
I like these ideas!!:clapping:Points well taken - very well taken. I can offer some background experience that I have had in a very well moderated Catholic forum to which I belonged for years. It worked quite well there for this kind of thing and so I offer it only as a sugggestion to be or not to be considered in this matter:
2 Discussion was allowed, questions were asked but debate was not. Those who couldn’t agree or wanted further debate started other threads on the section, statement, whatever and anyone in the forum at large was then free to debate outside of the initial discussion.
- Often people read a book or document and wish to have a discussion. This does not however equip them to lead or moderate it. In my old forum we would ask one of the moderators to moderate what we called “closed discussion” - which meant that you had either read, or were reading the material or that you would agree to read the postings for the portion under discussion. This was the moderator’s job: to post portions of the material, to moderate the discussion to keep it in thread and on track so that it didn’t degenerate into personal disputes, off thread comments and most importantly that one or two posters didnt hijack the thread driving others into silence or away entirely.
It worked really well there and made a very enjoyable in depth discussion. Those not wishing to go so in depth of the subject are always free to start a thread pretty much like we do for anything else elsewhere in the forum.
- In our case I’ve seen moderator Stobie initiate and take part in discussions within the forum so perhaps he might be willing to be the moderator for this one- if so his is the final word, no appeals allowed facilitator. He can clarify, he does not discuss except to initiate the sections under discussion, perhaps offer a clarification as time goes on and in case of “heated exchange” separates out the parties and keeps the discussion in focus and on target.
I hope some or all of these ideas are of help and allow for those interested to have a fine ole time, and solves the problem of those who wish to “take over”: the discussion, belittle others or in some way “control” things. The moderator will solve the problem either with personal or board notes.