I’m just going to focus on the highlighted part of your post. Where does Aquinas’ fifth way state that human intelligence is the result of these regularities? Or to put it another way, that regularities found in nature cause human intelligence? Or any intelligence for that matter? What is being proved in the fifth way is that the regularities found in nature, as a whole, can only come from an intelligent first cause. But you seem to be understanding the exact opposite.Regularities means constraints which can be expressed as a set of laws. Intelligence of course cannot be the result of existence of regularities, final casualty, very oppositely is the result of challenge of awareness which exist in all layers of nature against regularities.
The human mind comes to know the formal regularities inherent in the natural world as abstract concepts. The human mind uses reason to discursively come to know the natures and essences of things and gradually human intelligence develops or uncovers the truth, being, and beauty of the material and mental world. That truth, being, and beauty that it uncovers leads the human mind to contemplate their source and origin in God, the source of all being, truth, goodness, and beauty. The very essence of the substantial form of humanity is that man is a rational animal. As Christians, we see this at the heart of what it means to be created in the image and likeness of God.Final causality just cannot explain subject matter. We are not machines ruled by final cause. We are the result of fight against regularities and not vice versa. What does the job? Awareness which exist in consciousness throughout nature at all levels.
God bless,