close to Christopher West speaking on the Theology of the Body!

Previously, I have heard him talk on the radio a few times and had read how highly everyone talks about Christopher West on Forums. I went into the talk knowing it would probably be outstanding and when it was over I realized I had never learned so much material before in 6 hours of my life. The talk was INCREDIBLE!!

I want to let everyone know you must see him and as soon as possible. I will later post some materials you can get regarding his talks on the Theology of the Body.

Has anyone one else been to see him talk in person? If so, what did you think of him?

It is incorrect to say that Thomistic or any other theological or philosophical method is the ONLY way of the church. God is far too mysterious to fit into ANY single humanly developed system of reasoning.

If it is the best you can do, it seems best to me to listen to MULTIPLE blind men’s descriptions of the elephant. The trick is in figuring out which blind men are actually describing a rhino…
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