
Thanks for your insight. I feel better knowing that there are other people going through a similar situation. It is funny that you mention the illegally burned dvd–from someone trying to “save” you is burning dvds. It had gotten so bad that I did leave the church for a while, but I signed my son up for religion education classes which started today. He truely enjoyed going. I also went to Mass while he was in class. I am looking forward to living my life as Catholic.My mother in law in Pentacostal and is very into the rapture hysteria. We get movies (illegally burned dvds) of all kinds of rapture movies from my in laws-which promptly go in the trash. She gave me the series to read but I could not even get past the first one. I found them very poorly written.
As far as our daughter goes if she gave the children books of that series to our daughter I would ask her to take them back. My mother-in-law told me at the end of this summer that next summer she was going to take a week off of work and have our daughter come stay with them so she could go to their vacation bible school. I didn’t respond to her comment figuring it was a year away but if she brings it up again next summer the answer will no, I’m sorry, I’m not comfortable with that. We go to her church when we visit but I’m not exposing our daughter to a week of once saved always saved theology and end times skits.
She was visiting us about a month ago and she saw a holy card I have of St. Anne. She asked who that was and I said Mary’s mother. She says I didn’t they made her a saint. I said well after all she raised a very holy daughter. And my mother in law says in front of our 9 year old why would Mary be considered so holy? My daughter look at my MIL like she was from another planet. She says Grandma she is Jesus’ mom!
Anyway my point was you have a right and responsibilty to raise your children in the Catholic faith. And to protect them from confusing doctrine while they are still being formed in the faith. I would suggest either decline accepting the books or put them away. Don’t feel you have to give them to your child because you mother in law wants him to have them. I doubt they would allow Catholic children’s books to be passed out to young children at their church.