Hello. What are these “certain issues” you disagree with? Have you read up on what the Catholic Church teaches about them and why they teach what they teach, with an open mind? Perhaps that would clear up some of the disagreement. I don’t know. And perhaps it’d be better to discuss privately, in person, with a good priest whether or not the Catholic Church would be better off without you. Catholic means universal, and we are all called to be in the one Body of the Church.I know a lot of people on CAF complain about so-called “cafeteria” Catholics who disagree with the Church on certain issues. In fact, when I was deciding whether to get baptized or not I was told point-blank by some members here that the church would be better off without me…
I believe that Jesus said something about “the gates of Hell will not prevail against it” (it=Catholic Church) when He established it while the apostles were present. There’s also a silly incident I heard about when someone, I think during the Cold War threatened a Bishop or Cardinal or someone in a capacity of that sort with destroying the Catholic Church. The Bishop replied something like this → “well, good luck. We’ve been trying for over 2000 years and haven’t been successful.”Could the Catholic Church as an institution (at least as we know it today) survive if 70% of its members decided to, say, become Episcopalians instead?.
So, say you were dog sitting. You never petted the dog, just let him out in his yard and fed him. You were supposed to also walk the dog on the leash, pet him and brush him and check his ears once a week. I know it’s a poor analogy, but do you think the dog’s owners would applaud you? And say you didn’t know much about doggies, but didn’t want to know any more because you had other things that mattered more in your life, so you only half-listened to the owners who entrusted the dog to your care? I know for me, I wouldn’t be too excited about a dog sitter like this and would never hire them again.Maybe I’m just in a mood today, but I think we should be applauding people who hang on to this faith by their fingernails instead of complaining about them. .
Sometimes I suspect too, that people reject parts of the church bit by bit, and in that, they aren’t really “hanging on,” as I see it, but distancing themselves little by little, until they are totally distanced from their faith. But that is how I see it. I could be wrong.
I like a similar saying. It goes “courage is fear that has said its prayers.”There’s a saying that courage isn’t not being afraid, it’s being afraid and going ahead anyway…
Plus the Holy Spirit also has other gifts → wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety and fear of the Lord.
We need to be willing to take up our cross and follow the Lord. Have you ever looked at a Crucifix and remembered what God did for us out of love?Something similar could probably be said in this case. It’s easy to do what the church wants if you agree with it…
I know that there are diverse bunches of people in the Catholic Church, who do have personal differences. I wonder what these personal differences you mention are.But three cheers for those who try to stay with and support the church despite personal differences that they can’t reconcile…
If they are not in line with Catholic teaching perhaps it would be helpful for you to study these issues and keep discussing with the Lord and other good Catholics and be willing to see and possibly accept these things from their point of view.
But this is my opinion. Sorry to ramble on. Please ignore all this if it isn’t helpful. And please keep me in your prayers.