Theology of the body study group?

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I’m just curious how many people would be interested in studying Theology of the Body together on the FORUMS. My idea, and please feel free to add your own thoughts, is that I would start a tread every week or so and discuss a little bit of the book at a time until we were done. It would be just people logging on to the FORUMS, and not a study group through YAHOO or something like that. If you are interested, just say so in a post below.

Any suggestions please add them in you pst as well. Take care and God bless!

Oh yea, I’m thinking about starting this right before Christmas!
Puh…Leeze. Theology of the body? How can this be? Theology means the study of God. From a Catholic point of view, there cannot be a study of God on mine or your body.

Are you joking? It would make more sense to try to study the music coming from a motorcycle engine. Yet just as wrong. Don’t take this personally, but you did ask, so I answered.:tiphat:
Puh…Leeze. Theology of the body? How can this be? Theology means the study of God. From a Catholic point of view, there cannot be a study of God on mine or your body.

Are you joking? It would make more sense to try to study the music coming from a motorcycle engine. Yet just as wrong. Don’t take this personally, but you did ask, so I answered.:tiphat:
This is in regards to the book by JPII called Theology of the Body?
I don’t take it personally, the way you treat others is the way you treat Christ. For when ever you did it for one of these, the least of my breathren… I don’t have to answer to God for you. Really, though, you didn’t say anything insulting, why “don’t take this personally”?
This is in regards to the book by JPII called Theology of the Body?
I don’t take it personally, the way you treat others is the way you treat Christ. For when ever you did it for one of these, the least of my breathren… I don’t have to answer to God for you. Really, though, you didn’t say anything insulting, why “don’t take this personally”?
Dismas–This kind of response is exactly why I (and probably others) have no interest in anything you would propose. Are you like this in real life? It must get you into trouble with your peers.
I’m just curious how many people would be interested in studying Theology of the Body together on the FORUMS. My idea, and please feel free to add your own thoughts, is that I would start a tread every week or so and discuss a little bit of the book at a time until we were done. It would be just people logging on to the FORUMS, and not a study group through YAHOO or something like that. If you are interested, just say so in a post below.

Any suggestions please add them in you pst as well. Take care and God bless!

Oh yea, I’m thinking about starting this right before Christmas!
That would be fantastic.
La Chiara:
Dismas–This kind of response is exactly why I (and probably others) have no interest in anything you would propose. Are you like this in real life? It must get you into trouble with your peers.
Actually, no - your the first. Is it because I posted some of your private repsonse to me on a thread (without your name) and others saw what you said and were offended too!

Seriously, They took Jesus to trial by night accodring to the Gospel of John. why do you think they did it in secret.

Do you really think it is funny to degrade another person like you did. That is not funny and frankly insulting to any decent individual. Do you really think Jesus would approve of your message? Of your humor? I make mistakes to and act very unChrist like as well. However, I am working on it and hope and pray that we all are. I ask that you pray I will be more Christ like as well. Christ like in holding others accountable as well.

To keep nagging and not turning away from a sinful behavior however is the most derpessing of all, even more so than getting enjoyment at anothers expense.

Think and pray on it, please. remember the words of Fr. Bernard Haring, "It belongs to the very substance of nonviolence never to destroy or damage another person’s feeling of self worth, even an opponent’s. We all need, constantly, an advance of trust and affirmation."

Would you like to join us on the Theology of the Body?
Puh…Leeze. Theology of the body? How can this be? Theology means the study of God. From a Catholic point of view, there cannot be a study of God on mine or your body.

Are you joking? It would make more sense to try to study the music coming from a motorcycle engine. Yet just as wrong. Don’t take this personally, but you did ask, so I answered.:tiphat:
Theology of the body is a study of the body in the context of its relationship to God. It is just as appropriate to the broad field of theology as is a study of the Sacraments. . . such as Marriage.
I’m just curious how many people would be interested in studying Theology of the Body together on the FORUMS. My idea, and please feel free to add your own thoughts, is that I would start a tread every week or so and discuss a little bit of the book at a time until we were done. It would be just people logging on to the FORUMS, and not a study group through YAHOO or something like that. If you are interested, just say so in a post below.

Any suggestions please add them in you pst as well. Take care and God bless!

Oh yea, I’m thinking about starting this right before Christmas!
I’m not sure. It seems like even the most benign topic on the forums sometimes gets buried under arguements or hijacked by tangents. I’m not saying that that’s always a bad thing, either.

But IMO, this topic requires and deserves a more formal setting.

shannon e:
I’m not sure. It seems like even the most benign topic on the forums sometimes gets buried under arguements or hijacked by tangents. I’m not saying that that’s always a bad thing, either.

But IMO, this topic requires and deserves a more formal setting.

