Thoms's first way

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He makes perfect sense. So why should I clutter my mind with lesser lights?

It is very simpler my friend. I can write it in a few lines now:

Consciousness is the essence of a being with the ability to experience and act.
Human has body to exist and a essence to be, within body s/he has intellect which is the brain.

That is all. Wasn’t it simpler?
It is very simpler my friend. I can write it in a few lines now:

Consciousness is the essence of a being with the ability to experience and act.
Human has body to exist and a essence to be, within body s/he has intellect which is the brain.

That is all. Wasn’t it simpler?
You are still using terms incorrectly. ’ Essence,’ in Aristotle and Aquinas, equivalent to the nature of the substance or being which exists. Scientifically man’s nature or essence is a rational animal. Philosophically, man’s essence or nature is a composit of body and soul. Man’s intellect is a property of man’s soul not his brain, which is the physical apparatus which the intellect uses.

So simpler means nothing if it is wrong.

You are still using terms incorrectly. ’ Essence,’ in Aristotle and Aquinas, equivalent to the nature of the substance or being which exists. Scientifically man’s nature or essence is a rational animal. Philosophically, man’s essence or nature is a composit of body and soul. Man’s intellect is a property of man’s soul not his brain, which is the physical apparatus which the intellect uses.

So simpler means nothing if it is wrong.

By essence I mean the primary aspect of something and I don’t care for all other interpretation. I go with common sense language.
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