They just can't be right! (After all, they're Catholics aren't they?)

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For God’s sake don’t pay any attention to John 6, 1st Cor 10:16, & 11:23-29 or any of the last supper passages… (like Matt 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:17-20 and 24:30-35)

Oh yeah…and read around Matthew 16:13-19, John 20:24 & 25,
Luke 22:31-32, and John 21:15-17 because you might just see the NT basis for the things that the Catholics believe.

Then ignore passages like James 5:13-16 because it fits into the context of John 20:19-23 and 2nd Corinthians 5:17-20.

Please feel free to pick any one set of topical verses and have at it until you feel like you’ve exhausted that topic then pick up another or spin off your own threads.

Remember what was said of the early Christians by those who persecuted them: “See how these christains love one another.”

Pax vobiscum,
thank you, Michael. I am new to the forum and just learning how to lovingly answer fundamentalists who tell me I am a Pawn of Satan. You have helped me.

thank you, Michael. I am new to the forum and just learning how to lovingly answer fundamentalists who tell me I am a Pawn of Satan. You have helped me.

Hi Leslie and welcome to the forum!

Another great source of information here is the Catholic Answers Library (the link is at the very top of the screen). They’ve got on-line tracts dealing with almost every issue that could be brought forward as an attack on our faith. And of course you’ve also your fellow forum-mates to help out where we can 😃

As an aside, whenever I have run-ins with those who would like to attack our faith I always take solace in the fact that I’ve taken Hebrew 13:7-9 to heart:
7] Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God; consider the outcome of their life, and imitate their faith. 8] Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever. 9] Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings…
Sometimes the most virulent attacks come from those who don’t want the Catholic Church to be true, because if it is, they will have to give up their opinions. And some of these people attack even harder to drown out the voice in their heart saying that the Real Presence is true and the Eucharist is not just a memorial or a symbol.

I really believe that the Real Presence is the actual stumbling block and all the other stuff(like Mary, Saints, the rosary, religious life, yada yada yada) is a smokescreen because you just can’t get around Jesus’ words. The attackers are having the same reaction that most of the disciples(used in the broad sense of the word) had, and most of the disciples, those following Jesus, left when He said they would not have life unless they ate His Body and drank His Blood. And when He sadly asked the twelve if they also would go, Peter, flawed but insightful Peter, said Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.

I don’t pretend to understand everything, but this I do understand: the doctrine of the Real Presence is true. Everything else is secondary, the whole Gospel is contained in the doctrine of the Real Presence.

thank you, Michael. I am new to the forum and just learning how to lovingly answer fundamentalists who tell me I am a Pawn of Satan. You have helped me.

oh you Pawn you :D. Is that better or worse than being called a Heretic Vixen 🙂 😉 (oh yes that was by a Sede); or being condemned to hell because I have purchased a cup of coffee on Sunday? 😃

Yeah…it just seems that we can’t do nothin’ right can we?
thank you, Michael. I am new to the forum and just learning how to lovingly answer fundamentalists who tell me I am a Pawn of Satan. You have helped me.

Is that better or worse than being called a heretic vixen by alleged Catholics? Or is it worse than being condemned to hell because I might have purchased a cup of coffee on a Sunday?

Never mind what they call you, since they are reflecting themselves when they make that kind of comment.

(the heretic vixen)
Well, it looks like I have been damned because I am a middle of the road orthodox Catholic. I have been damned because I refuse to have anything to do with the heresies of the fundamentalist Baptists. I have been vilified because I am a Catholic who believes in the Trinity. I have been damned because I might have purchased a coffee or :eek: a newspaper on a Sunday.

Nope, we sure cannot do anything right with so many wanting to damn us to hell. I can thank God that it is only God who will be my judge and not those who claim to know the mind of God :dancing:

Yeah…me too. Oh well, at times like that I sort of remember a great passage from 1st Samuel 24: 12 ff

"I would not put out my hand against thee. Reflect, and see, that there is no evil in my hand, nor iniquity, neither have I sinned against thee: but thou liest in wait for my life, to take it away. 13 The Lord judge between me and thee, and the Lord revenge me of thee: but my hand shall not be upon thee. 14 As also it is said in the old proverb: From the wicked shall wickedness come forth: therefore my hand shall not be upon thee.

