This is what COULD happen if homosexuals are allowed to marry

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It’s not farfetched at all because just look at us, we’re actually discussing the question. Forty years ago, we are not. So what does that tell us? It tells us that the water is getting hotter, but the frog doesn’t know it yet (Or maybe he’s too busy keeping his eye on the beasties and hoping (hopping) he’s not next).
I have no doubt that there are some weirdos out there who want to marry their dogs. But bestiality and same sex marriage are so different its incredible. Personally…I could care less if some wacko wanted to be married to a stapler, I mean, how is it hurting me? But really, two consenting adults who are of the same sex marrying may become legal nationwide, but no ones gonna support bestiality. Same sex couples can have commited, productive, emotionally connected relationships. A person and a horse can’t even begin to enter a marriage.
I don’t agree with the attitude of “how is it hurting me?” Welfare decimated the black middle family. No-fault divorce decimated families of every color.

If same-sex marriage is a good thing (and Catholics are directed to not vote for candidates who support such views), then the People of Massachusetts will be ‘allowed’ to vote on this issue at some point, eh?
There was a nutters woman a few years back, who got a lot of media attention for a book that she had wrote. THe book claimed that children that had endured sexual abuse actually enjoyed it and suffered little harm. :mad::mad: :mad: :banghead: Yes, it was crazy but the fact that such a book would have people on new shows seriously discussing its merits was a bit scary.
That book was “Harmful to Minors” and it got excellent reviews on Amazon… :mad: Also, google “Rind Report”…some doctors did a study, and their findings were the same as the author of the book above…

Some folks want to keep their head in the sand, that we’re not heading down a nasty road…
Sorry, I didn’t read your OP first.
Will men be able to marry 15 year old boys someday? Yes, almost certainly.

I originally answered “too far fetched”, reading the question in the same way that** jimmy** did.
Then when they have the right to marry little boys…
This is of course the same mistake many made with regard to the priest scandal. The priests’ scandal was a gross violation of their vows, the trust of the public, and their responsibility to the minors. But the vast majority were with teenage boys and girls. Not quite as revolting and pathological as the few who actually preyed on younger children, although both were gravely sinful.
Well I can’t say whether animal/person marriages will ever happen. Ewww…I hope not. But once I was in college and just minding my own business…

and this guy came up to me and handed me this pamphlet and it was a little magazine him and his friends started which included a little section on sharing your “love” for animals with a picture of a woman in lingerie. I avoided him after that…but he sure seemed to have a lot of friends.
Also I have heard something about PETA chit chatting about how apes have occasionally been known to try and rape humans…
Once you’ve legally redefined marriage, the gates are open to whatever forms of sexual contact there are.

Basically, it comes down to what kind of sex gets license. We are called to love all of our brothers and sisters, but that doesn’t mean we are to have sex with them.

Once you’ve said that marriage isn’t between one man and one woman, you open its definition to all sexual behaviors.

The logic goes like this, “If I am a man and love another man, no one should be able to tell me that I cannot marry him.” When the law acqueisces and says “you’re right, we cannot tell you that,” what follows is that whoever claims to love whoever can also be “married.”

The next person comes along and says, “if I love these two women, and they love me, who can tell me that I cannot marry them, it is my right.” If it’s granted to homosexuals, its granted to the bigamists.

The next person comes along and says, “My dog loves me and I love my dog, who are you to tell me I cannot marry him/her.” The law cannot stop this based on changing the definition of what marriage is, because marriage simply means, if you love someone or something and want to have sex with them.

The state has no interest in breaking up the family, but that is exactly what is going to happen if gay marriage is allowed. This may seem like a slippery slope argument, but based purely on legal definition, gay marriage is the flood gate.

As for people saying an animal cannot consent, this is true, but they are not considered “persons” and therefore really cannot be violated. It sickening to say, but if we can kill them and use them as produce, we can also use them sexually. People will be able to marry their animals if marriage is redefined.

That is why we have to stick to Catholic principles, that marriage is to be unitive and procreative, b/w man and woman, and that it is indissoluble.
I’m thinking of making this a different thread because it irks me so much.

Well here’s my thinking.
  1. Having kids is not so easy for everyone. Sometimes you try and try and cannot get pregnant.
  2. EVERY single homosexual marriage will be an infertile union - barring extraordinary scientific interventions, of course. These people will want to adopt. They will want to adopt babies.
  3. Being married, they will have the right to adopt. There will be many many people who for the whole reason of being in a union which will never be able to produce offspring, will want to adopt.
AND WHERE DOES THAT LEAVE THE REST OF US (those among us who are infertile and in 2 person male/female marriage)???


And where does that leave the babies who were up for adoption? Well they will never know what it’s like to have a mom, or else they will never know what it’s like to have a dad. I can totally see preferential treatment being given to homosexual couples when it comes to adoption.

