Part 3 (continued from post #20)
The way you word this, it almost sounds as though there is no trade-off going on in pursuing these types of careers. However, we know that this is not the case. The successfull scientist and politician has to devote enormous amounts of time away from the family. This is what I meant at the beginning of this post when I stated that family and career can be successfully mixed - as long as you don’t want “it all.” It is easily possible to have a stellarly successful family and a successful (but not stellarly successful) career. It is easily possible to have a stellarly successful career but your family life will be mediocre at best. However, it is not practically possible to have a stellarly successful career and family life. This is equally true for both men and women.When I have children I want to spend as much time educating my girls as my boys. I want my girls to want to be wives and mothers but also scientists, politicians, writers, and whatever else they might want to do. I want them to use their talents to improve society.
But the way the world works now, it seems like I’ll have to tell them that they have to choose between having a family and using their talents to contribute to society in other ways.
This really depends on what period of time that you are looking at when you talk about “traditional.” The “traditional” view has changed a great deal over time. The view you promote as ideal was actually the prevailing view during part of the feudal period of the Middle Ages and was only replaced with what we percieve as the “traditional” view in the late Middle Ages as it transitioned to the period misnamed as the Enlightenment.Hermione]It seems like the “traditional” way assumes that God never gives women any talents and never wants women to serve society with their creativity and intelligence etc.
The “traditional” way also downplays the importance of fathers. All the research shows that children (especially the boys) benefit A LOT from fathers who spend time raising them.