This is what COULD happen if homosexuals are allowed to marry

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Funny you mention NAMBLA,
I thought i read somewhere that the ACLU was defending them
in some kind of court case. maybe someone can confirm that.
Yes. They have defended NAMBLA in a child rape/murder case. The two homosexual pedophiles who raped and murdered a young boy were found with materials from NAMBLA at the time of the arrest.

One such material was a booklet called “RAPE AND ESCAPE” detailing how to rape a child and get away with it.

Therefore, NAMBLA was sued. The ACLU defended NAMBLA in this case because they claimed the sicko booklet was a form of “free speech” and because they are evil little prized children of Satan.
You wanna know what will DEFINATELY happen?

Look at what has ALREADY happened in other countries where gay marriage is legal, such as Canada:
Sorry for shouting, I felt that was worth shouting.
Early Roman practices allowed pedophilia…

Early Japanese practices actually groomed young boys to sexually please feudakl lords…

And it was accepted behavior in both cultures. Is the U.S. capable of evenutally allowing this behavior? Absolutely! The shreds of morality that is allowed to be taught and accepted as law are slowly deteriorating - but they ARE deteriorating…

I won’t be too surprised if this kind of action begins if/when homosexuals are allowed to marry. Along with that polygamy will be allowed and there wouldn’t be anything to stop a mother from marrying her daughter.

These are all twisted marriages and they make me mad to think about them. (and it makes me sad in the fact that the participators are oblivious or refuse to know God’s truth.)
What will happen next? Individuals who are egoist will want to marry themselves!

What about this…?

If homosexuals want marriage, then they will also be bound to divorce…which means, since Homosexuals mostly have a ‘disposible income’ will now have to dip intot hat to pay alomony (sp).
As soon as homos were allowed to marry here in Massachusetts, and the news was splashing all these stupid clips and pictures of the “happy” couples, I kept having visions of about two-thirds of those couples ending up in the divorce court within seven years, screaming at each other like angry chimpanzees.

As for the homosexuals “ruining” marriage, the heterosexuals ruined it first when they started abusing their spouses, being unfaithful to their spouses, dumping their spouses for no good reason (ie, out of boredom, not to protect themself or their children from an abusive situation). The homosexuals are just continuing the farce known as “The Human Race Sends Itself to Hell in a Handbasket”.

Maran atha! Come, Lord… and stop all this…
1625 The parties to a marriage covenant are a baptized man and woman, free to contract marriage, who freely express their consent; “to be free” means:

Can. 1055 §1. The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life and which is ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring, has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament between the baptized.

Can. 1096 §1. For matrimonial consent to exist, the contracting parties must be at least not ignorant that marriage is a permanent partnership between a man and a woman ordered to the procreation of offspring by means of some sexual cooperation.

For, God Himself is the author of matrimony, endowed as it is with various benefits and purposes.(1) All of these have a very decisive bearing on the continuation of the human race, on the personal development and eternal destiny of the individual members of a family, and on the dignity, stability, peace and prosperity of the family itself and of human society as a whole. By their very nature, the institution of matrimony itself and conjugal love are ordained for the procreation and education of children, and find in them their ultimate crown. Thus a man and a woman, who by their compact of conjugal love “are no longer two, but one flesh” (Matt. 19:ff), render mutual help and service to each other through an intimate union of their persons and of their actions. Gaudium Et Spes #48

I chose that it would not happen in the United States. There is no such thing as homosexual marriage - it is not possible and should not be called that. It would be closer to say something like legalized Sodomitical practices. Even for some sick reason the government allowed this to happen (which I doubt) we could not call it marriage since we know what it takes to have a valid marriage. These sinful unions, if they ever happened, might be called marriage by the homosexuals and their supporters but in the eyes of those who know the truth it would be nothing more than a heinous crime against the dignity of the Sacrament of Marriage. Those crimes would never deserve to be called a form of marriage and thus hopes of a marriage between a man who suffers the disorder of homosexuality with another male fail to meet the requirements to even recieve the sacrament. So, no - this really isn’t possible to look at homosexual unions as marriage.
I’ve not read all of the posts but I do know that in the southern U.S., where girls as young as 12 or 13 could, at one time, marry and boys at 14 or 15, they could only do so with parental consent. Of course, if abortion doesn’t require parental consent and if same-sex marriage (which I honestly do see coming - and in my lifetime, Heaven Help Us), I suppose parental consent could go out the door as well, I suppose. But I don’t think that it would - same-sex marriage may be successfully challenged as a constitutional issue - as abortion was - and may be allowed even though the majority oppose it: I really don’t believe, however, that the ‘age of marriage with parental consent’ would be successfully challenged in states that have (and Alabama only fairly recently!) raised the minimum or in states that have always had ‘reasonable’ age of consent laws.

Because boys inevitably grow to be men, man-boy (just typing it is an insult) relationships by there very nature are exploitive. The assertion that a man-boy relationship can be “lasting” is impossible since boyhood by definition and physiology is fleeting. By their very nature such relationships are disorderd, transitory and perverted.

The fact that there are people who think otherwise never fails to amaze me. But I seem to be getting more frequently amazed these days…
Lust is a bottomless pit. There is no limit to it. I think there are a great many people who are lying in wait, subtly pushing for more and more relaxation of these laws. It may seem farfetched to some but you have to think of what the people on the margins will do, like Jacko. He is a prototype for the future no doubt. They want your kids.

