I know, Theo and you may be right.
But I used to know the kids in the streets here who worked. We were a network of people who cared and often knew them by name. And relentlessly pressuring the authorities, then working with those persons whom authorities sent ,and then getting to know some of the parents, and offering assistance at different levels, food, help after school, elements for their parents to sell and ( clothes) so they could make a better living… well, it improved. They are children, just like yours or mine.
So basically, what I am trying to say, is that when there is a will and people get together against one of these evils, I don t know how but Jesus lends a hand…
The money is there, the food is there, the is corruption but not always scarcity.
One never knows but networks start to work.
I know it’s difficult, and seems to surpass us somehow, but nothing is impossible with God, prayer and lending hands. And such a reaction to help by stopping to contribute to child labour, may in turn mobilize and encourage those good networks to take their places and help out as well.
Maybe I am just a fighter, Theo…thanks as usual for your (name removed by moderator)ut from a different perspective. You can always be right.
In any case it needs to be thought out in situ ,start local, specifically, and with (name removed by moderator)ut from people from different arenas .