Is it possible that they only meant He had no necessary physical parts? Not all of Aquinas is dogma. There is no dogma as far as I know that God the Father and the Holy Spirit don’t have accidental bodies not born of a woman, or that that essense of God is not simple energy, of a kind beyond anything in the universe. That might upset you, but as for the first claim, in bringing Mormons over we shouldn’t make them believe things they don’t have to, and as for the second, maybe you and I are saying the exact same thing. God is Love, which for humans is a feeling, vibration, or whatever you want to call it. Aquinas agreed in the Summa with Dionysius that God is more like Love than He is like anything else, but He is more unlike Love than like it because any concept of Love we have of Him is beyond imperfect to describe Him. But if we say He is no energy as all, is there a human way of understanding him without Him being a NOTHING? I think there were Fathers of the Church who said that God was Energy…