Ok, I don’t understand a few things here. One is that If I am Catholic and I die in a state of grace, I go to heaven. So, why would I care to “survive” these three days. Some prophesies state that children wil be spared these horrors. so if I am caught outside and am killed then why would I have wanted to go through the three days of absolute horror, in darkness. Also some prophesies state that you should not open your doors or help those who are calling to you from outside. This seems to be in contradiction to What Jesus himself would preach. If I heard voices calling for help and tried to help them and died because of it then wouldn’t that be a great case for mayrterdom.
Again is why would one want to be lucky enough to survive these three days what is the reward for doings so, why must we prostrate and pray acts of contrition if the outcome is already foretold…Three days. I guess an equation would be the passover so eventhough I feel that this is theologically ignorant I probably will nonetheless go out and buy some beeswax candles and sheepishly ask a priest to bless them. Better safe than sorry and better faithful than logical I always say.