I would definitely be interested, but I am inclined to agree with Shannon. It would be very difficult to discuss it coherently if we have to stop and address every dissenter and protester that is sure to come.
God bless!

Our Pastor just finished an introductory course on JP2/Christopher West’s Theology of the Body. He even suggests that this study would be excellent for teenagers.

Theology of the Body is the study of God and how God wanted sexuality to be BEFORE the Fall of Adam and Eve.
For example, when Adam and Eve walked with God, we were perfect beings and sexuality was not impure. “they were naked and not ashamed”…that means that there was no threat of lust between the man and the woman. BUT when sin entered the union of man and woman, ‘they weer ashamed and covered themselves’. That means that lust entered their hearts and to prevent that , the covered their bodies as a spiritual (and to an extent) a physical protection. This is just an example of the teaching from The Theology of the Body.


The book we just was Chrisopther West’s Theology of the Body for Beginners.

ALSO there is another Pastor in Homer Glen, IL who also teaches about the Theology of the Body (Fr. Thomas Laya, Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Parish.

For those who are unsure about this study, I ams ure EWTN Library and other sources would be available for your consideration.

(It’s too bad this isn’t a ‘live’ chat here, I am sure a study like this would be very effective).

Go with God!
I *think *I would be interested. I recently recieved a book called “The Splendor of Love” by Walter Schu, which I believe is a layman’s book on Theology of the Body. I have not read this yet, but I am very interested in this teaching.

Just LMK what venue you decide on for this. Thanks!
I find the book “Sex and the Sacred City” by Steven Kellmeyer easer and more understandable than Christopher West. It also has question at the end of each chapter. This could generate the discussions.
I would be interested.

Especially since I was looking for the book as a Christmas present for DH.
Perhaps we can have two threads? One for debating it, and the other for studying it. This might help keep things on topic.I am all for it. Besides I already have the tape set and the Study Guide!!😃
I bought the book months ago, and just cracked it open yesterday. I would love to participate in a study group.

Good idea,

shannon e:
I’m not sure. It seems like even the most benign topic on the forums sometimes gets buried under arguements or hijacked by tangents. I’m not saying that that’s always a bad thing, either.

But IMO, this topic requires and deserves a more formal setting.

Points well taken - very well taken. I can offer some background experience that I have had in a very well moderated Catholic forum to which I belonged for years. It worked quite well there for this kind of thing and so I offer it only as a sugggestion to be or not to be considered in this matter:
  1. Often people read a book or document and wish to have a discussion. This does not however equip them to lead or moderate it. In my old forum we would ask one of the moderators to moderate what we called “closed discussion” - which meant that you had either read, or were reading the material or that you would agree to read the postings for the portion under discussion. This was the moderator’s job: to post portions of the material, to moderate the discussion to keep it in thread and on track so that it didn’t degenerate into personal disputes, off thread comments and most importantly that one or two posters didnt hijack the thread driving others into silence or away entirely.
2 Discussion was allowed, questions were asked but debate was not. Those who couldn’t agree or wanted further debate started other threads on the section, statement, whatever and anyone in the forum at large was then free to debate outside of the initial discussion.
  1. In our case I’ve seen moderator Stobie initiate and take part in discussions within the forum so perhaps he might be willing to be the moderator for this one- if so his is the final word, no appeals allowed facilitator. He can clarify, he does not discuss except to initiate the sections under discussion, perhaps offer a clarification as time goes on and in case of “heated exchange” separates out the parties and keeps the discussion in focus and on target.
It worked really well there and made a very enjoyable in depth discussion. Those not wishing to go so in depth of the subject are always free to start a thread pretty much like we do for anything else elsewhere in the forum.

I hope some or all of these ideas are of help and allow for those interested to have a fine ole time, and solves the problem of those who wish to “take over”: the discussion, belittle others or in some way “control” things. The moderator will solve the problem either with personal or board notes.
Actually, no - your the first. Is it because I posted some of your private repsonse to me on a thread (without your name) and others saw what you said and were offended too!

Seriously, They took Jesus to trial by night accodring to the Gospel of John. why do you think they did it in secret.

Do you really think it is funny to degrade another person like you did. That is not funny and frankly insulting to any decent individual. Do you really think Jesus would approve of your message? Of your humor? I make mistakes to and act very unChrist like as well. However, I am working on it and hope and pray that we all are. I ask that you pray I will be more Christ like as well. Christ like in holding others accountable as well.

To keep nagging and not turning away from a sinful behavior however is the most derpessing of all, even more so than getting enjoyment at anothers expense.

Think and pray on it, please. remember the words of Fr. Bernard Haring, "It belongs to the very substance of nonviolence never to destroy or damage another person’s feeling of self worth, even an opponent’s. We all need, constantly, an advance of trust and affirmation."

Would you like to join us on the Theology of the Body?
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