And the sad fact is, due to abortion, there aren’t many babies out there for us to begin with.
And where does that leave the babies who were up for adoption? Well they will never know what it’s like to have a mom, or else they will never know what it’s like to have a dad. I can totally see preferential treatment being given to homosexual couples when it comes to adoption.

And the sad fact is, due to abortion, there aren’t many babies out there for us to begin with.
Yes, I agree with your whole analysis. Gay marriage will create a demand for gay adoption; and placing children into gay marriages are a form of child abuse. This will become even more apparent when pedophiles adopt.
I think it’s very possible, though I don’t think it will happen any time soon. I also think that polygamy may happen in the future if America as a whole allows gay marriage. Why? Because if the foundation of marriage is simply that they love each other, and therefore have the right to marry, then who can stand in the way of 10 women and a man in love of getting married? It’s their *right, * isn’t it? :ehh:
Sick world I tell ya.
Stop the Wedding!
Why Gay Marriage Isn’t Radical Enough

by Judith Levine
July 23 - 29, 2003

First, two gay men known to their friends as “the Michaels” sealed their marriage with two rings and a champagne toast in Toronto. Then American queers broke out the bubbly when the U.S. Supreme Court declared the constitutional right to gay sex in the privacy of the bedroom, clearing the way to same-sex marriage here. If the Massachusetts Supremes rule in favor of seven same-sex couples challenging that state’s marriage statute (that decision is expected imminently), Provincetown could see a run on champagne flutes.

It’s not hard to understand why America’s Michaels (and Michaelas) want the right to marry. With the nuptials comes a truckload of rights of marriage, including the secure habitation of your joint home, custody of your kids, tax-free inheritance of your partner’s property, and citizenship in her country. And that’s not to mention the nongovernmental goodies, from health insurance to joint gym memberships to Le Creuset casseroles showered on the wedded pair along with the rice. For all that, marriage is a bargain. In New York City, licenses go for $30.

But many gay marriage advocates want more than legal freedom and equality. Understandably, they want what the state confers on their straight friends’ relationships: sentimental and moral validation. Vermont’s Freedom to Marry Task Force pronounced civil unions a “bitter compromise”—and not just because the law won’t affect Social Security or federal taxes. To win fence-sitters’ votes, the bill’s authors retained all of marriage’s rights but silenced its religious resonance. For instance, where a marriage is solemnized (the church organ swells), a CU is certified (a bureaucrat’s stamp thuds). This dispassion seemed to add insult to the substantial injury of exclusion from the privileged institution. As Beth Robinson, co-counsel to the plaintiffs in Baker, put it, “Nobody writes songs about registered partnerships.”

Still, in seeking to replicate marriage clause for clause and sacrament for sacrament, reformers may stall the achievement of real sexual freedom and social equality for everyone. For that, we need new songs.

Gay marriage, say proponents, subverts religion’s hegemony over the institution, with its assumption of heterosexual reproductive pairing. It makes homosexuality more visible and therefore more acceptable, not just for judges or ER doctors but for the lesbian bride’s formerly homophobic cousin. Because gay marriage renders queerness “normal,” notes Yale legal scholar William Eskridge, it is both radical and conservative.

Instead of conceiving of these associations as “marriage lite,” think of them as personal partnerships and the body of law regulating them as analogous to that for commercial partnerships. A housing co-op has different concerns than a medical practice, a mom-and-pop enterprise differs from a publicly traded corporation—and so do the statutes that limn them. The point is to limit the law to issues germane to the relationships it oversees. For instance, if kids are involved, they and their parents need legal protections, especially in the event of a split-up. Adultery, on the other hand, is not the state’s affair.

Such instruments exist in other democracies. While only the Netherlands, Belgium, and Canada permit same-sex marriage, governments offer extensive nonmarital partnership rights for gay and straight citizens throughout Scandinavia, and less comprehensive ones in much of Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Some require what is essentially a legal divorce to break up; others, like the French Pacte Civil de Solidarité (PaCS), can be ended after one partner notifies the court. **Because American marriage is inextricable from Christianity, it admits participants as Noah let animals onto the ark. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In 1972 the National Coalition of Gay Organizations demanded the “repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers.” Would polygamy invite abuse of child brides, as feminists in Muslim countries and prosecutors in Mormon Utah charge? No. Group marriage could comprise any combination of genders. Guarantees of women’s and children’s rights and economic well-being would be more productive than outlawing multiple marriage. **

Village Voice article

While this article describes the ‘expansion’ of the definition of marriage, it appears to me as if some are merely looking to destroy it…
The pedophile crisis just occurred too soon. Had they been able to hold out for a few more years, they could simply have married their young charges.
Droll Jim, very droll

While the USSC Laurence case was good at knocking down some silly laws the reasoning behind it was seriously flawed and if applied in its broadest terms it could lead to all sorts of mischief
“That book was “Harmful to Minors” and it got excellent reviews on Amazon… :mad: Also, google “Rind Report”…some doctors did a study, and their findings were the same as the author of the book above…”

Generally I agree child abuse is disgusting. Obviously.

