Could you please provide an example of what teaching? Because if it’s not Dogma or Doctrine, there might be some latitude. I too used to think like you do, but as I have become more and more evangelized & catechized; I’ve discovered the brilliance in Catholic teaching.Threads like these make me think maybe I’m not in the right religion.
I want to be Catholic, honestly. Believe me when I say I do. I was raised in this religion and would hopefully raise my own children in it. I have had personal experiences with God that have left me unable to doubt His presence in my life.
But I cannot and refuse to shut off my brain. If I have a moral objection to something in the Church that I have researched thoroughly and prayed about, I should not have to shrug and assume the Church is right and I’m wrong. With no room for debate or understanding, how is any institution supposed to flourish?
God gave us logic and critical thinking for a reason. I think oftentimes Catholics want me to use my logic but only if the end result is Catholicism. If my faculties point me to the slightest deviation from the Catechism, then I simply am not thinking about it hard enough or haven’t read enough (God forbid) Aquinas. And if in spite of all that I still don’t see “The Truth” then I ought to give up my will and assume the Church is right.
Maybe this is pride talking, or my ego desperate not to be given up, but these are genuine frustrations that the Church has to response to.
I could talk to you about the mortal sins I used to commit or approve of and now how I am 100% against them. And I’m on 37 years old. Once you realize that Christ speaks through the Church and doesn’t not allow the Church to error in terms of Faith and Morals, you realized that everything the Church teaches comes directly from Christ.
I married a Jewish woman back in the day. We are still married, but she is still not comfortable with me going to Mass and Bible Study or never missing on Sundays. When we married, I only went once or twice a year. My wife can’t even say the word “church.” She will ask me what time are you going to your “shindig” and when will you be home? It’s not easy. I feel called to do more and more for the Church, but I can’t do all I want because of my wife. But I also cannot deny the Truth.
Feel free to PM me if you have questions.
My The Lord Bless you on your Faith journey.