I’m shocked!! hehe…just kidding!I think I actually agree with this.
Agreed.When they entered into marriage, God made the two flesh one. They cannot be seperated. When God has joined two together, they are joined, whether one of them believes it or not. Therefore, I would say that both parties are obligated to fulfill their union as God intended it. Simply because one party has suddenly decided that God needs no place in the union, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It has to be lived out
I cannot really comment, I would not want to say if a marriage is binding or not. I think many things would have to be considered. Such as the fact that it could have been known before they were married that God had no place in his life, but they were both serious and took there vows seriously. I don’t know this exact situation but I think many things would have to be investigated before a judgement is made…which of course the Church would do.That being said, if it turns out the fellow didn’t simply suddenly decide, but had always had the idea that God had no place in things, that’s a little different, and perhaps the union never really existed, in which case their is no binding.