I would agree with you Bradski. We live in a diverse society and it is becoming increasing diverse. Some may be uncomfortable with that but things are as they are. In a diverse society we cannot insist and legislate for universal adherence to one religious tenet irrespective of what that tenet is. Such a society could only function as a dictatorship with no separation of Church and State. Thus, we make allowances.We have to in all aspects of life. We couldn’t function as a society if we didn’t. We all make allowances. OK, there are some aspects of immorality that we shouldn’t accept - I wouldn’t invite the neighbor around for drinks if he was a known paedophile for example.
So are people justified in not baking a cake for a SSM? In my mind, absolutely not. But are people justified in making a stand for something in which they really believe? Most definitely yes.
Which means that I’ll give you a different answer to the problem depending on how the question is asked. Kinda frustrating…
As you rightly say there are some aspect of morality we should not accept. There are few who would invite a known paedophile to their home. In fact, there are many people we would not invite to our home and that is our right. Refusing to serve them in shop would be a different matter. The rational and compassionate would not wish to live in society where individuals are free to refuse to enter into a contract on the ground of race, gender, political opinion, hair colour, weight, height…I could go on.
The courts are not the makers and breakers of contracts and the law does not compel us to enter into contracts with individuals against our will, but neither does the law compel us to write a statement, sign a document or in fact sign a petition supporting a cause we do not agree with. Thus, what if a known paedophile requested we bake a cake comprising a slogan supporting abolishing the age of consent and a figures of an adult with a child?
I stress I am not making a comparison between paedophilia and same sex marriage. I am using this scenario to demonstrate using contract law covertly to promote a political issue.