I read the books and currently have one sitting on my shelf, only partially read.
A friend of mine at work, a Catholic convert to Baptist religion introduced them to me and actually lent me several books. They prompted several discussions on the faith and I found myself defending Catholicism…and realized that although I was non-practicing, I actually understood the faith more so than she did.
I did find the books to be disturbinging anti-Catholic, but just the same, they prompted me to flee back to the Church for 2 reasons:
- I realized my immortal soul was in jeapordy as a result of my separation from Jesus Christ
- I couldn’t stomach the misconceptions about the Catholic church.
What did I see that was anti-Cathoilic? Well, first of all, Catholics which were “sedevacantists” were the ones who were raptured. In other words, if they were Catholic but did not accept Vatican II; The Pope in the book became the head of the One World Religion which fostered the anit-christ; all the remaining Catholics either became tools of the anit-christ or if they were “intelligent” they accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and became believers to the author’s satisfaction.
There were no Catholics in the Left Behind series; they were really Protestants, and anyone aligned with the Pope at the time was pretty much condemned to hell as they clearly aligned the Pope with the antichrist.
The Pope in the books was Liberal and I believe would never have become Pope in the real world. They did have a Pope lined up, but he was pushed out as a result of the antichrist’s work (am I remembering this correctly) so to do the authors justice, if the Pope in the book had been JP2, I believe he would have been raptured.
In any case, there is a very thin line. I’ve considered writing a letter of thanks to Tim LaHaye to thank him for directing me back to my faith and the Church, but for some reason I don’t think he would consider it good news!
I have a coworker, a converted Catholic to some Protestant faith…he doesn’t see the anti Catholicism…but then again, he left the faith so obviously he has already been misled and will not identify lies about the Church very accurately.
Anyway, I guess what it comes down to is that I’m here because of those books. They’re hokey but do nail down the nature of evil, so I will give them that.