These are hard times, when the secular laws protect and promote same sex marriage and support abortion

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The intent of secular law is not, nor should it be, the enforcement of catholic teaching. If that were the case that would violate MY freedom from religion.
Thank God that you live in a country that doesn’t allow that, instead of one like Iran or Saudi Arabia where religious doctrine is strictly enforced.
The USA has about 800,000 murders of unborn children per year.
Thank God that you live in a country that doesn’t allow that, instead of one like Iran or Saudi Arabia where religious doctrine is strictly enforced.
I think it is better to enforce Catholic doctrine on abortion instead of murdering 800,000 unborn children per year.
Unfortunately, it will only get worse, as half the voters knowingly voted for extremist pro-abortion and anti-traditional marriage political candidates.
Unfortunately, it will only get worse, as half the voters knowingly voted for extremist pro-abortion and anti-traditional marriage political candidates.
Including many Catholics voting for anti-Catholic values.
nonsense. not one single voter voted for “anti-traditional marriage”.
In 2018, 619,591 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas .
600,000 reported from 49 areas. Would that include all abortions in the USA for 2018 or only the reported ones and only those from 49 areas ?
In the US, murder has a specific legal meaning.
OK, but I am not a lawyer and my english is poor, so I generally use a common definition such as the premeditated killing of one human being by another.
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Abortions are medical procedures in the US, in our country, medical procedures are recorded.

Taking very basic mathematics, reported 600,000 across 48 reporting areas means 12,500 per area. This leaves the total still far below your 800,000 figure.
I generally use a common definition such as the premeditated killing of one human being by another.
The death penalty is premeditated killing of one human being by another. Is it murder? Where did that definition come from?
Abortions are medical procedures in the US, in our country, medical procedures are recorded.

Taking very basic mathematics, reported 600,000 across 48 reporting areas means 12,500 per area. This leaves the total still far below your 800,000 figure.
But do your statistics from 48 reporting areas include abortions from California, District of Columbia, Maryland and New Hampshire?

According to the following article both the CDC and the Guttmacher Institute compile data on abortions, but the federal count is significantly lower because the yearly report doesn’t include every state.
For example, for 2008, the CDC reports 825,000 abortions, but the Guttmacher Institute has 1,212,400 abortions for that year.

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Seems as if you want to discuss statistics at detail, to follow forum rules please open a new topic thread.

When I research, I will use the CDC stats.
Abortion is one of the most divisive issues in the country, yet no one knows exactly how many abortions are performed each year.
Good. It is a private matter between a woman and her doctor.
When I research, I will use the CDC stats.
But your CDC statistics do not include every state. For example, is it not true that your statistics do not include abortions from California, District of Columbia, Maryland and New Hampshire?
IOW, your CDC statistics do not give all the abortions performed in the USA for a given year.
No one is forcing clerics of whatever religion to perform same sex weddings.
It is a goal of that community
We are to be light on this world, to bring love and kindness keep kindness, to work on holiness ourselves to getting the planks out of our own eyes.
We are commanded to spread the gospel and part of that is teaching what is sinful, not being silent about sinful activities. These sins are leading people away from heaven. Salvation is in jeopardy for those living this lifestyle
It only seeks to guarantee equal protection
Forcing it on the unwilling isn’t equal protection. Allowing men to use a women’s restroom isn’t equal protection, allowing boys to enter girls sports isn’t equal protection. Forcing someone to bake a cake against their beliefs isn’t equal protection. Legal murder of the unborn isn’t equal protection to that child
Unfortunately, it will only get worse, as half the voters knowingly voted for extremist pro-abortion and anti-traditional marriage political candidates.
And how many of them were followers of Christ? The true path is surely narrow
nonsense. not one single voter voted for “anti-traditional marriage”.
Yes they did! When one voted Democrat they knew the Democrats push anti-traditional marriage. Their vote was a support of the party platform, their vote was for the hedonistic lifestyle whether they agreed with it or not
The CDC shows that abortions have been trending down for the past years. Most recent data is for 2018:
Surgical abortion has but this is skewed as some states don’t provide the data and it doesn’t tract chemical abortion or contraception which result is the same in the eyes of the church
Good. It is a private matter between a woman and her doctor.
Which leave out the rights of the father and unborn child
When I research, I will use the CDC stats.
Which isn’t the real picture of what’s going on
It is a private matter
I am not sure that murder should be a private matter. For example, if a woman murders her children and then murders her husband, why should that be a private matter? Let’s suppose the mother of the woman is sick and elderly. Should it then be a private matter if the woman murders her mother?
Once again, murder has a specific legal meaning. I do not know of any country which defines procured abortion as murder.
I do not know of any country which defines procured abortion as murder.
How many honest and uncorrupt politicians do you know? Why trust the definition of a hack politician?
Why not trust the definition of the honest, sincere, prayerful pro-life protestors who are carrying signs saying that abortion is murder?
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I happen to believe that the abortion of a normal healthy fetus is unthinkable. I would never do it nor would I urge my wife or girlfriend to. I would opt either for adoption or I would commit to caring for the baby myself. But that doesn’t give me the right to tell anyone else what to do. I believe that supporting Trump is despicable and unamerican. Should I advocate that supporting Trump should be illegal?
Words matter. The Church does NOT define abortion as murder, it calls direct abortion just that, direct abortion.
How many honest and uncorrupt politicians do you know? Why trust the definition of a hack politician?
I know many honest politicians. Corruption in this part of the US means someone who takes illegal bribes, under the table donations, etc. Personally, I’ve known only some politicians who have repented and done their time for corruption.

This still has nothing to do with the terms used in the US murder. As said above, the Catholic Church calls direct abortion direct abortion. I will stick with those labels.

Edit to add, as you did above.

I will always use the clinical, legal or scholarly terms. Protesters are known for hyperbole and using terms to incite outrage. That is not what language the Church uses.
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