This may be too much!

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Turns out the baby is completely normal and healthy. Don’t stress yourself out right now. These “diagnoses” are wrong all the time. Put this in God’s hands and try not to worry about it right now. ( I know, easier said than done)
Of course, those of us with dwarfism are completely normal as well - I am a normal pseudoachondroplastic dwarf - and I am EXACTLY as God made me and I rejoice in the beautiful life He gave me 🙂
Of course, those of us with dwarfism are completely normal as well - I am a normal pseudoachondroplastic dwarf - and I am EXACTLY as God made me and I rejoice in the beautiful life He gave me 🙂
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. :o
The power of prayer is amazing. We do not always have our prayers answered the way we think they should, but they are answered. Our prayers for you and your babies. God will give you the strength and courage you need to prevail and do what is right!
just got a call from a single mom of 3 children from my former parish, youngest has severe facial deformities, has had several corrective surgeries and is slated for another one today, she is asking for prayers,

point is she shared with me that the prognosis for this child was dire before birth and she faced immense pressure to abort even from her own Catholic family. Her husband actually left her when the child was a year old. Actuality was much less dire than predicted, child is of normal intelligence and development in every way, outside of the obvious feeding, speech and other difficulties which have been addressed with surgery and therapy. She is by the way a delightful, beautiful child with a very deep faith in Jesus and a shining light to everyone who knows her.

prenatal diagnostic techniques are a tool, but at best depend upon the skill of those interepreting them, as well as the technology, and can be helpful but are by no means foolproof. Give this child to God and whatever happens be assured she will be a channel of immense graces for you and your family.
So Sorry to hear about your baby girl…can you give her a name right now? it may help. Also I would ask your Dr. if you and hubby can go through Genetic Counseling?
Prayers are with you!
Lexee, we are all praying for you and little Fatima Abigail. (Any baby with the middle name of Abigail most certainly has my prayers! ;)) Ask God to help you accept His will and bless this child with health. He will not be outdone in His generosity towards you. Whoever this little girl is, she is a supreme gift to you and God will give you the strength to endure.
Lexee, I am praying.

I am, along with all the rest of those who’ve experienced it, telling you that the sonogram can be SO wrong.

Two of my nephews were given no hope for survival beyond a few minutes after birth. My sister even made each of them beautiful baptismal outfits, as their burial shrouds, because it might be the only thing she could give them. (Is that not the saddest thing you ever heard? It made me weep bitterly.) She made arrangements to have them immediately baptized in the hospital.

The boys are pushing 20 and 18. They are BIG boys, normal boys (well, as normal as boys at that age can be) and very healthy.

Granddaughter #1 was alleged to have spina bifida before birth. Nope. She’s just fine.

Granddaughter #2 supposedly had hydrocephalus and would be severely learning disabled. She did have a big head- as do most of the babies in our family. Did I mention she has a high IQ? Must be all the room her brains had to grow in that big head. :rolleyes:

Even if your little girl (and it could still be a little boy, as attested by one of my other nephews, who every clinician SWORE was going to be a girl) has defects, would you love her any less? I doubt that.

You live in Chicago. IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, find a Catholic hospital. I know, some of them are on the dingy side, but Alexian is very good (as good as, if not better than, Good Sam and the Adventists affiliation), the various Provenas are improving or equal in quality, Catholic Health Partners is good, and MacNeal in Berwyn is good.

I would avoid Rush and the University of Chicago as far as prenatal testing goes. They are the worst of the lot, when it comes to babies. A person literally has to guard the infant at Rush from unwanted postnatal testing, as well.

Hinsdale is very good for delivery, but I don’t know about their prenatal.

Hope that helps. Remember- You don’t HAVE to stay in a position you don’t like, as long as your insurance has other options. And that’s the beauty of living in Chicago- you have a lot of options. It’s all the other stuff in your life, then this on top of it, that’s not allowing you to think clearly. Call that insurance company and DEMAND a second opinion with a doctor affiliated at another hospital. That’s what I would do!
Not only do you have my prayers, you have my admiration. There are moments when I think, “Enough! I can’t take anymore.” Then I come here and read what you are going through and I feel ashamed. You’re a trooper - hang in there!
Praying for baby Fatima (beautiful name) and her Mom - a woman who’s courage & love for her children I admire.
About 15 years ago a friend of mine at work was single and pregnant. Her ultrasound sounded a lot like the one you just received. The doctors said her daughter would have all kinds of problems and encouraged her to terminate her pregnancy. She stayed strong and wouldn’t do it. When her baby was born, they whisked her away for all kinds of tests. Her daughter, although it wasn’t totally apparent at birth, was a dwarf, but what a bright and beautiful little girl she turned out to be. Her mother is blessed to have this beautiful daughter that God chose for her. Please know, that even though things are so hard for you right now, that you are not alone. God and all of His saints will never abandon you and everything will be OK. Really. You are in my prayers, Lexee.
I went in for my ultrasound today and was told that I’m having a little girl 🙂 , but there is something wrong with her. Apparently her arms and legs were measuring too small which leads them to the conclusion that she’s got some kind of skeletal dysplasia, how severe is unknown right now. I had a series of ultrasounds done and then was given my “options”
Turns out the baby is completely normal and healthy. Don’t stress yourself out right now. These “diagnoses” are wrong all the time. Put this in God’s hands and try not to worry about it right now. ( I know, easier said than done)
@ Lexee
Have you gotten another opinion/ultrasound/ or doctor to look at it? What i find the difference between M.D. training, and adademic research is that for a while now, medical schools far undertrain their students in basic science and observation. M.S., and Ph.D. programs train people to be completely independant, free-thinking and extremely knowledgable scientists. Heavy emphasis on concrete and abstract critical thinking and innovative approach.

many, many, many MD’s i know, i would not send a corpse to. They have little understanding of the actual physiology and biochemical processes behind what they practice in, thereby lacking a fundamental understanding at a basic level. im not trashing ALL MD’s (there are alot of good ones out there), but the overall quality in physicians has declined.

if you can, try and get seen at a RESEARCH institution or at least a TEACHING institution. you have a much higher probability that what they find will actually be correct.
Lexee, I don’t know what else I can add besides my support and prayers. I did find out about a wonderful saint for expecting mothers named Saint Gerard. Perhaps he could intercede for you also. Stay strong! :gopray:
Thank you all so much, I almost feel like I don’t deserve all this kindness, but then I think Fatima does…she is pure and innocent. I appreciate your prayers so much, I know that they will go a long way for her and that they are not in vain no matter what He decides is best.