I’m haunted by that closing scene in “Chinatown” where the old rich guy who fathered a child by his own daughter says a man will do anything if he thinks he can get away with it. Or something like that. Basically what you have is a bunch of jaded guys who are constantly looking for new thrills, which all the Viagra in the world won’t give them. So they’re always trying to lower the bar.
True…very sad but true…all that you have written.

All good people must fight to protect children…children in the womb …adolescent children…our teenage children.
I just voted. I mistakenly pushed the wrong button!!
I vote this way…
NO, This could very well happen with the ways things are going in the U.S.
It is not far fetched at all. NAMBLA is already pushing for recognition of “man-boy” relationships. They might start by adopting boys (in some jurisdictions same sex adoption is legal even now) and later marry them.
Ya know?
I never heard of NAMBLA till I read this thread earlier this morning. I read quickly through their website. My unhappiness with NAMBLA is beyond words.

Where have I been?
NAMBLA is one of the strangest things i have ever heard of, some of the ideas sound barely legal. :mad:
from article

I first encountered this question of homosexuality and schools when I was up in Vermont covering the dispute over civil unions. There I found growing alarm among the opponents of civil unions about “Outright Vermont,” a program of AIDS prevention and tolerance-education sponsored by Democratic Governor, and civil union proponent, Howard Dean. I’d come to cover the civil-unions battle, so at first I paid little attention to all the talk about schools. Then one day, waiting for a candidates’ debate to begin at a high school in Windsor County, I noticed that the bulletin boards were peppered with signs put up by the school’s gay-straight alliance. All of the signs had a huge logo in the center for a website. I went to check out the site, assuming it would contain information meant to keep young teens who thought they were gay from despair and suicide. I expected to be torn between suspicion of such programs and sympathy for kids in so tough a position. Instead, I was amazed to find that the site is an entry portal to an adult gay male porn site. In effect, this gay-straight alliance had turned its high school into an advertising outlet for homosexual pornography. Nothing similar could have been expected, even from the most liberal of sex-education programs directed at heterosexual children.
Look what’s happening in Canada check this out…

Human Rights Complaint Filed Against Catholic Bishop for Defence of Traditional Marriage
Calgary Bishop Fred Henry Defends Religious Freedom

CALGARY, March 30, 2005 ( - A supporter of same-sex marriage is using the human rights process to take away Bishop Frederick Henry’s right to freedom of religion and free speech. Despite the Catholic Church’s established role in preparing men and women for marriage and conducting religious marriage ceremonies between men and women, it appears that supporters of same-sex marriage do not want religious leaders to be part of the debate on this issue.

Bishop Frederick Henry wrote a letter to the Catholics in his Diocese in January, 2005 outlining the opposition of the Catholic Church to same-sex marriages (see coverage [](<a%20href=> ). Bishop Henry called on Catholics to talk to their political representatives and express their opposition to legislation to change the definition of marriage to allow persons of same-sex to marry. A Complaint filed with the Alberta Human Rights Commission alleges that Bishop Henry’s letter discriminates against homosexuals.

Bishop Henry filed a response to the Complaint on March 29, 2005 saying in part:

“My rights to freedom of religion and free speech have been violated. Those that support same-sex marriage want to shut the churches out of this important debate. Those who favour same-sex marriage have been given full opportunity to state their views on this issue. But now they are saying that anyone who speaks out against same-sex marriage is discriminating against homosexuals.”

Bishop Henry points out that freedom of speech and freedom of religion are important rights too. They are fundamental to Canadian democracy. Bishop Henry feels compelled to stand up for these fundamental rights on behalf of all religions in Canada.

In comments to Bishop Henry noted, “If the Human Rights Complaint is successful, it will prevent me from expressing my views and the position of the Roman Catholic Church. It prevents me and other Church leaders from speaking out freely in opposition to same-sex marriage. It also prevents me from outlining the position of the Roman Catholic Church to those who attend church in my Diocese.”

Marie Riddle, the Director of the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission told that the complaint could not be discussed publicly since it has not reached the panel stage. She noted that complaints are usually handled by conciliation or mediation by commission staff. If unsuccessful, the commission proceeds to an investigation. If the commission does not believe there is a contravention of the Human Rights code the complaint is dismissed. If mediation has not been successful and the commission believes there has been a contravention the matter is sent before a panel for adjudication.

To contact the commission or Alberta Premier Ralph Klein with your concerns:
Deus Vult:
In comments to Bishop Henry noted, “If the Human Rights Complaint is successful, it will prevent me from expressing my views and the position of the Roman Catholic Church. It prevents me and other Church leaders from speaking out freely in opposition to same-sex marriage. It also prevents me from outlining the position of the Roman Catholic Church to those who attend church in my Diocese.”
While I applaud the Bishop so far, I hope he doesn’t mean this paragraph to be taken literally.

There is no way the government can prevent or any other Catholic bishop or priest from speaking out on faith and morals. They can imprison them, but they cannot force them to be silent.

When the times call for martyrdom, may God give us the courage to be martyrs.
I estimate that this subject of discussion has already come to term, but here are my two cents: :twocents:

Everything nowadays is discrimination. If you search arline passengers for bombs because they are Arabic (which, BTW, I am, and take no offence at, though I am Catholic), it is racism. If you don’t accept a homosexual roomate, it is sexual-orientationalism. And now, apparently, if you forbid boys from marrying other men, it is ageism! This is absolute madness! We need to step away from the political corectness, and work towards a society that is once again God-governed, not governed by man!

What rights man giveth, he taketh away.

What rights the Lord giveth, those last forever.
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