This may not seem important, but Christianity sees the omnipotence, omniscience and omnibenevolence of God as determining the destiny of human beings. That means life on earth is merely a foreshadow (if even that; “eye has not seen, ear has not heard”) of what human beings are to become if we cooperate with God’s plan for us.
As soon as you will be able to present actual, rational arguments for the existence of God, and for the existence of that “plan” for us, you will be taken seriously. But not until then. Here is a short summary of what transpires in a dialog:
Catholic: The Catholic church has the full “Truth ™”, everyone else is at least partially mistaken.
Skeptic: How do you know that?
Catholic: The church declared it.
Skeptic: Aha. So how do you know that the church is correct?
Catholic: As I said, the church declared it.
Skeptic: That is circular reasoning.
Catholic: Well, the Holy Scriptures also say it.
Skeptic: Where do the Holy Scriptures come from?
Catholic: The Bible is a collection of divinely inspired writings.
Skeptic: Says who?
Catholic: The church says so.
Skeptic: And who decided which writings should be included?
Catholic: That is obvious… the church did.
Skeptic: This is still circular reasoning.
Catholic: Well, we also know that Jesus founded the Catholic church.
Skeptic: How do we know that?
Catholic: The Bible and the Magisterium say it.
Skeptic: And why do you accept the Magisterium?
Catholic: The Magisterium is infallible when it comes to the question of faith and morals.
Skeptic: I am sorry, but how do you know that?
Catholic: The Magisterium said so.
Skeptic: Ok. Let’s summarize. The Catholic church is the ultimate authority, because the Church infallibly declared that the infallible Church is the ultimate authority. It is supplanted by the Bible, which was collected by the Church. It is also declared to be true by the Magisterium, which is infallible - according to the Magisterium.
Catholic: Looks like you finally get it!
Skeptic: But all that is
still circular reasoning!
Dogbert (from the sidelines): I would prefer to say that there are no loose ends.
I am sorry if this summary rubs you in the wrong way. You may say that this is a “caricature”. But remember, a caricature is supposed to emphasize the most important features of a person, or a proposition. It may be a “distortion”, but that distortion makes the features even more recognizable.
But what I presented is not a caricature. It is the summary of what the apologists say - even if they are not fully aware what they say. I did not present this summary to hurt anyone. The aim is to present a clear picture, to show that there is no external verification of what you believe. It is all self-authentication. Of course you are most welcome to believe what you say. Just don’t be under the mistaken impression that your belief will be taken as evidence. It is pure, unadulterated “faith”. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Just don’t confuse it with reason and do not confuse your beliefs with evidence.