Ah, no. If any child of mine had said “it’s illogical that I could write to someone almost instantaneously around the world” I would have given her a little lesson on Logic.
Illogical would not be the correct word. No, ma’am. That’s a misuse of a word I value so much.
Then it’s a word you should use carefully.
As I said previously, quite a few things for which you would normally use the term ‘illogical ‘ are not. It was only our lack of knowledge that enabled us to use the term at all in past scenarios. It is obvious now that when we said ‘It is illogical that something can be in two places at the same time’, what we should have been saying is: ‘It APPEARS to be illogical etc.’
It wouldn’t have been that long ago that it would have been quite acceptable to say that it is illogical to say that you can see something that doesn’t exist or that a son can be older than his father or that changing one thing here can instantly affect something on the far side of the universe. They are all, to our minds, and using the term in its everyday use, illogical. Not to say impossible.
And now you want to add another. You suggest that if God didn’t make the universe then…it must have been created from nothing. An effect without a cause. And you’d like to add that to all the things that we currently don’t understand and class it as illogical. So therefore it can’t have happened any other way than God doing it.
Well, hell yes, it certainly DOES appear to be illogical. But let’s be honest. There are possibly only a few hundred people on the planet who are anywhere near being able to understand the concept of how the universe began. Maybe only a handful who truly understand it. Even the term The Big Bang was meant as a pejorative because it seemed to dumb down a concept that is so esoteric that it can only be understood in mathematical terms.
You are probably like me and almost everyone else – we do our best to try to understand these things using everyday concepts with a brain that evolved on the savannah a few thousand generations ago. We cannot even visualise more than around 9 objects (a three by three grid – any more is exceptionally difficult). We only experiences 4 dimensions. We have no sense of deep time or astronomical distances. We can only see a tiny proportion of radiation as visible light.
Let’s face it, if you have a mental impression of how the universe began it will be 100% wrong. Even if we knew exactly how it began, your impression of it would still be wrong. It is not a concept which we have the ability to understand on a purely human level.
That said, your term ‘illogical’ is probably quite apt on the level at which 99.999% of people discuss things. But by describing it as such you are putting it in the same class as the other examples I gave. That is, examples which APPEAR to be illogical but are not.