Theology of the body study group?

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I’m thinking about starting it in 1 week. I’m at work right now, but I’ll read the first little bit and come up with some idea of scope to concentrate on. I’ll be consulting with Christopher West’s book, a few friends that have taken a course on this, and some of the OSB’s on cmapus at Benedictine College as well as Dr. Sri!

Finals is this week. My last one is on Monday, I’ll post the first of the TOTB threads then. Until then, thank you all for jjoining me. I’m very much looking forward to hearing and learning from each of you.

HG - thanks for the insight and prompting.

La Chiara - Sorry for acting unChrist like. My sincerest apologies. Take Care and God bless.

To everyone that is joing us, any suggestions are welcome. Try reading the first few pages and maybe list some goals you would like to acheive. Thanks again.
I am interested in this study group if you will be using JPII’s original collection of audiences entitled *Theology of the Body. *If you are going to only use Christopher West’s book(s) I will be sitting this one out. Have you decided already, or no? Looking forward to finding out, and then maybe just browsing…thanks for the idea of a study group, either way!
I’ll be consulting with Christopher West’s book, a few friends that have taken a course on this, and some of the OSB’s on cmapus at Benedictine College as well as Dr. Sri!
I’ll being using Theology of th eBody by JPII. Glad to hear you’ll be joining us. Welcome.
To everyone that is joing us, any suggestions are welcome. Try reading the first few pages and maybe list some goals you would like to acheive. Thanks again.
First few pages of which audience? I don’t have the Theology of the Body in book form; I can access it section by section from EWTN’s website (or my computer, once I finish downloading them all).
I just found this forum and would love to study Theology of the Body by JPII. I see no activity in the forum for a couple of months, though.
I read Theology of theBody for Beginners. I am thrilled to find this gem. Where was it when I needed it 20 years ago? Why don’t more people know about this? I wish Catholic Answers or EWTN would do some radio programs on this to publicize it.
First few pages of which audience? I don’t have the Theology of the Body in book form; I can access it section by section from EWTN’s website (or my computer, once I finish downloading them all).
I will find out on Monday or maybe this weekend and let you know. Finals are God’s testing instruments!
I just found this forum and would love to study Theology of the Body by JPII. I see no activity in the forum for a couple of months, though.
I read Theology of theBody for Beginners. I am thrilled to find this gem. Where was it when I needed it 20 years ago? Why don’t more people know about this? I wish Catholic Answers or EWTN would do some radio programs on this to publicize it.
Glad to here your (name removed by moderator)ut and happy to see you join us. Welcome!
Maybe we can be the trend setters and Karl will pick up on it and run with it!
First few pages of which audience? I don’t have the Theology of the Body in book form; I can access it section by section from EWTN’s website (or my computer, once I finish downloading them all).
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of using the EWTN link of all the audiences. Each audience is numbered, titled, and dated (so we know when we’re on the same page…), and I just really like the idea of the easy and free access (especially during the Christmas season). Thank you, EWTN!!!

The first couple of audiences look kinda introductory. I do think we ought to go in order (is that a ‘duh’ I hear?), and I guess we can spend as long or as little on each section as we wish…

Dismas can announce the official first opening of the discussion by letting us know which audience we will begin with (it being understood that we’ve read everything up to that point).

We’ll work out the kinks as we go, eh?

In Theology of the Body for Beginners by Christopher West, he uses a metaphor about original sin being like driving on flat tires. Everyone else is driving around that way, so it seems normal. God’s grace can inflate the tires, but we need to keep getting filled up because we have a slow leak. We have a hard time being patient, unselfish, and forgiving.

I’d like to know if the metaphor is Christopher West’s or JP II’s? I really like the metaphor.

I would also like to learn more about this through EWTN. TOB has helped me understand sacraments, grace, original sin, and redemption better than I ever have.
In Theology of the Body for Beginners by Christopher West, he uses a metaphor about original sin being like driving on flat tires. Everyone else is driving around that way, so it seems normal. God’s grace can inflate the tires, but we need to keep getting filled up because we have a slow leak. We have a hard time being patient, unselfish, and forgiving.

I’d like to know if the metaphor is Christopher West’s or JP II’s? I really like the metaphor.

I would also like to learn more about this through EWTN. TOB has helped me understand sacraments, grace, original sin, and redemption better than I ever have.
I’m pretty sure it’s West’s. I’m listening to his lecture series (2 CDs to go) and he interjects much of his own experience and some ideas he’s arrived at through meditation. I don’t think the Holy Father would have any problem with West’s conclusions–he doesn’t ADD to the Pope’s addresses, just comments so the sometimes dense language is more accessable to the audience.


P.S. Can’t wait for this to begin! I agree we should use the actual addresses from EWTN, but the West stuff can help forum participants to get deeper into the Holy Father’s words.
Greetings Freinds,

Just a heads up as to the TOTB Study. Thanks for joining and expressing your interest in this. I’m excited about learning from all of you. My thoughts are this,
  1. I’ll start the actual thread later this week, Maybe arounf Thrusday or Friday. I have one last Final tomorrow, then I’m off to Washington.
  2. We’ll cover:
From Original Unity of Man and Woman -

A) The Unity and Indissolubility of Marriage General Audience
of Sept. 5, 1979 - Also accesbile through EWTN or Vatican.

B) Analysis of the biblical Account of Creation General Audience
of Sept. 12, 1979

C) The second Account of Creation: The Subjective Definition of
Man General Audience of Sept. 19, 1979

I think these three will give us a good start as well as a good and firm foundation to begin with. Let’s read these - meditate on them and come up with some questions you would like to pose the group. When I start the thread, I’ll put some hopefully engaging questions to start us off with. I’ll also be using Christopher’s West’s Book as well as some of the monks at Benedcitine College and professors to bounce ideas off. Any one who wants a hard copy can get it via for around 16-17 dollars for a brand new copy.

Till later, Take Care and God Bless!

"The first two facts which a healthy boy or girl feels about sex are these: first that it is beautiful and then that it is dangerous." - GK Chesterton

"A man’s faith can go down to zero without being shaken by doubt" - Henri Cardinal de Lubac
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