But it DOES depend what you mean by “child” and what you mean by “abuse”.

Clearly, not many people like to be violently forced into sex.

And clearly, it is harmful and sick for pre-pubescent children to be manipulated into sex…

But I’m sure plenty of teenage boys under the age of 18 would enjoy having sex with a woman or man over 25 (depending on their sexual orientation) and lots of teen girls wouldn’t mind sex with an older man either…even if it was “statuatory rape”.

Canon law allows girls to be married at 14 and boys at 16.

I think that our culture should return to people being married in their teens. It was that way all through history. Keeping it until one’s 20’s or 30’s is dangerous and unnatural.

I am strongly against gay marriage. And normalizing polygamy. But heterosexual polygamy would be BETTER than gay marriage. At least it isn’t, strictly speaking, against the natural law like sodomy is. Even though since the time of Christ, at least in Christendom, it is supposed to be limited to one man and one woman by Divine Law. But I’d support polygamy before I’d ever support gay marriage.

Maybe its because I am a teen myself, but I think a lot of “statutory rape” stuff is stupid. I don’t believe *anyone *should have premarital sex. But I dont see why someone under 18 can alledgedly consent to sex with someone under 25, but not to someone over. Seems like sort of a hypocrisy to me. Sure it discourages immorality a LITTLE bit…but one thing that makes me mad is hypocrisy an inconsistancy. If they want to discourage premarital sex…they should simply illegalize it. They shouldn’t try to hide the fact that they are trying to discourage it in general. They shouldn’t resort to round-about tactics like the concept of “statuatory rape” to limit its occurence.

Once someone is older than 14, I think they can consent. They shouldn’t, unless they are married (again, I think we should return to teen marriage), but they can.

This topic of Age and Sex…in our current society…is not so black and white as some would like it to be.

But it COULD be. Just illegalize premarital sex completely, but allow any male to marry any female as long as he is over 16 and she is over 14.
I think that our culture should return to people being married in their teens. It was that way all through history. Keeping it until one’s 20’s or 30’s is dangerous and unnatural.

Maybe its because I am a teen myself, but I think a lot of “statutory rape” stuff is stupid.
Just illegalize premarital sex completely, but allow any male to marry any female as long as he is over 16 and she is over 14./

Interesting point of view. Of course all through history, people didn’t live much past 40, so you had to get started early.
Perhaps it’s because you’re still a teen that you don’t quite see the adult perspective yet. Teens are still developing the judgment part of their brain, and need experience with many kinds of people before they settle down in marriage to one person. 14 and 16 are way too early. The laws are the way they are to protect young people.
When the homosexuals try to legitimize their sinful ways they often refer to how tolerant the ancient Greeks were to homosexuality.

What they fail to mention is that the Romans despised the Greeks for having sex with young boys.

The notion of sexual preference will be pushed to the limits as time goes on. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if this happened in the US. It has happened in cultures before so there is no reason to think it couldn’t ever happen again.

Man never learns from his mistakes and history repeats itself over and over again.

It is a fact that towards the end of every empire there exists a period of moral corruption.
Steve Andersen:
Droll Jim, very droll

While the USSC Laurence case was good at knocking down some silly laws the reasoning behind it was seriously flawed and if applied in its broadest terms it could lead to all sorts of mischief
Ah, well, I wasn’t aiming for droll. I was mainly trying to be a counterpoint to Ahimsa’s post:
Homosexuals getting married? Next thing you know, Blacks might want to start marrying Whites.
which seemd to equate gay marriage with interracial marriage.

For some reason there seems to have been a lot of speculation about bestiality on this thread. But I don’t think that’s the main threat at all. The next step following homosexual marriage will likely be pedophile marriage, although it won’t be called that. It will simply involve a push for reducing the age of consent so that ‘inter-generational’ marriage will not be discriminated against.

On the other hand, once homosexual adoption becomes widespread, the need for intergenerational marriage may become moot. (And what was once called pedophilia or ephebophilia will just become another protected class of sexual orientation.)
What? The U.S. won’t let someone marry a horse either?? Nazism!! Racism!!! Call the ACLU! Help!!! It’s discrimination!!!

Ah I love being a ranting far-left liberal.:rolleyes:
Ah, well, I wasn’t aiming for droll. I was mainly trying to be a counterpoint to Ahimsa’s post: which seemd to equate gay marriage with interracial marriage.
You might have gotten that impression from my post, but I was really attempting to draw an interesting parallel between the fears that Southern segregationists (drawing upon their own interpretation of the Bible as well as their own views of race and society) had concerning ‘miscegenation’ (“It’ll lead to the mongrelization of the races!”), and the fear that many conservatives have towards gay marriages (“It’ll lead to man-boy coupling!”).

I see some interesting parallels between the two concerns; but I’m not arguing that interracial marriage is equivalent to same-sex marriage (unless we’re talking about interracial same-sex marriage, in which case miscegenation would be moot:D).
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