" Conscience " is a part of the function of the intellect. As such, it evidences that the soul is the immaterial component of man. The job of the intellect is to collate the information received from the senses into intelligible concepts and then to associate these concepts into complete cogent thoughts ( i.e. There is a stop light, stop lights mean I may proceed or I may not proceed. This stop light is red. That means I must stop.). My conscience reminds me that I must do what is good and avoid what is bad,.In this instance, it warns me that I must stop. How conscience know what is good and what is bad is the interesting question.
I missed this post.This would be false, it is your unconscious mind which is in attention to survival which alerts at the red light.
Nonesense, I’ve gone through that exact thinking and reasoning process thousands of times at stop lights. I am generally aware of my intellect going through its reasoning process at such moments. Sometimes it is a muted reflection. But it is not something that can be regarded as an unconscious act.
Why do you think man use’s the color red ( alert) ?]/QUOTE]
Colors have unconscious triggers, blue is healing , amber thinking , education use’s amber light yellow in many of the lined paper to encourage calm steady thinking, artists understand these things including interior decorators with the use of specific accent colors for specific reasons, diners used to try and go as close to red as possible in order to …hurry up the customer. Explaining requires content
I’ll take your word for it. However, that is just a crutch to memory. So it causes us to be alert. I don’t see how that makes our response unconscious. It doesn’t as far as I’m concerned.
I would answer that, since the soul is the informative constituent of our human nature,God has given the intellect the power to recognize what is good and bad through a long comparative process to the
Standard of the Good which God has programed into the operative parameters of the intellect. So we have an instinctive understanding of the
Good to which we compare every act and thought
orang ( quote buttons not figured out as of yet.
how ? how does it work , above suggests the discerning process is a programmed feature, man operates good vrs bad by instinctive programming ?
In a sense all the operational parameters of the intellect are programed. God has given the soul powers - intellect, will, memory. He has given these powers parameters of operation. He has also given the intellect the power to recognize the Good, the True, and the Beautiful but the intellect has to apply itself to analyzing the information coming to it from the external world, toward recognizing how closely this data corresponds to these " markers. " Then it judges, but it judges freely. The only things that are programed are the powers, the parameters, and the " markers. "
Conscience also has a " punitive, reward " aspect as well. This is the so called " voice " of conscience. If we do good, we often experience a " feeling " of elation or well being, even happiness. If we do the bad, we frequently experience a " feeling " of discomfort, guilt, or remorse, even disgust. Of course cultural and educational factors have a lot to do with what we recognize as good or bad. That is why we must make every effort to educate ourselves properly.
again what are you talking about, how it works, if something is going to be explained it needs content !
If by content you mean an example, I could give several simple ones. I know, have known from childhood that certain things are not to be done. I knew that one should not steal. If I took something that wasn’t mine I felt guilty about that. I knew that it was bad to mistreat my sister. If I hit her I felt bad. That feeling of guilt was the " voice of conscience. "