Just wanted to drop my two cents in…Why? Because there is always a reason why things are this way rather than other way and when this is true then it means that there is a function which relates things together. In another hand there could not be an emergence.
I agree with your premises but I don’t agree with your conclusion of there being no ‘emergence’. I agree with you that it would not make sense for emergent properties to pop up out of nowhere - like magic. However, that doesn’t take away from the fact that a system considered as a whole can exhibit properties that its parts alone does not have. Perhaps your point speaks more to “how” this happens and not if it can happen. In simple cases like water, emergent properties develop because of their ‘interactions’ (the forces, energy, etc) acting on the parts. You can clearly see here that magic or some appeal to non-deducibility need not apply for the emergent properties of water. Yet, you can not deny that there is a difference between how H2O would react with fire compared to how hydrogen or oxygen alone would. Even if we had no rational understanding of this, you can not throw out the empirical fact just because it doesn’t square with your current understanding.
You should also consider that consciousness is emergent. David Chalmers believes that new types of interactions or forces may be needed to account for it. Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz ‘downward causation’ view (e.g. self-directed neuroplasticity or perhaps any form of intentionality) considers that the mind is a force in that you can use ‘thoughts’ to determine behavior. If we’re referring to changing behavior rooted in neurobiology which Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz has shown, then this would involve thoughts being able to change how brain interacts/functions (just as forces govern other interactions) and this would lead to the new desired behavior.
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