Lets discuss it to see where is the source of problem and if anybody can provide a proof.And in fact you cannot prove that. As I have explained to you ad infinitum, the act of making a choice is free, however the soul has been given a nature by God such that it is impowered to make decisions. In other words its functional ability has been caused ( crated ) by God, and it responds to what the intellect knows and provides it ( caused to act or to refrain from acting). So when you say that the will is uncaused, that is incorrect. It is caused it its functionality and operation, but it is not forced ( caused ) to act or not to act ( it is free to do either ).
Let consider that an agent is faced with a new situation needed a decision. This means that three things should happen:
- The infomation (physical cause) regarding that situation has to be received by the agent as initial cause to create knowledge in intelect about the situation. The situation has to lead to at least two seperate mind states, so called knowledge, otherwise no decision is needed.
- Minds states persist to exist unless it is disturbed with other physical cause but only one survive after decision is made. Decision must be done in mind hence, first the mind either should be informed about the existence of the situation or those mind states should persist to exist in the mind but regardless those mind states should exist at the time of decision. Now we need to get ride of all mind states but one otherwise we cannot take action since we cannot possibly do two different things at the same time, example: we cannot turn to left and right at the same time so called physical constraint that intelect is aware of it.
- Once all mind states but one are cut then it can be translated to information which eventually turns to action.
- How the information can cuase knowledge?
- How the chain of causality could be broken?
- Once the chain of causality is broken how knoweldge about the situation can turns into action?