Thoughts on Fr. Corapi

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He reminds me of Sean Connery. He’s the 007 (in a celibate way!) of priests.
:rotfl: :rotfl:

Hadn’t thought about that before, but ya know, there is a resemblance! I can just hear him say… Corapi, Father John Corapi. Just love listening to him.

Luckily, he’s coming to Texas this month! Too bad it isn’t Houston.
He reminds me of Sean Connery. He’s the 007 (in a celibate way!) of priests.

I had the priviledge of hearing him speak at a Lenten retreat last March. He was fabulous.
That is a great comparison! I love it! Fr. Corapi has taken me to a deeper understanding of so many teachings, I can’t thank him enough. He’s brilliant… and humble!
Fr. Corapi has taken me to a deeper understanding of so many teachings, I can’t thank him enough. He’s brilliant… and humble!
Yes, he is gifted!
What a scholar, what a Priest what a gift from God! I saw him in November 2004 in Doylestown PA and it changed my life forever!
I saw Fr. Corapi on EWTN at midnight and he used the phrase, “Your Mother wears combat boots!” when referring to Mary’s role in salvation history!!! What a classic!!! I emailed him and asked if he had a bumper sticker for that one!!! (no reply!)

You people are confirming my regret for not going to RI to see him just this weekend. I live in MA. I heard he would be in RI but the timing just was not good. I felt regret at not seeing him and after reading these posts I am receiving confirmation I missed a wonderful opportunity.

Does anybody know if he may be visiting the New England area again any time soon???

Thanks much

I love how he says…“In the end we will all be either in Heaven or in hell”. and “If she was good enough for Him, she is good enough for us”

Or something to that effect. Love the man and hos teachings.
Fr.Corapi is great. I listen to him on short wave radio from EWTN.
I saw him at the Fullness of Truth conference in Corpus Christi, TX earlier this year, and he was amazing! He seemed to be in poor health, however, so I have prayed that God would grant him an un-naturally long life of preaching and leading people to the Truth (whether Fr. likes it or not!). I would ask that you do the same.

Here is his conference schedule for the rest of the year:
**8/12/2005 - 8/13/2005 **
World of Hope Foundation
Chattanoga Convention Center
Chattanoga , Tennessee
See event details]
          **8/26/2005                             - 8/27/2005                          **
         The Alexander House Apostolate
         AUSTIN, TEXAS 
         AUSTIN , TEXAS
         [See event details](]             
          **9/9/2005                             - 9/10/2005                          **
         [See event details](]             
          **9/16/2005                             - 9/17/2005                          **
         St. Michael Catholic Church
         St. Michael, MN 
         ST. MICHAEL , MN
         [See event details](]             
          **12/2/2005                             - 12/3/2005                          **
         Domestic Church Media Foundation, Inc.
         DOYLESTOWN, PA 
         DOYLESTOWN , PA
         [See event details](]
Visit his webpage and be sure to support his ministry! The products are pretty steep in price, but SOOOO worth it! Consider it a part of your tithe.

God Bless,
The products are priced as they are due to the fact that (as I undersatand it) Father gets no outside support for his ministry.

For those who can afford it, his set “Thunder and Lightning” is well worth it…
I figured someone should start a Fr. Corapi thread here to share thoughts, experiences, and reflections on what this very special man has meant to some of us.

Unfortunately, my family and I “re-converted” before being able to see him up close in his early years here in Northern California. I get a kick out of seeing him on EWTN giving his Catechism lectures that were (I presume) filmed in Sacramento.

I have been blessed to meet and pray briefly with him. As impressive as his talks are on TV and CDs, they pale in comparison to the real thing. I was sitting next to some Catholic youth group types at his talk in Modesto recently. When he was introduced, the crowd gave him a rousing, standing ovation. I heard one of them say “is he really that big a deal?” I thought… “Yeah, you just wait!”
A modern day Hero!..and a wonderful gift from God!
Just love to hear his talks.
I’m not even Catholic, and I love to watch him. I actually look for him to be on EWTN. I really enjoy him and the old shows of Bishop Sheen. If I actually take the leap and become Catholic,they will have been a major factor in helping me understand the Church. I watched Fr. Corapi this weekend talk about the Rosary and it helped me have a better understanding.
Yes, Yes Yes!! Fr. Corapi is one of God’s gifts to american catholics!! How wonderful God is that he provides us with exactly what we need, at precisely the right time! 👍

I love Fr. Corapi! :love: He gives me hope. I, too, think he is a walking saint, but don’t tell him that! Like all holy men of God, he is too humble to accept that kind of praise. I had the privelege of seeing him in person last year before elections. And I got him to sign my catechism! (I’m such a Fr. Corapi groupie! :o ) I wish I could go see him in Buffalo this Sept., but I will not have the $. I am hoping to start a study group and hope we can pool money to buy his catechism series for it. God will provide, I’m sure! :gopray2:
Maccabees said:
He’s the modern Bishop Sheen in regards to his preaching abilities . . . .

I think that is not entirely unstudied. Corapi uses a lot of the late Archbishop Sheen’s mannerisms. Heck! Why not? It was great stuff!

But I think Sheen had a little more Irish ham in him. Corapi doesn’t play to the camera as much. (But then, he’s not as good looking, either!)

My beloved spouse can’t STAND his voice!
Our parish is fortunate to have the entire 24 tape set of Fr. Corapi’s catechism. I have watched them all and will probably do so again as they are the only tapes of him that we have. I don’t get EWTN TV or radio in Vegas so I have to rely on tapes. Sometimes, I can catch him on the computer but it is a matter of the chance to tune in at the right time.

I am thrilled that he will be coming to our parish, Holy Family in Vegas next June. I had though it was going to be this June when it was announced and was so excited; then I found out that it’s not until 06. I guess that’s how busy he is. Praise God, there are so many in our country eager to hear the Word of God as preached by such a devoted servant as Fr. Corapi. He’s just another example of how God can take anything, including the sinful life of Fr. Corapi before his reversion, and make it good. If Father had not lived the life he had before becoming a priest, he may not be so convincing in his faith.
I am thrilled that he will be coming to our parish, Holy Family in Vegas next June. I had though it was going to be this June when it was announced and was so excited; then I found out that it’s not until 06.
I also live in Vegas, but we are moving in two weeks. I can’t believe he’s coming here and I’m going to miss him!
He is amazing. I feel exactly like you do about him, YingYangMom.
YingYangMom said:
I love his voice, I love his presence, I love his story, I love his teaching it plain and simple.


*Father Corapi, is a fascinating individual who speaks with such conviction and authority that there is nothing to question. He is so grounded, so real. Last month I had the privilege of being at a conference at which he spoke. I could listen to him attentively for hours on end *

(above comments of mine borrowed from another thread)

I have also thought, while watching him speak, that I was looking at a Great Saint.
He reminds me of Sean Connery. He’s the 007 (in a celibate way!) of priests.
:rotfl: :rotfl:

but i think Fr. Corapi’s much more handsome than sean connery.
Cairisti said:
:rotfl: :rotfl:

Hadn’t thought about that before, but ya know, there is a resemblance! I can just hear him say… Corapi, Father John Corapi. Just love listening to him.

Luckily, he’s coming to Texas this month! Too bad it isn’t Houston.

I had to chuckle, as the first time ever I saw Fr. Corapi, I was flipping the channels late one evening and was absolutely mesmerized by this “James Bond of the priesthood” He was instrumental in my return to the faith.
~ Kathy ~
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