They found the unborn baby girl and she's okay

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I am involved in prison ministry and I’d say “the boys in the big house will take care of it” :eek:

Justice …they’ll get theirs :mad:
Unfortunately, that may happen. I cannot imagine, the horror of such a terrible crime. My heart breaks for the family.

Skidmore, while small, has seen it’s amount of tragedy over the years. The town, is quiet and close nit but seems to breed strange and macabre events.

It is well known in MO for it’s notoriety of the death of a rather bizarre character several years ago. The guy was a bully, and self styled Mafia Don. He beat up and threatened everyone. Finally, the town got sick of him. He ended up shot to pieces in the middle of town. About 50+ different guns’ caused the wounds. NO one saw a thing.

Vigilante justice was the mode of his demise. This is more on going evil for the history of that tiny little Burg. Makes me wonder anyway. How can one such tiny burg, have so much tragedy and evil going on.

Poor little tyke. Breaks my heart. 😦
Unfortunately, that may happen. I cannot imagine, the horror of such a terrible crime. My heart breaks for the family.

Skidmore, while small, has seen it’s amount of tragedy over the years. The town, is quiet and close nit but seems to breed strange and macabre events.

It is well known in MO for it’s notoriety of the death of a rather bizarre character several years ago. The guy was a bully, and self styled Mafia Don. He beat up and threatened everyone. Finally, the town got sick of him. He ended up shot to pieces in the middle of town. About 50+ different guns’ caused the wounds. NO one saw a thing.

Vigilante justice was the mode of his demise. This is more on going evil for the history of that tiny little Burg. Makes me wonder anyway. How can one such tiny burg, have so much tragedy and evil going on.

Poor little tyke. Breaks my heart. 😦
I remember the incident you speak of …wasn’t it made into a tv movie :eek:
Well, the whole thing is sad and horible…perhaps we’ll all know more soon.
As far as some in prison…well, sometimes it appears there is another code of justice as they see it…doesn’t make it right but look what happened to some who went to prison like Jeffery Dahmer…and others who hurt children,etc…
Unfortunately, that may happen. I cannot imagine, the horror of such a terrible crime. My heart breaks for the family.

Skidmore, while small, has seen it’s amount of tragedy over the years. The town, is quiet and close nit but seems to breed strange and macabre events.

It is well known in MO for it’s notoriety of the death of a rather bizarre character several years ago. The guy was a bully, and self styled Mafia Don. He beat up and threatened everyone. Finally, the town got sick of him. He ended up shot to pieces in the middle of town. About 50+ different guns’ caused the wounds. NO one saw a thing.

Vigilante justice was the mode of his demise. This is more on going evil for the history of that tiny little Burg. Makes me wonder anyway. How can one such tiny burg, have so much tragedy and evil going on.

Poor little tyke. Breaks my heart. 😦
Sounds like a priest needs to bless the town or excorcise it God Bless
I remember the incident you speak of …wasn’t it made into a tv movie :eek:
Well, the whole thing is sad and horible…perhaps we’ll all know more soon.
As far as some in prison…well, sometimes it appears there is another code of justice as they see it…doesn’t make it right but look what happened to some who went to prison like Jeffery Dahmer…and others who hurt children,etc…
Yes, I believe it was made into a movie. Don’t know why this whole thing, strikes me as some perverse Evil curse for the whole small town. Maybe, it is just because it is in my small corner of the world. It’s just an hour+ away :confused:

Anyway, I have always felt there was some horrible evil in that town. The guy who was slain years ago was evil, but the town took vigilante justice. Gave me the chills then. This is even worse.

I think they may need a priest to bless the town or excorcise it. :eek:
They said on the news that the ones who did this were going to sell the baby.:mad: 4,000 killed by abortion today and there is a baby market?SAD! God Bless
They said on the news that the ones who did this were going to sell the baby.:mad: 4,000 killed by abortion today and there is a baby market?SAD! God Bless
Actually, that was pure suposition. Liza Montgomery has confessed. She recently lost a baby. Lied to her husband etc. At least that is the scoop now. Looks like another post tramatic situation. 😦
In the most recent case, a 21-year-old woman was shot to death in Oklahoma in December 2003, allegedly by another woman who pretended the 6-month-old fetus was her child. The fetus died and prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

Above is the last paragraph from the MSNBC story. That is some tricky bit of wording there. I think the problem lies in that they are trying to show the age of the baby (six months gestation) and don’t want to imply that it was six months since the baby’s actual birth. To be more precise, it should have been worded, “.*…another woman so pretended the baby, aged six months gestation, was her child.” *But the writer was simplistic and just called it a fetus.

Yes, probably also because the baby was pre-term and it does complicate things for some people to call a baby a baby when they’re rationalized that it’s not yet.
I hope they find the SCUMBAG who did this and beat the tar out of him… No wait… maybe they should do an experimental surgery or a C section on HIM! The depravity of people is astonishing.
Well, the kidnapper turned to be a WOMEN. Anyway, I hope the justice system has a penalty stiff enough for her. Anyway, it is interesting to hear the media try to decide whether the baby girl is a baby or a fetus. Talk about doubletalk! Headlines like this one makes you wonder why more countries don’t hate us for our sadistic life style. God help us!
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