I’m sorry you have this to deal with.
Documenting is an excellent idea. Write down
everything, including the called-off baby shower, choosing a batch of corn bread over the need to get you to promptly an ER at your doctor’s direction, and her telling you and everyone else that she refused to be examined further when her doctor raised the possibility that she might have dementia. Do not forget: if this comes to going to court, your mom is also going to need to prove that
she is a fit parent. If you have enough evidence to show she might be unstable, a court will require her to have mental tests. It does not sound as if she would consent to that, and if she did, she might well fail to pass. (Don’t mention what the doctor told you directly unless he has HIPPA paperwork that allows him to give you information on her health status. If he violated federal privacy rules in making that comment, he’ll get into trouble and that whole line of argument could be thrown out. Stranger things have happened in court.)
There are two non-exclusive possibilities here. One is that your mom has some sort of dementia (which need not be Alzheimer’s)and because it has had a slow onset, your dad either doesn’t realize it or is in denial. Been there, done that. It started with Mom taking offense and getting upset where she
never would have in the past. Then it got so that she could not follow a logical argument. When you tried to get her to, she would get mad and stomp off. Eventually, some of us kids became villians and others became favorites, although luckily she would forget the “villian” part most of the time.
At any rate, you have become the object of her paranoia. It is unlikely that you will do much directly to improve things. Besides, you haven’t been around her, so changes will be difficult for you to judge. So talk to your sister or SIL that is still in “favorite” status. Impress upon them that if your mom’s troubles have an organic cause, the cause might be treatable, and even easily treatable. If your “in” relatives refuse to help, they could be contributing to her suffering, not just theirs. Even with Alzheimer’s, there are drugs that can delay entrance into a nursing home by two years or more, if started early enough. Have them go online and look themselves, if they won’t believe you.
Here are a few issues to raise:
- She needs to be watched for further evidence of whether she does have dementia or just is being difficult. Dementia is defined as the loss of previously attained mental abilities. Have your sisters on the lookout: Is she less able to follow logic or reasoning? Does she ever take metaphorical language literally? Does she forget and not realize she has forgotten? Is she uncharacteristically paranoid or defensive, compared to say, ten years ago? Is she uncharacteristically rude, thoughtless, or demanding? Has she raised any trouble with the people she banks with? Is she uncharacteristically moody or unpredictable? Does she often use “that thing” or some other vague descriptor in place of the word she would normally use? Is her ability to drive unimpaired?
- If your mom does have dementia, she may have a form of that is treatable. Your sister or SIL may eventually be able to convince her to seek treatment for memory loss or difficulty sleeping. If she doesn’t deal with the idea of having dementia, even to get treated, a geriatric psychiatrist will know how to approach her sensititively.
- In the meantime, do yourself a big favor and take a class on dealing with dementia and memory loss. Your stress level and hers will be much, much lower. It is much easier to put yourself out for a sick parent than for a deliberately abusive one.
The other possibility is that your mother was never the sweet lady you made her out to be… that her loss in faculties is more a fall from a pedastal you had her on (and her reaction to having been removed) than anything else. But based on what you have related, I’d (unfortunately for you mom) put my money on dementia being at least a part of this equation.
In either case, a little more distance might give you the amount of access to your family that is healthy. Draw a line from your parents’ house to where your DH works. Extend that line in the other direction. How far in that direction would you have to move to be at least an hour’s drive from your parents and yet a reasonable commute to your husband’s work? Does his company have another site nearby that he might transfer to?
Living over an hour’s drive from one’s parents is a nice distance in a case where you want to see them, but don’t want them dropping in very often… particularly if it scoots you over a state line, where laws or courts are more in your favor. If you don’t make the move about your mom, but about something desirable about living in the other location, it might be enough to get you back to “favored daughter” status.