16 Be the Lord judge, and judge between me and thee, and see, and judge my cause, and deliver me out of thy hand. "

To me it’s always a prayer that the Lord deliver me from those who unjustly get on my case and also…a prayer that God will give me a heart like David’s that would not return evil for evil.
One I found on my own. My Protestant friends had no idea when I was counting on my fingers and asking them “Jesus was Crucified on Friday right?” “YES” and “Jesus was resurrected on Sunday right?” “YES” and finally, “40 days later, a Friday, was Ascension Day, right?” “YES” Good,

John 24:42,43
And they gave Him a piece of broiled fish, and He took it and ate it before them.

Fish on Friday!

Not for ascension obviously, but for reverence of the crucifixion I understand. But there!

And for the naysayers that want to secretly get around the stigmatists (whose wounds are obviously in their palms), by saying that Christ’s nails were through his wrists or whatever, by any myriad of arguments, let them be faced with the plethora of Biblical passages that refer to His HANDS:
Luke 24:39
Psalm 22:16
John 20:24-29
And the cincher:  Isaiah 49:16
Yes, I’m close to converting. You can’t lend creedance to the stigmata and be Protestant for very long :nope:
Reformed Rob:
One I found on my own. My Protestant friends had no idea when I was counting on my fingers and asking them “Jesus was Crucified on Friday right?” “YES” and “Jesus was resurrected on Sunday right?” “YES” and finally, “40 days later, a Friday, was Ascension Day, right?” “YES” Good,

John 24:42,43
And they gave Him a piece of broiled fish, and He took it and ate it before them.

Fish on Friday!

Not for ascension obviously, but for reverence of the crucifixion I understand. But there!

And for the naysayers that want to secretly get around the stigmatists (whose wounds are obviously in their palms), by saying that Christ’s nails were through his wrists or whatever, by any myriad of arguments, let them be faced with the plethora of Biblical passages that refer to His HANDS:
 Luke 24:39
 Psalm 22:16
 John 20:24-29
 And the cincher:  Isaiah 49:16
Yes, I’m close to converting. You can’t lend creedance to the stigmata and be Protestant for very long :nope:
How much more of a push do you need to get you into the Tiber?

How much more of a push do you need to get you into the Tiber?

Well, not to start a rumor, but not much.
That should be obvious from some of my recents posts/threads.

If a person were to try to work through all the difficulties, it would take the better part of a lifetime just devoted to that. But the Eucharist, the testimony of the Spirit in Scriptures and in the Church, well… It’s powerful!

This is a cool thread. Don’t let it be about me. Church Militant, keep it going dude!
Reformed Rob:
Yes, I’m close to converting. You can’t lend creedance to the stigmata and be Protestant for very long :nope:
God Bless you and welcome home.
Alright, no debating John ch 6 during Lent. Catholics get sinful amusement by watching Protestants trying to build the jigsaw puzzle while leaving half their pieces still in the box:p
How much more of a push do you need to get you into the Tiber?

Well, not too much.

Actually, I’ve been doing plenty of pushing myself. And the Lord seems to be speeding things along nicely.

But let not this thread be about me, I only wanted to contribute. Thanks for asking.
Alright, no debating John ch 6 during Lent. Catholics get sinful amusement by watching Protestants trying to build the jigsaw puzzle while leaving half their pieces still in the box:p
😃 Well, since I am certain that I have come across John1717 in the past, I am giving her up for Lent :rotfl:

Reformed Rob:
Well, not to start a rumor, but not much.
That should be obvious from some of my recents posts/threads.

If a person were to try to work through all the difficulties, it would take the better part of a lifetime just devoted to that. But the Eucharist, the testimony of the Spirit in Scriptures and in the Church, well… It’s powerful!

This is a cool thread. Don’t let it be about me. Church Militant, keep it going dude!
We will not allow the thread to be hijacked by wanting to know more :). However, please ask all relevant questions, so that we can give you that nudge in the back :D;)

We will not allow the thread to be hijacked by wanting to know more :). However, please ask all relevant questions, so that we can give you that nudge in the back :D;)

Ok, thanks.

Oh yes, I certainly try to ask all relevant questions. I even throw in some random, irrelevant questions from time to time, just to preserve the :bigyikes: sanity !!

Yep, it’s about time for another random question!!

yall are super, thansk
Catholics get sinful amusement by watching Protestants trying to build the jigsaw puzzle while leaving half their pieces still in the box:p
It’s precisely these comments that are driving people away from the Catholic Church. I have had many personal issues with Catholicism and whenever I highlight them to a Catholic in person, online or whatever (including Bishops, Priests, Deacons) this is the kind of attitude I face. I am STILL a Catholic, merely questioning Catholicism and the more badly I am treated (and the above is a weak example) the more I will find there is “no home in Rome”
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