Thoughts on Fr. Corapi

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I saw him at the Fullness of Truth conference in Corpus Christi, TX earlier this year, and he was amazing! He seemed to be in poor health, however, so I have prayed that God would grant him an un-naturally long life of preaching and leading people to the Truth (whether Fr. likes it or not!). I would ask that you do the same.
Is he ill?
I love his voice, I love his presence, I love his story, I love his teaching it plain and simple.

I’ve ordered several of his CDs to sent to relatives because his voice is commanding enough that people can’t help but listen intentively to what he says, and the people I send the CDs to are Cafeteria or CINO so I feel it’s important to get the Truth to them.
YYM: I feel the same about Father Corapi as you do. I wish there were a thousand more priests like him. He is truly a soldier in the lead line of the Lord’s Army.

BTW…the reason I haven’t posted in so long is because my wife and I have been in the midst of a move. Now, however, I am back 🙂
The first time I saw Father Corapi on tv was prior to my return to the church. I was flipping through the channels late one night, saw him, was offended by something he said and was turned off.

Every time I have watched him since, I realized that amazing reaction was the Holy Spirit prompting me!

Anyway, I saw him again as I was nearing my return and one thing he said helped solidify my return. He was talking about confession and his story of his return to the church. He said that as he finished his confession he heard: “…the most beautiful words in the world… I Absolve You of Your Sins In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

I began to cry and realized I would be making my first confession on twenty years very very soon.

Every confession since - I have relished those words - as they truly are the most beautiful words a poor sinner can hear.
What an inspiration that man is! His “story” is gripping. Count me in as a fan club member!
There have been many nights when I wanted to just relax and watch sports on tv, but I was flicking around the channels and ran across Fr. Corapi on EWTN. That was the end of the ballgame! Once I start listening to him, I can’t change the channel.

God Bless,
There have been many nights when I wanted to just relax and watch sports on tv, but I was flicking around the channels and ran across Fr. Corapi on EWTN. That was the end of the ballgame! Once I start listening to him, I can’t change the channel.

God Bless,
I know, I’m afraid if I leave the room I’ll miss something good. 😛 I probably would!
I love how he doesnt water anything down - he tells you just what you need to hear and cuts straight to your heart!
Just last month I heard a glimpse of his conversion story - I was flabbergasted! I want to bring him to my parish to speak, anyone know what it takes?

I am going to hear him speak this weekend in Chattanooga. I can’t wait. Is anyone else going to be there?
I am going to hear him speak this weekend in Chattanooga. I can’t wait. Is anyone else going to be there?
You will have an amazing time! Please report back on his topic for the day, since will be seeing him in a few weeks.

You people are confirming my regret for not going to RI to see him just this weekend. I live in MA. I heard he would be in RI but the timing just was not good. I felt regret at not seeing him and after reading these posts I am receiving confirmation I missed a wonderful opportunity.

Does anybody know if he may be visiting the New England area again any time soon???

Thanks much

I love how he says…“In the end we will all be either in Heaven or in hell”. and “If she was good enough for Him, she is good enough for us”

Or something to that effect. Love the man and hos teachings.
You missed a great talk! My husband and I were able to go on Friday night - I couldn’t go Saturday - and he was absolutely wonderful! He has such a commanding presence - you are totally wrapped up in every word he says. I actually got him to bless a rosary for me!:clapping:
I don’t know if he’ll be back this way anytime soon - I certainly hope so!
One of my favorite humorous Fr. Corapi quotes is:

"God may put limits on our intellgence, but he doesn’t put limits on our stupidity."

He is a wonderful, holy man and we are lucky that Mother Angelica had the gift to find such holy people for her network.
One of my favorite humorous Fr. Corapi quotes is:

"God may put limits on our intellgence, but he doesn’t put limits on our stupidity."

He is a wonderful, holy man and we are lucky that Mother Angelica had the gift to find such holy people for her network.
He’s quoting Konrad Adenauer:

“In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man, it seems unfair that he did not also limit his stupidity.”

Konrad Adenauer
He’s one of the unforgettables. Fr. Corapi is a treasure of the catholic church. We don’t have cable TV–don’t have the $. We just got Catholic Radio in town few years ago. The lineup has been impressive…Fr. Corapi, Fr. Groeschel, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, the entire Catholic Answers crew, Dr. Scott Hahn … all treasures of the catholic church. It’s so wonderful to have heroes like them and my pastors, my bishops, and the Sisters I’ve been blessed to meet.
He reminds me of Sean Connery. He’s the 007 (in a celibate way!) of priests.
Hmm. I was thinking more Patrick Stewart! “Engage!”

Hurray that the Catechism has such an impressive supporter.

A significant number of priests and nuns in my diocese, including the bishop, reject the Catechism in varying degrees. What a relief it is to hear someone who is so faithful to the magisterium. It proves that you don’t have to be an idiot to believe in the catechism.
A significant number of priests and nuns in my diocese, including the bishop, reject the Catechism in varying degrees…QUOTE]

Just to clarify, are you referring to the current Bishop or his predecessor?
I thank God for bringing Fr. Corapi to us in RI. This holy man is just what our Catholic Church needs… Let us all pray for more workers for the Roman Catholic Church and for all Gods people. We all need to live the Gospel as this priest does! no bending when it comes to the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

David Oatney:
BTW…the reason I haven’t posted in so long is because my wife and I have been in the midst of a move. Now, however, I am back 🙂
Well you know you’ve been in my prayers all along…
that’s usually the case when I stop seeing some of the ‘regulars’ around here…I begin to worry a bit that they’re ‘going through something’ at the moment which keeps them away, so I pray a little extra for them - just in case.

Glad to see you back. Hope the move went smoothly! :bounce:
He’s going to be in Indiana (40 minutes from Chicago) in February. St. John the Evangelist Parish is sponsoring the event and Ms. Burke said the website is scheduled to be updated September 1st with more information.

For now it shows:

**2/3/2006 - 2/4/2006 **

St. John, Indiana 00000

For more information, please contact:

Phone: 219-365-7002
I like to imitate him around the house. He’s easier to do that Fr. Mitch or Fr. Benedict Groschell.
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