I am trying my hardest not to worry too much…it’s hard…I know there is nothing I can do but pray and keep up my strength. My family, although far away, has been a great comfort for me, and you my forum family…I can’t thank you enough for the comfort I get from you…thank you and God Bless all of you and your families.

I’ve been going to Northwestern University doctors and hospital, that’s where I had the ultrasounds done. The doctor who talked to me is some kind of specialist, and the other doctor was a pediatric cardiologist…she told me the baby’s heart looked good right now, everthing was where it was supposed to be and the size it should be and it sounded very normal, that was a ray of light and hope for me for now. I go back for another Level 2 ultrasound in 4 weeks and another fetal ecogram (sp?) in 8 weeks to make sure the heart is still normal. How is Loyola? I live in Elmhurst now and Loyola is not too far from here, I would imagine Hindsdale is pretty close also.

The specialist gave me my options, but he said he would support any decision I made and that I should not feel pressured. I was happy with that, he did not pressure me into terminating, after I said I would not terminate under any circumstances he said great, we are behind you 100% and will do all we can to support and help you through this, he also suggested no further testing was necessary since it wouldn’t change my mind. He said that after the baby was born we could do the testing to find out if this was chromosomal or genetic or just something that happened. He did, however, want to make sure I knew that I was going to give birth to a child that would not survive or be severly ill. I guess it’s his job to not give any false hope. My hope is real though, and God is so great and merciful that He will do what is best.

It’s funny how the details of this divorce aren’t at all important anymore, He certainly knows how to make us put things in perspective, and look at what is really important in life. I’m still stuggling with whether or not I should tell my husband. When I was hospitilized at 28 weeks with our first child because of an argument we had he came and see me once for about 15 minutes, I was there for 3 days and 2 nights suffering from severe dehydration, he just was not concerned about me or the baby, that leads me to think that he won’t really care about this either, for him it may be a blessing…one less mouth to feed. He keeps calling and wanting to deal with details about the divorce and that is the last thing on my mind at this moment…I just want peace and tranquility to concentrate on my baby’s health and prayer. I feel very confused about this, I should probably speak with a priest and get his advice what do you all think?
Lexee, I included your baby in my Rosary this morning. I wish I could tell you that everything is going to be fine, but I can tell you that everything will be just as God intends it to be…you are precious in His eyes, and He will give you the grace to face this time with dignity and humor.

I was reminded of the words of Blessed Theresa of Calcutta. “I know that God will never give me more than I can handle. Sometimes, however, I wish He didn’t think so highly of me”.

You are loved.
You may also want to call the Pope Paul VI office. They work alot with high-risk pregnancies and are super-duper Catholic (As the name probably points out.) They do a lot of work outside of their home office here in Omaha. If nothing else, the doctor would I’m sure take a second look at your ultrasound pictures and give you his opinion. Their contact info is available at

Prayers to you. This must just be overwhelming.
Oh Lexee – let me tell you what I tell school kids when I speak with them. Dwarfism is not a disease, it cannot be caught or cured. It is a condition.

Second, the fatal forms of dwarfism are EXTREMELY rare. The most common types have related physical challenges and surgeries, but, MOST people with dwarfism are not “extremely ill”. We have aches and pains from ortho issues, we cannot reach the high shelves at the grocery store, we have to have extention pedals to drive, we have to have most clothes altered to fit, and for women – finding sexy shoes can be a nightmare – we also do have idiots who stare and make silly comments in some public places. In most cases, we are very good looking 😉

We will visit more off list – but DO NOT BE AFRAID, or I will have to drive to Chicago and let you meet my glorious self in person 😃
I will be praying to St. Gerard for you and little Fatima-- how wonderful, a little boy and now a little girl! I wish I had some great advice to comfort you but all I keep thinking is God has some big plans for you and your baby. I wish you didn’t have to go thru this suffering but I know that our Church gives us great teachings on the power of suffering and what can happen when we join our pain to Jesus’.

If your husband calls again, tell him to contact you thru your lawyer unless he’s had a radical conversion. You don’t need put up with his manipulation when you are so vulnerable.

I’ll be praying for you anad baby Fatima (as well as your son)

Don’t answer the phone when you soon to be ex calls.
Just don’t.
Anything he has to say to you, can be said to your lawyer.

I wouldn’t say anything to him about the baby yet, either. (Although if the diagnosis becomes certian, I’d check that out with your lawyer, you might be obliged to tell him)

(And YES do talk to your priest!!!)🙂

I will echo the advice to ask for the intercession of St. Gerard. All three of our children have had troubling sonogram results – some worse than others – and each time, the children have arrived without complication. (Frankly, I sometimes think pregnancy must have been a lot less stressful before all this prenatal monitoring became available)

I understand how stressful the time between sonograms can become. In fact, my wife was so anxious that we actually paid cash to have an additional sonogram performed one time.

Please avail of St. Gerard. His intercession has been of great comfort to us.

You will be in my family’s prayers.

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