There is a Socialist coup unfolding in Canada

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Okay then. How about Mary Trump. She not only knows her uncle better than almost anyone on the planet but she is a qualified psychologist.
I watched her being interviewed and she said her diagnosis was that Trump is a narcissist and a sociopath.
You realize it is a violation of the law to release medical information. Right?
She was giving a personal opinion, not a medical one.

Here’s the observations I have:
  1. Donald Trump presents a persona that is arrogant and conceited. Frankly, I’m not particularly fond of anyone who presents this way.
  2. President Trump has done a surprisingly good job in office. The economy, employment, judges, foreign policy (notably the Middle East and trade policy) and others. On the pandemic, he has done the best he could, as have most governors of both parties. He has also failed to control the debt.
On balance, considering the dishonest and concerted efforts to undermine his 2016 campaign and administration by the left and their allies in the media, the lies about racism, etc, he deserves reelection, particularly considering the platform of his opponent.
An expert wouldn’t make a diagnosis without professional observation. I think we can assume you lack any expertise.
A lot of people on CAF are “diagnosing” Biden without “professional observation.” I trust you’ve also criticized them.
I will right now. Biden’s mental faculties are not my concern. He held himself fine in the debate.
It is his leftist policies I will criticized.
You realize it is a violation of the law to release medical information. Right?
She was giving a personal opinion, not a medical one.

Here’s the observations I have:
  1. Donald Trump presents a persona that is arrogant and conceited. Frankly, I’m not particularly fond of anyone who presents this way.
  2. President Trump has done a surprisingly good job in office. The economy, employment, judges, foreign policy (notably the Middle East and trade policy) and others. On the pandemic, he has done the best he could, as have most governors of both parties. He has also failed to control the debt.
On balance, considering the dishonest and concerted efforts to undermine his 2016 campaign and administration by the left and their allies in the media, the lies about racism, etc, he deserves reelection, particularly considering the platform of his opponent.
Every single sign and symptom of narcissism applies to Trump. He ticks all the boxes.
He has been a completely incompetent President, probably the worst in US history.
He is a coward. Imagine the Commander-in-Chief of all US forces being a coward. He dodged the draft FIVE times refusing to serve his country.

Now, I have no clue if Biden will make a good President or not but the American people will be voting to kick out Trump more than to elect Biden.
Every single sign and symptom of narcissism applies to Trump. He ticks all the boxes.
And? So what?
He has been a completely incompetent President, probably the worst in US history.
Considering the items I mentioned above, your comment is, at best, nonsensical.
He is a coward. Imagine the Commander-in-Chief of all US forces being a coward. He dodged the draft FIVE times refusing to serve his country.
So did Bill Clinton. The difference is Trump did not involve troops in a new conflict overseas. Who was the last president to do that. If it takes a “coward” to keep us out of foreign wars, while at the same time contributing to greater peace in the Middle East, give me more “cowards”.
Incidentally, I’m old enough to remember when the left considered draft dodges as heroes.
Now, I have no clue if Biden will make a good President or not but the American people will be voting to kick out Trump more than to elect Biden.
Biden’s platform indicates that he will not.
I would call Mary Trump’s diagnosis very biased as she hates her uncle. I think Mary needs to be diagnosed.
Please describe your medical expertise, and when you evaluated the president in order to make these diagnoses.

Signs and Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder:
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur
  • Needs constant praise and admiration
  • Sense of entitlement
  • Exploits others without guilt or shame
  • Frequently demeans, intimidates, bullies, or belittles others
Every one of these applies to Trump!
A good description of Barack Obama.
I would call Mary Trump’s diagnosis very biased as she hates her uncle. I think Mary needs to be diagnosed.
I guess that’s what the fanatical base of Trump would say. They refuse to recognise the truth and froth at the mouth if anyone dares say anything negative about him.
We won’t have to put up with Trump much longer.
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Trump is trying to protect America from being overthrown by socialists and Marxists
could you define those terms for me please?
Socialism: government ownership or strict control of the means of production.

“Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. Marxism posits that the struggle between social classes, specifically between the bourgeoisie, or capitalists, and the proletariat, or workers, defines economic relations in a capitalist economy and will inevitably lead to revolutionary communism.”
Trump is a man who loves his country and believes in it.
He sees what is happening and the direction the liberal progressives want to take the country.

You should be more troubled by how the previous administration and the democrats tried to sabotage a new duly elected president and spent 3 1/2 years trying to kick him out of office. There was not a peaceful transition from one president (Obama) leaving office to the new president (Trump) taking over.
No other republican would have been able to tolerate the abuse, vindictiveness, verbal attacks and smears
like Trump has. No matter how hard the democrats tried and no matter how much taxpayer money they
spent - they failed to get rid of him.

Trump’s personality helped him survive the petulant and unhappy democrat attempted takedown of his administration
since he was nominated. He has still been able to accomplish so much in spite of the noise from the opposing side. On top of everything else he had the pandemic thrown at him his last year and he even got

Trump is by no means perfect, but he was the man for the job and someone to stand up to the democrats who care more about power than they do the American people.
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wasnt looking for webster’s. curious what people who rant about “socialism” really mean. No one ever defines it on the right. I watched a news piece of Trump supporting farmers in OH praise the president for the subsidies for their crops. In the next sentence, some rambled on about Biden being a socialist. Yet they receive subsidies at the cost of other taxpayers… which is exactly a socialist handout. Righties like to throw the term around but have no idea what it really means, nor realize when they are benefiting from it.
How did a thread about alleged socialism in Canada become all about Trump? Isn’t there enough threads about him already???
wasnt looking for webster’s. curious what people who rant about “socialism” really mean. No one ever defines it on the right.
I think the definition is historically correct. Government ownership or strict control of the means of production. That’s it.
I watched a news piece of Trump supporting farmers in OH praise the president for the subsidies for their crops. In the next sentence, some rambled on about Biden being a socialist. Yet they receive subsidies at the cost of other taxpayers… which is exactly a socialist handout.
No, it isn’t. These actions by government, particularly our federal government, are wrong, but they are not socialism. Socialism would be, as an example, nationalizing those farms.
A government safety net is not socialism.
Righties like to throw the term around but have no idea what it really means, nor realize when they are benefiting from it.
There are some on the right who incorrectly complain that something like Medicare, as it is currently configured, is socialism. It is not, because doctors and hospitals, pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies are not owned by government. It will be socialism if Harris gets her way and makes the general government the sole provider of health insurance.
The left, in an attempt to make socialism palatable, conflates safety net programs with socialism, which is why they reject the proper definition.
How did a thread about alleged socialism in Canada become all about Trump? Isn’t there enough threads about him already???
Good point.

From the article:
Under this socialist revolution, there is no need to confiscate your property — they can simply redistribute your wealth through a home equity tax, confiscate hunting firearms that were legally purchased and owned, increase a ubiquitous carbon tax, or even potentially confiscate a portion of your retirement savings through a new tax on the private sale of your home.
One can call this socialism, but its actually authoritarian fascism. Complete dependency on the state because the state confiscates wealth, which is itself, property.
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And what dangers has Trump put you in that are not as you say comparable to what Trudeau has done in Canada?
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These actions by government, particularly our federal government, are wrong, but they are not socialism. Socialism would be, as an example, nationalizing those farms.
A government safety net is not socialism.
Out of interest, do you think Biden is a socialist? What about Bernie Sanders? I don’t believe either of these people have called for nationalising private companies.
Out of interest, do you think Biden is a socialist? What about Bernie Sanders? I don’t believe either of these people have called for nationalising private companies.
Biden, no. Bernie says he is. I believe him. I believe he would nationalize some industries.
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